Why are black people so violent?

Why are black people so violent?

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they evolved in jungles

Why is the sky blue?

Low IQ, poor impulse control.

the fuck why is his eyes THAT close together holy fucking shit

i can't stop looking. This must be photoshopped.

you cherrypick examples

their crime rate spikes up like a mountain around the age of puberty, and then slowly falls as they ageinto their 30s and 40s
i'd find the chart but too lazy

And the second guy looks like woll smoth

White people are more violent
They started WW1 and 2

we wuz ao oni n sheiit

Underdevelopped frontal lobe



>when the amount of evidence is so vast


>not able to understand or differentiate between societal and interpersonal violence there differences.

you usless fucks really do just run on 9 volts.

Poor guy, he only needs one goggle to go swimming, except, we'll...

A lower IQ than hwites by roughly o e standard deviation, and high serum testosterone.

they only know tribe wars for resources

because they are niggers

that pinhead has to be photoshopped

nigga don't ever step to me when im at mall with my gurl

The guy in the big photo looks like a randomly generated face from a character creator.
The haircut on the guy in the bottom right is almost more offensive than beating a homeless man to death.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Lower the IQ the more likely they are to handle a situation with violence...

Why do you keep making this thread?

If his eyes were any closer together he'd be cyclops.


>Why are black people so violent?

Single mother families.

Its natural for predatory animals

Low IQ, high testosterone, inability to defer immediate gratification.

What the fuck is wrong with that dude’s eyes?

Niggers Can’t Swim !!!

single mothers

Just take a look at the place we took them from


>Single mother families
This is the correct answer.

They lack the ability to reason. Thomas Jefferson wrote about this when he visited Africa to try and negotiate with pirates who were downing American/European ships.

The sad reality is that Americans view the third (last) guy in that picture as white. LMAO, sad.

We all know blacks are violent and criminal. This is a sliding thread

>poor impulse control.
This, more than anything. Isn't this related to the 2-repeat MAO allele and violence? They needed quick reflexes to avoid jungle predators, but this impulsivity leads to poor decisions in all areas of life. Even high IQ blacks are prone to chipping out over the slightest of slights.

That face has to be CGI. He looks like a fucking cartoon.

mutt face is a myt-

the one on the left hurts my brain

Nice bait kike, hand rub and be divisive harder. More like Eric Holders Justice Department would call that nigger white

Daily life must be a struggle for you.

>>Single mother families
>This is the correct answer.

I know... we need to get people to understand that "single mother families" are DESTROYING America. Strong families are the root of all cultures/societies. Black America destroyed itself when black men stopped marring black women, it has degenerated to a tribal existence of single mother families with "fathers" drifting from woman to woman producing children then drifting away.


FAS face. For your own safety, learn to spot it from a distance.

Username checks-out. LoL

They’ll stab you in the blink of an eye.

Who keeps editing the eyes on this picture???


those are jews

Black countries couldn't start WWI and 2 because the pinnacle of African war technology was a pointy bit on a stick, not because their people are less violent.

Hmm no clue


Pick one.

Man, Tuvok really fell in with a rough crowd after Voyager ended.