You can steal us as much land as you want - we will still dominate you with work ethic, engineering and productivity...

You can steal us as much land as you want - we will still dominate you with work ethic, engineering and productivity. No reason to say sorry. This dominance is what you fear most. This is what you get now. It is a pleasure to see. Now shut the fuck up and go back to work. Dresden? Bhaha. We rebuilded everything faster than you destroyed it. Your hate is our fuel for our engines. The degenracy today is you karma and your work. Be proud of it.

How about you turn that work ethic toward getting rid of your shit government and their pet migrants?

Sorry, Hans, but in thirty years Abdul is going to own all of that.
Wish we could help. We've had our differences, but we're all fucked now.


big words for a leaf who is getting fucked by abdul daily

how about we fuck europe up and take everyone with us?

>rebuilded Dresden
seems legit

best idea since 1945. Count me in.

I don't care much about the rise of Germany. I care more that Germany is getting BLACKED.


We all know that if the German people wanted their land back they could have it all back in a month. The capability was always there but the will must be garnered. These states are all pathetic! Poland, Czech Republic, France, Austria. The problem will be kaliningrad but the whole of Europe will be cheering Germany if they kick these filthy Russian mongols out of Europe.

mmhhmm prussia mmhhmm


how is your new airport progressing?

>t flag hiding isle monkey

I have a use for you


Kraut. I desire more land.

Sup Forums army when?

German energy and ingenuity is amazing, nothing can really beat it but there have been some great derailments in in history.

I think the rest of Europe needs Germany as much as Germany needs the rest of Europe.

I am still trying to figure out why the Soviets gave Eastern Germany to Poland.
Wouldn't a strong Germany serve them better than a meager third rate power like Poland?

No need to insult fellow european neighbors. As you know all of western europe has the same problems nowadays. Animosity isn't what we need in these times. We have to stand together as europeans who defend their homelands. The enemy is and was always the same, the eternal Jew. He who deceived so many and made us fight each other in the first place back in the day.

it was about punishment, we killed quite alot of people from them. Also it was to show who is the boss now.

That seems logical, I suppose. I can't imagine Stalin was as upset about the dead as he was nearly losing.

>he doesn't know that native Germans won't just convert to Islam and still dominate pathetic 80 IQ ar*bs

You especially, le 49%

*will just convert to Islam

The Soviets also took eastern Poland and gave eastern Germany to Poland as compensation.

>start shit
>get hit
>cry at mongolian forum
krauts are useless

I think these borders look better anyways

I like Germans and I love how militaristic they are in their thinking but why are they always suicidal? Since Bismarck things have been going only downhill.
>WW1 lost
>WW2 Germany ends in ruins
>EU - Germany dominates Europe once again but is suicidal and its main policies are to exterminate itself

Why are Germans so suicidal? Can't they somehow levitate in the middle and not go towards super extreme ways which usually end with their destruction and the destruction of everyone around them?


Prussian education turned them all into autistic meatpuppets. Their rulers are extreme Darwinists who see the lower classes as genetic dead ends to be fed to the battlefield.

I cringed a little

if you are successful you get many enemies, we have 9 of them right next to us. Because of that the German is always in paranoia of getting invaded or being played into a war. We rather take everyone with us than lose a war ever again.

That's pretty spot on, Hitler wanted the Germans to get raped by the USSR, because they disgusted him with their failure, otherwise he could've surrendered to the west at any moment

What happens here?

could have kept it all but you just had to pick a fight with a superior race, Aryans are the cuck race cant win shit.

>What happens here?
Probably lots of suicide.

>if you are successful you get many enemies

Yes and also if you invade them...

The Austrians are our brothers. They are german just like us and not enemies.

So what happened with Danzig was that one of the real causes and if so was it worth it?

Btw can someone tell me why Britain only declared war on Germany and not the USSR when the USSR also took half of Poland

they are not our enemies but they deny being germans.

If Germans are ingenious, how come you still haven't worked out how to piss standing up?

Sounds about right

murrican, you have my respect.

You're already attempting it, some of us however can see where this road ends and are already abandoning the sinking ship. It's been fun Hans, it really has but you're not what you used to be and currently you're up shits creek without a paddle.

Pls do my country first.
It's already on the edge all it will take is a soft nudge

Fuck off Mehmet

You can keep that all to yourself. Most European countries have turned their back on you and more will in the future.

Also your work ethics is for shit. You can only follow the book and when things derail or new variables are inserted you come to a complete halt. Most of it is just hype and lies, just like the mileages and gas emissions on cars.

You're responsible for the EU financial crisis. You tried to use it to fight an economic war on other countries and when that failed you inserted the migrant crisis to continue to destabilise Europe. Nothing good ever comes from Germany in the long run.

Alsace-Lorraine was never German

>No need to insult fellow european neighbors. As you know all of western europe has the same problems nowadays. Animosity isn't what we need in these times. We have to stand together as europeans who defend their homelands. The enemy is and was always the same, the eternal Jew. He who deceived so many and made us fight each other in the first place back in the day.

Spencer highlighted this exact same problem on stream yesterday but the fact of the matter is this:

Germany is the real problem in Europe and they are the ones who are trying to divide us, either my financial and migrant crisis, or by simply waging war.

Germany needs to be taken out of the European equation. They can't accept a Europe that's not in their control and would rather destroy the continent than let anyone else have it.

>we will still dominate you with work ethic, engineering and productivity.

All of these qualities you are only putting in use to exterminate yourself.

>american education

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

It's funny how you Germans keep forgetting how history works. You may have the upper hand now, but the German controlled EU will soon be dissolved and a new Union will come up in it's place without Germany. The seeds are already planted. Like the Roman Empire fell to the Barbarians you too will fall in less than a generation and here's the kicker; it will be a downfall of your own doing! The #120db movement is the "bird on the coalmine" that everyone is seeing but no one cares anymore. Why? Because it's in Germany and it's of German doing. You're already paying the Turks billions a month, so they "don't let migrants in". You ignored Greece when they asked for help with the migrant crisis and soon they'll also redirect all migrants to Germany and other countries like Italy will follow suit.

You're going to fall under the weight of your own actions and the rest of Europe will cheer.

>Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
Nevermind the fact that Volkswagen, BMW and other brands keep opening factories across the planet... "Made in America" was also once a thing and it also fell.