White people have no culture

>white people have no culture

where are the trannies?

I hate you. I really do.

Its true, white people have no culture. The accurate statement is that there is a general pro-freedom culture in the west carefully developed over the last few hundred years which happened to be developed and enjoyed be people who have been majority white.

It's really funny how niggers post this shit on the internet (a white invention) in the English language.
They are literally too fucking stupid to see the irony in that. They are dumb reactive animals that have no foresight or hindsight.

these attacks against white people and our culture doesn't rustle my jimmies one bit.
i just remember that time we traveled through space and landed on another celestial body.

Don't you mean american whites?

Niggers think that whites don't use spice even though the colonization they constantly bitch about was funded through spice trade

Niggers are literally retarded animals operating on instinct. They don't think.

Is that image implying that the law is a white only thing?

whites have culture, but not American because we are just clusterfucks of different races and ethnicities.

yea, because were the only people who follow it.

Nobody likes suits

Do niggers really not put mayo on sandwiches?

damn...I chew skoal, I have a pair of Vibram 5 fingers, I like hellmann's mayo also.
Fuck, This makes me happy to be white!!

What was the secret about? i just watched the intro.

Brownskins say whites have no culture because they're so used to white culture. White culture made everything, so the learned to associate "culture" with "tacky" "weird" and so on. They never stop to think that white culture is everywhere, and they merely adopt it.

>From Middle French culture (“cultivation; culture”), from Latin cultūra (“cultivation; culture”), from cultus, perfect passive participle of colō (“till, cultivate, worship”) (related to colōnus and colōnia), from Proto-Indo-European *kʷel- (“to move; to turn (around)”).
>Perfect passive participle of colō (“till, cultivate; worship”).

E.g. white people don't worship. Gentile scum.

You know when I was watching all those pictures from the black panther cinema gatherings and all those niggers dressing in their ''traditional'' nigger clothes, I asked myself if they even know what kind of ''culture'' Africans have.

Niggers in Africa have not build anything of significance. Throughout multiple thousand years nigger didn't manga to even build simply monuments or advance their architecture at all. They are so primitive and stupid that they can't even maintain anything build by whites. Their entire culture consists of rape, killing other niggers, mutilating other niggers or fighting naked with long sticks for weapons.

How can anyone take pride in that shit?

White Europeans have culture. Each country has its own unique one.

White Americans though, don't. Other than mass consumerism, yuck. They're so fake.

>we're white again
Aussies are alright yknow

Shut up manbaby

Can I get a quick rundown on "The Secret"?

It's metaphysics, I guess
Its main statement is if you think positively about what you want, the universe will provide it

>it's another "America's fattest demographic pretends they don't like mayonnaise" meme

Yeah, if you're a fucking moron who buys them from the mall. A well made and well tailored suit wears equally as well.


If there is black culture then there is white culture, because culture is relative.

>Judge = law and order in a stable society
>Video cameras, transmission systems, televisions sets = science and technology
>Portable vaporizer = science, technology, and chemistry
>Ugly sandals = materials science and design
>Spree killer = unlike other races, only insane white people commit such violence
>Mayo, tobacco, and yogurt = industrial farming (no starvation), mass production, capitalism, refrigeration, and logistics
>OMG gluten is poison = yes, we have our idiots as well
Never saw that movie and don't know the twat at the top so I can't say anything about them.
So, yeah, white culture is pretty awesome. Thank you for the reminder!

Lets do one with just about every industrial and technological advancement that has ever existed, and also all of the food they stole from us.

False. Don't fall into this retarded trap of fooling yourself into believing liberal lies about white Americans having no culture. Your political opponents won't hesitate to say that black Americans have culture, roots and heritage, or that Hispanic Americans have culture, roots and heritage, so stop being a faggot.

Also historically speaking the USA and Canada are brand new countries and you've already established a high standard of quality of life. Civility in its own right is culture.

Let's name white culture examples.
Oil a la Rockefeller
Scientific theory
Ship building

>>white people have no culture
So, does Europe just not exist?

Don't forget . . .


These are products of white culture.
No other race could produce this.
If you are even browsing Sup Forums you are involved with white culture.

I mean nobody 'cool' wears suits, nobody wants to wear them work, they're lame and only worn on rare occasions, usually against the wearer's will

Thats right.
A few more

Slide thread. Don't bump this crap. Contribute to a real thread.

Sup Forums was literally copypasted from the nips

Truly abhorrent

All websites, regardless of who created them, are a product of white culture. The internet was invented by white people, the website format was invented by white people. The Japanese have been copying white culture, trying to play catch-up, for almost one hundred years.

>white people have no culture
>majority of great inventions are white products
>fashion is dominated by whites
>global languages are white dominated (english, french, spanish)
>music trends
>culturally decimated nations and entire continents
daily reminder that even if all even half-whites or whitewashed people disappeared from this world overnight, the world would STILL be eternally infected with the plague of european culture

also daily reminder finns are not white and that europeans killed our heritage

I unironically vape avoid grains and like mayonnaise. TRIGGERED!

thanks brit bro, you're alright

> honor
> integrity
> morals

all of the characteristics non whites cant into

Lol but how do I stop drinking?

American whites don’t have a single culture. There are multiple.

Yup no libraries stacked to the brim with knowledge and no museums packed with art. Its just american consumerism mixed with british victorian tradition, thats basically all there is to Whypippo

They do a pretty good job at it too, that's why they're honorary

Cowardly Sumerian-descended Uralics fear the potent seed of Indo-European Babylon


DK people (donkey kong/dunning-kruger) people are too retarded to realize it's practically impossible for them to not wear/use items from white culture for a single day.

They should probably wear a loin cloth and a giant lip disc piercing before making their claims about this.

And fuck me for not proofreading and saying people twice. Gonna go an hero now

This is white American culture

Does anyone have an actual culture in the hypercapitalist, post-industrial, neo-tribalist world?

What does "culture" even mean anymore, besides financially-motivated demographic variations in corporate-state consumerism?

at this point school shootings might as sello become muhrican culture

They are. American Feminist culture, to be precise.

Living in the West and saying white culture doesn't exist is like being a fish saying there's no such thing as water.

>whom is reviewbrah

This is a random selection of unrelated things that have no link. The thing binding them together is white culture. This meme shows that white people do have a culture.

Craig T. Nelson? LOL this shit's hilarious.

Go twerk or shoot another nigger, nigger.

What's wrong with wheat?

We do, but even if we didn't, why do I give a fuck? Black people have culture and it's the worst thing I've ever seen

>t. somebody who has literally never existed in or seen a corporate business setting
please kill yourself leaf, the world would be a better place

>law is an exclusive feature of white societies
nuff said

Whites will never build a Nation as great and advanced as Wakanda.

and Whites will never be Space Kangz.

meybe in burgerland but that's the base of our society since more than 3000 years

I hate when people say POC have no culture like try sweetie

White culture doesn’t exist outside of, like, all of western music, automobiles, airplanes, electricity, the dominant language, the most popular sports in the world, computers, the internet, video games, ...

...oh wait, maybe all the credit should be given to the mongoloids who temporarily have an impact on fashion/art/music by making small tweeks on ideas *we’ve already created*.