What's Sup Forums's opinion on giving money to beggars? Should you do it? Why/why not?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on giving money to beggars? Should you do it? Why/why not?
Only if they are in a short-term crisis... Not holding a sign asking for money.
Absolutely not. First world countries have homeless shelters. The people are on the street by choice because you're not allowed to huff petrol/shit yourself/get drunk in the shelter
I do. Alot. Probably shouldn't but i do. I also inevitably give them a few smokes too. Truth is I don't care how they got there, why they're there, or if they'll get better ever. You feed those who are hungry, clothe those who are cold, and help those in actual need to whatever extent you can. Charity is love. Theft of charity though, I detest. Tax dollars doing this infuriates me. But I'd give some asshole the short off my back as long as I have one to go home and put back on.
The only thing you should offer the homeless is a job, nothing else
Giving money to beggars in europe is 100% pointless. The white ones are begging because they chose to live on the street (aka: crazies and/or druggies) and the non-white ones are mostly part of a large criminal organization as begging brings in a suprising amount of money.
Plus beggars are like animals. Give one some money and more and more of them show up and start shitting and pissing all over the area. Just ignore them and look the the non-whites ones in the eyes so they know how much you despise them.
>muh good vs evil
Not impressed by your argument
Never. I treat em like dogs. A loud and defiant NO as they approach. Did turn out to be funny once
>Timmy hos drive through, 530a
>boxed in, car fore and aft
>driving a 96 xj with my big ass Rottie in the back
>black bum approaches from the passenger side
>immediate NO
>he stands there in a stupor, momentarily unable to comprehend
>”phugg you blitch”
>”da fug u dink”
>continues to shout epithets as my Rottie growls
Only if they're white. I throw up the white power hand sign every time I do so that they understand why I'm doing it.
Are you that ignorant?
Name one country with enough homeless shelters to home even a quarter of their hobos
Charity is the white man's privilege and an important christian value, not giving anything if you have useless coins just sitting in your pocket makes you a subhuman
That doesn't account for fake hobos like the gypsies obviously
It's not an argument, it's a faith. Peace and love are the aim of every man, political party or religion. Practice is sparse though. So is the lack of in group preference.
Never have given beggars anything, but gotta help out our white males.
My city is filled with white beggers and all they do is shoot heroin, smoke research chemicals and mug people at cash machines. Maybe it's safer because you can actually defend yourself over there.
Do not feed de gypsy it breeds!!
I don't have any real opinion on it. Whether I give him something or not mostly depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm generous, sometimes I spit on them, I don't really know what to do with them because thinking about them I see as a waste of my time so I try keeping it at 50/50 for amusement's sake or something.
I have a mental issue which amongst a handful of problems causes me various level of pain. From minor scratching, to being burned with hot metal, to I literally could not get out of bed or speak if my life depended on it. It cannot currently be treated or cured. I've been homeless more times than I can count, and the sum total of which is probably over three years. Not once did I ever beg for money.
If a person ends up homeless they're typically the sort of people that should be gotten rid of in society. I have no illusions about the matter. That said, if you actually care, you need to work on the problems that cause them in the first place. It's a classic case of trying to put a bandaid on a severed arm.
I only help them if they are white
I've recently just stopped acknowledging them entirely and they have had a BAD reaction to it. One guy called me "white boy," and a white addict called me an "asshole." I do nothing and it brings out their true nature.
I never have any cash on me.
Too bad that every beggar is a nigger
Depends on the person in need and the location.
I wouldnt help, for example, a work-able person rotting away on a metropolis because hes too lazy to migrate to a less densely populated area and find work (ie a Farm).
But I would help a disabled person, old man or woman with kids.
I'll offer to buy them something to eat. I'm not giving them money so they can buy booze or drugs.
I'll give em a cigarette. Sometimes I would keep some canned food in my car and hand a beggar one when they approached my window at a stop light.
I try not to but I feel bad for them and inevitably give them a couple bucks or a cig. At least, if they're white.
I usually buy them food when all I have is a card.
Here in Latvia homeless people can always get shelter, food, and dry clothes unless they are drunk or drugged.
t. I used to talk to hobos then I was a kid
I give money to white beggars, and only when the nearest liquor store is owned by whites.
People begging will never get money from me, unless I can exploit them in some way.
Gave the guy .50 cents to have him pose for this pic.
>Walking out of Burger King
>See begger
>He asks for money
>See liquor store 50 feet away
>Offer to buy him a meal
>"Fuck you man."
Yeah, fuck homeless and beggers.
I don't
that posted you're responding to is 100% correct.
you're trying to say that an individual can't get it together to scrape together 500$ every month to ensure they have a roof over their head?
people are homeless because they like heroin and crack cocaine and would rather be on the street than at a job
Shut up retard, a bunch of hobbos deny help.
you know homeless shelters dont let people stay for free right? they typically charge about $15 per night
when i get begged, i give. why? its like with suicide. if someone says suicidal shit you have to take it seriously even if theyre probably kidding. i know the beggar is probably just a drunk scamming me for beer money, but he MIGHT really be starving
ONLY drug addicts hold signs begging. Mentally ill people do NOT do that. They are digging through trash using survival instincts. They aren’t aware enough of their situation to beg for hours on end. Fuck the bums with signs. You did it to yourself.
>you want money
>i want to photograph you
> all i have is change in my ashtray
I've been exploiting them for over 10 years.
Ask them what they are going to do with the money first, if they say something like "First I'm gonna get a beer then buy some crack", I'll give them some change or a dollar or something.
I pay for their honesty, not their lies.
So let them starve. Fuck em. World has too much dead weight as is.
check out stossel's video on the homeless
Los Angeles here, I seriously with all these people would fucking die. They are disgusting parasites that come from all around the country and Mexico, not your fellow residents down on their luck, subhuman trash that doesn't deserve to exist. Whether you're in shit areas or fucking Malibu and Beverly Hills you get begged for money like 300 times a day. Because of this I've grown to distrust people in general and ignore everyone who tries to talk to or even look at me since I assume they are just going to beg, acting like they're just being friendly or asking for the time or directions then ask for money. Most street beggars are mentally ill drug addicts who should be euthanized out of compassion. Back in the day the citizens and police would force them out or slaughter the masses of homeless sleeping, shitting and begging on the streets. But instead, they add a sales tax for homeless services, organizations set up public feedings, and this just draws in more of them to no end. Places like Downtown LA and Santa Monica have turned into open hobo camps intersperses with gentrified yuppie shops, restaurants and luxury apartments.
I don't give money to homeless people begging on the street in my town. We have 3 shelters they can go to that I've visited personally to see if the criticisms about them were true. All 3 of them offer places to stay, fully cooked meals donated by charities, businesses, etc., and all 3 have showers and baths where they can wash up instead of using a McDonald's bathroom. Instead of taking advantage of these facilities, many of the homeless here choose instead to live under the bridges and in the field behind one of the hospitals. They lit a fire a few months ago and it got out of control and the hospital almost had to evacuate. My family much prefers to donate money to children's hospitals, and other charities that benefit people who truly didn't choose to be in the situation they are in.
This is actually true, I've lived in Baltimore City all my life and you make a great point. Mentally ill people don't hold signs, they dig through trash. And drug addicts hold signs.
The best thing I seen though, was when I was out in the county, and some older white guy had a sign saying he was down on his luck or whatever, but he was selling little flags, and he would take whatever you'd give him for a flag. I gave him 20 bucks and told him to keep his flags for more sales.
Your money is food and the homeless are rats. Now think of what you should do.
Fuck that there’s no excuse to be homeless in Britain, they are either faking it, drug addicts or fucked up the place where the council was housing them so they got kicked out
If they are that desperate for a roof over themselves and some food just commit a minor crime until they decide to lock you up
here is another beggar...he walked into the laundromat begging. Same thing, I pay you .50 cents, you pose for a photo op.
Drugs/alcohol are an issue but also hardly optional if you expect to survive outside and not become completely insane from loneliness and the cold in a couple months
They usually don't become junkies just to avoid getting a job...
Also, do you not realize how close to being a bum the average working joe is?
>lose (((job))) because life
>wife leaves because life
>your parents are dead/not supporting you because life
>congratulations, you are now homeless
I do, infrequently. As to whether you should or should not, it's a judgement call.
it's fucked user
I lived in LA for a couple of years and I like to walk
you can't do it without going through some fucking homeless tent shanty town
natives act like they don't exist, the fucking hypocrites
it's a dying city, such a shame
Your blushing anime girl made me think that what you posted was going be something lewd about the homeless.
It's because the shelters don't allow alcohol and will call the police on anyone with drugs.
I say only if they tell me the craziest thing they've seen living on the streets. Then usually shoot them a quid or a ciggy. Heard some funny stories, don't regret it.
Same in America. If you're homeless in america, the government will give you everything. Only someone who's actually mentally ill wont know what to do to get free shit. But if you're competent enough to make a sign, you're competent enough to walk around the corner to Social Services.
>literally hundreds of women's shelters
>women begging for money
Flat no, women have it so easy as homeless in 1st world countries. If they are begging they are looking for a paycheck to pay their bills, not because they are actually homeless. Or drugs.
Men are a trickier subject, homeless men in The U.S.A. are actually treated like shit.
I usually offer them food, if they don't take it with a big smile and actual thanks. I tell them to fuck off and get a job.
A real homeless man would be grateful for anything, ANYTHING.
If they just want money they are scamming.
if their white yes other no
>A coin is turned over before handed to a beggar, yet a child is unflinching thrown into cosmic brutishness. - Peter Zapffe
No. And here's why.
A vast majority of people panhandling for money make more in a day than YOU doing this. They are either LARPing as someone in need, or they are supporting an expensive drug habit. Watch what happens when you offer to buy them a sandwich instead. They get angry, or make an excuse why it HAS to be money.
>trust people who have proven themselves to be completely incapable of keeping their shit together with cash
Nope. If you must give to the homeless, give to organizations that provide food and shelter. Never fill cups, never empty pockets. The exception being street performers, or homeless looking to do shit work like washing your windshield. At least they're trying. If they ask first, go ahead and give if you feel the need.
Charity in general is a bad plan though.
I look down on beggars. Sometimes when I see them in the cold winter I say "working hard?"
Motherfucking beggars here are professional fuckers. Don't give them a dime, user. You're feeding a leech problem. Extraction of wealth out of your economy to Romania. Don't engage in it.
they are organized gangs more often than not. why would you directally support gangs that exploit people?
I'm not sure really. My mom owns a salon shop on top of her job at the hospital and the girls there have called police multiple times about fires and people camping near the back employee entrance. Nothing ever really gets done other than the usual "move along", even when they are obviously high or ill. Sometimes the police won't even come and my brother or I have had to drive down there and shoo them away because the girls are afraid they might get assaulted. Seems like the police are under pressure by the city to do nothing or be lenient.
Sorry user, too many pics. j
Just chose whatever one I liked most.
sometimes they need something other than food though, a homeless man who was sort of known in my area said he never particularly needed food, he said he could always get a free bowl of food at the shelter and food was the #1 hand out from people, but he wished he had the money to buy some blankets or fresh clothes once in a while
>its like with suicide. if someone says suicidal shit you have to take it seriously even if theyre probably kidding
No, you don't. You need to take that Facebook tier normie shit the fuck out of here.
There are homeless shelters, welfare payments, housing benefit (free rent) charities, soup kitchens, food banks. And guess what, MY fucking tax pays for all of it. Beggars have their hand deep in my pocket already. I've got a family to feed and a mortgage to pay. You want more? Get a job or give up the drugs.
I'll generally give homeless people a bit of change as I'm passing. Or a hot drink and something to eat if there's a place nearby and I've got the time. Especially if it's a cold night and they're still on the street.
I don't think it's everybodies moral obligation to take care of their cities homeless population but having been there myself I know the difference just a small gesture like that can make.
Also I feel it's worth pointing out that there's a difference between someone who's genuinely down on their luck and doesn't know where they'll sleep tonight or where their next meal will come from and the sorts of professional beggars that you sometimes see. The former is worth a bit of change and a moment of your time. The latter is worth less than the pavement they're sat on.
>stop at a red light, right next to someone asking for money on the street
>refuse to give him anything because he's holding a fucking cigarette
>"Ey, fuck you esse!"
Anyways, if you are going to give something then give them food or water, not money
Better to volunteer at a soup kitchen or give food
i don't have trouble with beggars at red lights..I have pit bull security
Then offer him clothes and/or blankets.
I've met people who actually did this as a living, or as an easy way to get drug money, and it's infuriating.
One guy told me he would go to the grocery store parking lot on Thanksgiving, looking as disgusting as possible, with a "WILL WORK FOR FOOD" sign. He made thousands in one day.
99.9999% of the time it's a scam.
this. i've went through crisises and been homeless, and would have loved for some people to help me, as i had been absolutely generous to all sorts of people long before.
but i never held a sign.
some people that hold signs genuinely need it, but theres many struggling people around without a sign that need help, you just have to look.
and ffs give to men, its not about trying to get laid or make yourself feel better (white knighting). and women get a lot more aaaistance already.
If you have social programs you should guide them on how to get help from them.
If you don’t you should give them some money once in a while.
Begging is not dignified in a modern civilized society.
Two conservative radio hosts in southern California tried this a few years back. They posed as a pair of homeless guys, put up a sign, and tried to see how much they'd get in a day. If I recall correctly, they made quite a bit.
I live in TN, there was multiple reports (due to IRS becoming involved) where a man paid off a 40k dollar car in a year, he also had a 3-4 bedroom house in a lower middle class area. He had a lot of useless shit in his house that usually takes years to collect.
His wife was working a part time job and used all of her money to pay the house payment to try and make things look legit. Apparently and i'm hoping i'm not mistaken. Some cops watched him for some weeks as he set up shop near the square. He would walk about half a mile down the road and get picked up somewhere else. They ran the tag and found out it belonged to his wife so they sent up a inquiry.
He apparently made over 100k dollars.
If he worked only half the days of the year and was sitting out there for only a few hours it comes up to like 60 dollars a day.
That's if he wasn't even trying.
you can tell who is genuinely in need of assistance and who is a habitual beggar, once you separate the two, give help to person in need and ignore habitual ones.
The other day I've see a kid at the traffic light doing "tricks" with juggling balls and in 20 sec that the light was red and 10sec of performance he got $5 from first car and $2 from 2nd car next to it! WHY THE FUCK AM I SLAVING AWAY A WAGEKEK JOB 7am-7pm WHEN I CAN MAKE MY HOURLY WAGE EVERY RED LIGHT?!?!
The problem is there’s no way to tell the difference between someone who’s in crisis and needs seriously help because they can get better or someone who is literally dog shit kill themselves level of nigger
my brother was a drug addict/homeless
there are tons of places willing to give these guys food, they only need cash for drugs
Ya fucked up Jeff.
The hobocaust is a necesarry step in ascending our race
>niggers confirmed not human
Yea, the photo had all of my info posted on the dogs tags. LOL
Every homeless shelter I've stayed in over the years has been free. The 15 dollar beds are usually either premium beds or an excuse beggars use to get people to part with their money easier.
Genuinely homeless people need a hand up, not a hand out. If they aren't scamming, they are nearly always there because life handed them lemons when they had no lemon press handy.
If I have the time, I offer to take them to a nearby cafe for a proper sit down meal. You'd be surprised how many times I get refused.
I lived in regions for a long time. When I started going to uni in the big city, I felt so bad for homeless people, I'd give them a dollars or two all the time. One time this old man got in front of me and asked for some cash, had no change but I decided to give him a $5 bill.
Fast-foward to a a week or two later, same dude, doesn't recognizes me. This time I genuinely have no cash on me, and I apologize. He then proceeds to call me a faggot, piece of shit, etc.
I dont give away money anymore.
Perhaps if you understood his argument and your countryman did, you wouldn't be a third world shithole.
Then again you're probably a nigger living off of gibs.
are actual gypsies included? Like, those who live in caravans and aways travel between the EU countries?
I obviously now that romanian sewer-living ones are absolutely included
What a bunch of fucking cucks in this thread. Having pity on the the needy? Oh how kind. Yes keep feeding the junkies and welfare collectors, while they milk your future dry.
What a joke. Fucking garbage litters the street in the form of human waste, kids can't even walk around or play in a park anymore. What a great future the previous generations have given us with "Oh they just need a little help"
How fucking pathetic it is that there are even such things as homeless encampments? The future is fucked until the trash gets taken out. These things are signs of social decay. Starts from the top with corruption, and starts from the bottom with disease and soulless apathy. Junkie fucking degenerates with blue hair, worthless garbage that otherwise would work if forced to. God damn this kike controlled country
>You'd be surprised how many times I get refused.
hey retard, do you realize how stupid you sound?! If idiot like you forces them to go eat, how many other retards do so too, how many times per day can you fucking eat and finish your meal before being called a faggot because you didn't finished what you were offered?
Genuinely homeless arent homeless for long as there are plenty of programs to help you, you just cant be a junkie.
So everyone still on the street is a junkie begging for drugs
You stupid cunt. No-one takes homeless people for a meal. The best they can manage is a pound coin or to give them a spare burger as they exit McDonalds. Even the supermarkets in my country just have homeless boxes for donations to the shelter, but won't let beggars into the shop.
That's why I do it. It gives them a bit of dignity and makes them feel human for a change. That they can improve their life when someone cares enough to sit with them for a while, instead of applying a salve to their christian guilt before hurrying away from the dirty person on the pavement.
The simple fact is, a lot of these people are scam artists with homes, and don't want to go for a meal because they will lose their profitable pitch to another scam artist.
I speak as someone who has actually been homeless twice, btw. And several times I have had interesting conversations over a plate of bacon and eggs, with people who have been fucked over by life and nothing more.
>Genuinely homeless arent homeless for long
Doesn't mean they don't need an uplift now and again.
And you'd be surprised how restrictive those "programs" are. One "charity" refused to give me a recommendation for a job until I was in long term accommodation, despite some guy offering me a job even though I was on a park bench (I still got the job, but thanks a lot compassionate charity bureaucrats).
It's time for your pill again user, open wide, we don't want you going all cuckoo again ;)
Beggars here are either smelly gypsies or some other kind of subhuman (Afghan, Turk, etc), so it's easy to just pass by ignoring them and hoping winter chan will let them freeze to death.
Of course what are you a heartless bastard just think of my children how will I be able to feed them otherwise Sven tell me.
If theyre white.
took our £10 to help out a begger who's been on the same road for couple of month next day i see him inhaling a spray can some type of drug no idea never again
Do you even have a country or is it just one giant cartel front?