You guys are fucking retarded. AR 15’s rounds travel faster and hit harder than any handgun ever could. How tf you seriously expect concealed carry to beat an assault rifle?
You guys are fucking retarded. AR 15’s rounds travel faster and hit harder than any handgun ever could...
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Is this for real?
do you imply here that it's 3x easier to dodge a bullet of a handgun? DO YOU?????
Retard alert.
Don't slower bullets actually do more damage though due to tumbling effects?
It is incredibly retarded reasoning from Lawrence but you have to understand that his target audience are niggers, faggots and White females.
Thank God. By the leftists own argument we should all be allowed silencers
>MSNBC unironically tweeted this
What the ar 15 doesn’t have is the element of surprise, when the shooter is going on a rampage all the guys with the hand guns need to do is wait for an opportunity. Beats speed of bullets any day of the week.
>shoot self with hand gun
>shoot self with rifle
>comeback and tell us wich one hurt more
What in tarnation does he even mean by this? He thinks the microsecond differences is going to matter in some fucking high noon scenario?
Holy shit how can you even be this clueless?
niga wat?
>see flag
>makes sense
So what your saying is that teachers should be armed with AR 15s...
Shoot him while he's distracted.
/I win
/end thread you fucking fagget
You idiot, wait for your opportunity and shoot him. Are you retarded?
How will OP ever recover?
Op you should fuck off back to brit cuck land.
this has to be a joke right? liberals can't be really that retarded
That is exactly what he is saying!!
he's right though, a fast bullet will cut right through you
a slow bullet will enter and then yaw around in your gruts and shit doing maximum damage
I assume you are asking seriously, as this is exactly something a Goy would ask.
The effect of a bullet on the human body is so vastly beyond anything our body was designed to deal with that by majority of times even the smallest caliber of bullets should be enough to neutralize any adult human being.
So despite concealed carry-guns having a lower caliber bullet than your regular assault rifle (and hereby less dynamic power upon shot), it should be enough to stop any armed assailant as long as the marksman can get a hit.
The school would need hollowpoints. It will be 9mm if anything.
Handgun ammo definitely does NOT do more damage than rifle ammo. Tumbling or not depends on a lot of factors including muzzle velocity and the weight and shape of the bullet. The "stopping power" debate is filled with horseshit regardless.
If this dumb cunt wanted to make a point about the relative stopping power of a hangun and rifle that'd be one thing, but then the rifle being an AR-15 doesn't matter. It's not a super special babykilling machine, there are bolt actions with higher muzzle velocities.
This is just such an abortion of a debate. US liberals have easy points to score but they don't know the front end of a gun from the back end so they can't even use this fucking layup to get legislation passed because they're so fucking dumb they'll ban synthetic stocks and think they've done something about the problem.
imagine going to an all white school, in an all white neighboorhood, in an all white city.
>doesnt know about hydrostatic shock
>doesnt know that 5.45 and 5.56 pitch and yaw
>see flag
also makes sense
Had one of those for a while... fucking loved it.
Seeing as under 100m the impact is pretty much instantaneous after triggerpull that 1 trillionth of a second difference at 10-m distance is not going to matter at all
they are thinking about hollow points
>Bullet travels faster
>both still fire at same time
lol wtf does bullet speed have to do with anything you retards this can't be real. Neither bullet is visible to the human eye at their speeds this is literally the stupidest fact about gun control I've ever fucking heard.
Trained handgun user > medicated kid with a rifle
There is a bit of truth in slower bullets releasing more energy at once on impact but it isn't due to tumbling. For example .500 dumps all of its energy almost right away because it has a large surface area and doesn't move very quickly, while the slightly smaller .44 travels much further after impact because it has less surface area and more momentum.
Nice glorified .22 mag, faggot
Well if a ar-15 is fast we should arm teachers with ar-16’s to give them a better edge in battle
>Implying you can't shoot someone from behind
You'd be surprised...
Let me explain:
liberals think that during a shootout, the two bullets smash together and each tries to force the other one back into it's owners' gun, which then explodes. This is why it's important to have the strongest and fastest bullet possible.
After all, it's how it works in the Harry Potter universe
It's like they always say, "whoever has faster bullets, wins."
That's right. All bullets must be mandated to travel at subsonic speeds for maximum safety!
.223 is a glorified .22 as well retard
Wow, these people don't realize it's whoever pulls the trigger first.
holy crap, are you going to start dodging bullets from a handgun?
> I've never heard of a 5.7
A gunfight isn't a bullet velocity race. Being first to get a shot ON TARGET wins. Shot placement is everything. I'd be inclined to think the average mass shooter gets tunnel vision during the event. Either that or they're just plain "seeing red". Teacher eases out into the corridor slicing the pie and... lights out, muchacho.
Good guy with a gun wins again. He's a guaranteed loser without his gun in these situations.
what do you think hollow points do?
This is the most retarded shit I've read the whole week. And I've read a lot of retarded shit this week.
At 10 meters the flight time for a 5.56 is 0.01 seconds and a 9meme is 0.025 seconds.
Fucking kek
Cameron Kasky's father is procuring children for elite pedophiles via One World Adoption Services inc.
Underrated as fuck memeflag faggot
Right, your muzzle speed needs to be higher than you opponents unless you roll 5 or 10.
fucking drumpfffffff
It's a pointless fucking argument. A person with a gun at least has a chance v. someone with nothing but their dick in their hand.
That isn't an argument.
> Hi my name is Jeff!
> I pulled my sullen child out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services
What about AR pistols
>slicing the pie
Havent heard that since i was a kid of 8 learning to shoot...
I miss you grandad
do you suggest they should give them AR15? not a bad idea
based swedecuck
Yes, this shit happened in bad company 2 all the time.
It is completely true. Learn some physics. It is actually quite interesting when you dig into why slower bullets are so much more devastating to your body than fast, piercing ones.
>you have to be shot first before you return fire
Indeed, and these morons are implying that the 0.015 is going to remotely make a difference or if its remotely going to mean the shooter can dodge it
Apparently thwarting school shooters will involve shooting the bullets fired from an AR-15 with bullets from a larger caliber gun, and in that case, only something larger than a .223 will suffice.
a .22 round to the skull will kill anyone
what the fuck is the argument? One bullet is faster/better than the other? I don't think you understand how bullets work against the human body. If you get shot you're pretty much down and out, if not fucked overall.
It'd be funny if people this caliber weren't the same ones writing the laws regulating firearms, or anything for that matter, or the fact that the average voter if even fucking dumber.
9mm pistol rounds penetrate more through many barriers than 5.56mm does
it's actually safer to use an ar15 in just about any circumstance
A 223- which is what the ar is chambered to usually- is a light small lead. Basically a 22 lr round. It does NOT have anywhere near the stopping power of a 45 or 40 cal. The ar was specifically chosen by the US in vietnam because it was MORE likely to not kill and wounded victims were more of a burden on the enemy.
This turned out to be a stupid logic, but that was the thinking.
>1 post by this ID
Why does this not stand as grounds for immediate permaban across all boards?
sad but true.
so that's why the cop hid outside while the shooting was happening!
That is the dumbest fucking tweet I've ever seen
Worse than mirrors and eyes being real
I mean clearly the bullets will just hit each other in the air closer to the teach. This is how all gun fights go
The AR 15 stands for automatic rifle or assault rifle, it's numbered 15 because it shoots 15 bullets out of the clip every second.
These people are fixated on AR15s.
>OPtard is OPtarding
Rifles only hold a large advantage over long distances. In close settings it's pretty much a wash. Thank you, come again.
Lol is this real?
Is america this retarded?
This is bait of the lowest .caliber
checked bro.
kek feels you.
we force meme a preemptive ban on ar-16s
lol is this the real life?
The cop fired his round down the hall at the shooter and was waiting three or four minutes for it to strike Cruz, but it was moving too slowly.
Legend has it that the handgun bullet is still traveling down that hall to this day.
A rifle bullet also has more kinetic energy, causing larger cavities to be made inside the body. Plus, the round will go through not only your morbidly obese cousin raping ass, but also 3-5 people behind you.
it's a deterrent knowing that there are concealed carry teachers in there. mass shootings will move to college campuses that are also 'gun free zones' with soft targets and no resistance
I wouldnt bet against that
It wasn't supposed to be. It was just a statement of a fact.
But in case you want an argument. The reason high velocity bullets like 5,56 became so popular in the first place is because hollow points, soft points and other expanding bullets were prohibited in warfare by the Hague Convention of 1899. High velocity bullets have pretty much the same effect on soft tissue as expanding bullets, as immediately upon impact they will cause a massive hydrostatic shock, leading to tissue damage far from the point of impact. Also they are very unstable and tend to tumble really hard as soon as they hit anything. Slow but heavy bullets like 7,62X39 will just drill through the tissue and the exit hole will be the size of the bullet and there will only be tissue damage on the bullet's path. But if you've ever seen the exit hole of a 5,56, it's almost the size of a man's fist.
The obvious downside of these high velocity bullets is that they don't penetrate any kind of armor well, and because of their instability, if they hit anything on the way, like a blade of grass or the tiniest of branch, their trajectory will change a lot.
He let children die so that he could live, he's a fucking coward and should be executed in the street.
that's where you are wrong friendo. 5.56 or .223 from a rifle length barrel is devastating to soft flesh targets due to frangibility of the ammo at high velocities, tumbling, and hydrostatic shock, way way more so than fuddy five for 40 short and weak.
>muh stopping power meme
Cool helicopter gunners mask according to google.
Fucking lold
depends on the mass of the bullet and if the person is armoured.
>hit harder than any handgun
>this Is how desperately retarded leftists have become
Bumping for laffs.
>bullets like 5,56 became so popular in the first place
Because the 30-06, 8mm, 303, 7.62x54r and many other rifle bullets didn't exist before then? Just stop. You know nothing about firearms.
>Grass will change bullet trajectory