So Sup Forumsacks why is it always housewives that jump into bandwagons like these? Same thing happens with vidya and TV. How did they go from protesting GTA to protesting AR-15's?
Suburban mothers as “activists"
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Not having a job helps.
Whores can demand deez nutz for all the good it will do them.
They need something to do in between drinking wine out of a box.
Kyle's moms a bitch
Box wine and Xanax withdrawls are why they want to fuck everyone over.
Most of these housewives have nothing better to do with their time, they hang out on Facebook or Twitter all day long, drive around in their SUV getting coffee at Dunkin Donuts at 10 in the morning.... this "social activism" is just the next logical step for them in taking their dull life and making something out of it and getting on CNN or MSNBC for doing minimal work.
Rich husbands take care of them and they have very little real problems + They spend a shit ton of time at home doing various housewife things while constantly having TV/radio or whatever other propaganda device there is nowadays on + Other housewives listening to the exact same bullshit all day long gather together every thursday to repeat the leftist talking heads' talking points they heard throughout the week and reaffirm themselves in their views = Activists
It's not them, it's their controllers. Men have a soft spot for women, especially women portrayed as innocent and noble mothers. If the mothers are demanding, we owe it to them to listen! That's the power game at play.
Weak men molded to be submissive and invisible.
That too, but if not for the propaganda devices like TVs, computers and radios they would listen to their husbands more.
They don’t. MDA is a shillbot Soros meme factory.
Had two neighbors go to one of these marches. They are literally the dumbest people in the neighborhood. Know absolutely nothing about guns and the only politics they know are what CNN tells them. Most of the other neighbors don't like them but tolerate them. They posted they were at the march on Faceberg and now everyone knows they have no guns in their home.
Should've thought sooner. The go-to plan of bored housewives:
>Imply superiority over the "have-nots"
>Enjoy comfortable lifestyle
>Swill shit-tier wine to drown anxiety, etc.
>implying this won't become another money laundering scam
They have a lot free time.
ban moms, they give birth to the shooters
I wish. Wifey can only do so many bake sales and beg hubbie for some cash for so long.
Because women are basically just a larger variety of children, and hold the same level of intellect and the same impossible ideas. That is why they should be seen and not heard. As children, they are far too emotional, irrational, and quite frankly, stupid to possess a worthwhile opinion on ANYTHING.
We actually need an age limit for exercising First Amendment rights, so as not to encourage children to believe that they should have a say in how society should be run. Accordingly, persons who display the emotional, irrational characteristics of children should be restricted as well. That means YOU Mary Sue.
Because women are useful idiots
So true.
Most of the time women are just idiots
True. They are mostly far less useful than they are idiotic.
Why do you give these tiny unimportant groups so much attention?