Canadians, this is your leader

say something nice about him Sup Forums

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He is a fag


He's just visiting his future leaders

Today he is a nigger.


fucking kek

> tfw the group you are virtue signaling to tells you to quit virtue signaling them

Too much soy

>say something nice about him Sup Forums
HE's out of our country right now. And I think that's nice.

I like her scarf

He's less of a white supremacist than Donald Drumpf

This is why I fucking hate wh*te people. You stole us from our home. Violently and brutally stole architects, engineers, doctors and lawyers from their home land and brought them to work for you for free. Fucker you cracka, racist ass hillbilly shit. The day will come when your people pay for the shit you've done to us. Your hatred is irrational, my hatred has basis.

If you make fun of Canada's leader, he laughs.

Say what you will but the clothes are beautiful and the images are spectacular

hey that's our prime menstruator you are talking about

I voted for him, and so far it seems like he’s keeping the only promise I care about.. legal weed.

So fuck you guys he’s good in my book.

Believe it, nigger shitleaf. You are the most hated people anywhere.


Did he poo on the street... if he didn’t poo on the street, he’s a total larp poser

dude weed lmao!

go be a nigger somewhere else

I think he needs to be shopped into pics with cosplayers

Lol he should have been asked this.

He makes me laugh

>Your hatred is irrational, my hatred has basis.

But I've owned no slaves, Nor have any of my ancestors.
And slavery was abolished long ago, so you've likly never been a slave. (unless your like really old, like 2 or maybe 3 hundred year old)

So how does your hatred have basis? And why is my hatred of those that hate me for no reason "irrational"?


He is a faggot and I guess faggots like other faggots.

He has a big closet.
Time to step out of it.

He reminds me of this comical duo.

>when in rome do as romans do
>be american
>go anywhere
>"wat da fuck is dis shiet niggas fuckin wearin dresses n shiet no i dont wancho diarrhea food gimme dat cheezeburger fuck yo cow god

he is the prime miniskirt

Were talking multicultural peopledom here... this is seriously serious

>go to india
>do as indians do
>shit in street
>pick up 200 diseases natives are immune to
>die on plane back home

at a certain point it becomes pretty offensive and way too tryhard mentality. just suck the modi's dick already justin, it's less humiliating.

oh shut the fuck up already

>when in rome do as romans do
So go to Rome and do several costume changes into a legion, a gladiator and Mario while posing for pictures?

Aziz sees this trip as evidence that governments should hire and empower more staffers of colour who understand the complexities of the world. “Literally all this was avoidable,” he said.

For all the talk of Trudeau’s diverse cabinet, behind the scenes decision makers, staffers and bureaucrats remain monochromatic.

“I think that frankly minorities, brown folks, people of colour should say this is enough,” says Aziz. “It’s time that millennials (like me) said either you’re going to share power with us or we’re going to mobilize and you’re going to suffer at the ballot box.

“We’re not going to be treated as any one’s vote bank.

“We don’t need you talking down to us. We don’t need you to begin every single speech saying diversity is our strength. What we need is at that beginning point of our conversation we need to be treated as equals, with respect. Then we can have a conversation about policy.”

Shree Paradkar writes about discrimination and identity. You can follow her @shreeparadkar

>Go everywhere.Get seen as a cool macho guy
>Go to India.Get seen as a weak cuck

Dear West,become men again.

He's the logical choice for Canada

You're a fucking cockroach and a blight on humanity if all you care about is weed. What a weak-minded burnout you are.

he should be thrown in the ganges

>You stole us from our home.
And yet you keep coming to live among white people. You suck.

if you truly believe Jewdeau is their leader, then i have some shekels i would like to offer you for your loyalty
btw anyone notice how we can't use the israeli/jidf memeflag since chinkmoot?

>legal weed

Suffrage was and remains an ongoing mistake.

The guy is such a piece of shit cuck...

>When in Rome yadda yadda yadda
What part of that says become a caricature of the locals?

It's impossible

there is nothing nice to say

If you don't invite your enemy to dinner they go hungry.

>architects, engineers, doctors and lawyers
bitch you didnt even invent the wheel why would you have all these civalised things

He sucks only the best Islamic cock

Fucking didn't sign the free trade agreement fuck modi, fuck trudeau


Did Trudeau shit into the street as it is custom?

Yeah your own faggot PM is a great example of how to be a passive aggressive ghandi wannabe

>reeeeee Trudeau supports Punjab Independence reeeeeee
>mister Pm you need to meet Trudeau at the air p- FUCK THAT SEND SOMEONE ELSE REEEEE

Tfw even metro sexual Trudeau makes your Indian Pm hide in fear

Other than his ridiculous ethnic costume non sequitors, I thnk he's well-dressed.



We've been waiting decades now for trade improvements and two way tech and intellectual property transfer. China gets every patent and intellectual property and copies it everywhere whereas we can't sell Canada coconuts




>legal corporate grown irradiated pesticide laden shwag thats more expensive then the black market

He larps as hitler very well


No one is giving you poo monkies anything because you just steal tech and ignore patents when it suits you

Stop stealing meds and tech and maybe when we elect a non-faggot we can trade properly


king of the kingdom of peoplekind


my new fav meme

welp wrap it up boys, we're done here


True, with the difference being that they weren't cucks.


this fucking clown is a walking meme.
its like a spoof comedy show, except its real
he makes me hate all of canada.
how could you faggots let this happen?

He invited a convicted assassin to dinner and cuck his wife.


He's like the parody of a cartoon character who is a parody of a retarded faggot fake leader. I find everything he does either completely hilarious or unbelievably cringe-inducing.

Top Canadian ethnicities


this is you right now

I gave this to my Canadian professor as a gift, it cracked them up.

fucking this.
seriously this.

canadians are a fucking joke

I’m sorry, non-countries have no opinion here, sorry

Imagine that every state in America was as retarded and left leaning as California.

There's the fact that the NDP and the green party, who are both contenders for the same votes as the liberals, bombed. The conservative government had been doing well because of how split the left wingers were between their parties, but the old leader of the NDP died and the green party got cucked by the liberals since the liberals took most of their talking points.

The green party was run by a WOMBYN but Trudeau was still able to get a big chunk of the women's vote since women thought he was hot. Add in some of the same sort of political discontent that America felt when they elected Trump, except that we had our most right wing party in office at the time. Then give Trudeau almost 100% of the immigrant vote, since his stance on immigration is "OPEN BORDERS AS LONG AS THE IMMIGRANTS AREN'T WHITE".

Finally, consider how many stoners and degenerates voted for him to get their weed. His weed stance even won him a few more capitalist leaning right wing votes, since it would create a new industry while the conservatives wanted an outright ban.

Basically Canada is rotten to the core and Trudeau being elected demonstrates this.

You know I want to do the Canadian this g and express some solidarity, but I can't understand your justification. One day when I'm old and I own one hundred maple syrup trees I will remember to visit the discarded husk of once great Canadian metropolis' and plant a seed of a maple tree periodically, to make the most out of what's going to happen to my home, in the hands of people like you.

Imagine actually thinking this is reality

Trudeau was elected because he promised everyone everything and we had Harper for 10 years and people needed a change

Just buy it from your dealer you hoser, its not like the police ever gave a shit.

That would be cultural appropriation