ITT post redpills about how a new civil war in america would go.
Civil War 2.0 Redpills
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I'll start
Outside nations would intervene given contemporary geopolitical climates and the destabilized America would become a weaker version of its prior self.
We’re just at half time with the first.
Tbhh, the left would seize existing power structures before the right even gets both legs in it's pants
First the msm will divide the country. Then we will kill eachother as the real enemy snivels in the shadows.
This too
Any of you got a copy of that american civil war outcomes from the japanese poster?
I don't and am not familiar with what you are talking about. I'd like to see it.
What % of the population would have to be involved to be considered a Civil War, or to kick this off? 3% as the militias suggest?
Robots will crush any resistance.
I have some rarer ones
A bunch f left leaving crowded cities would be surrounded and seiged
Right wing America holds all the resources territory, logistics, food, weapons
He left is a bunch of disparate groups crammed into cities that would start murdering each other within a week of being under siege
It would be a civil war it would be more like a peasant uprising as the rich flee the cities to safety and the poor city masses would starve until surrender or death
Britain will build ships for the Rebels again, but this time with ramps
Wow. Thanks, user. You've just greatly expanded the civil war redpill folder.
Came here to post this. I'll also add (I can't remember if it says this in the pic or not) that US infrastructure is almost entirely digitally integrated. The only major thing that comes to mind that isn't is the nuclear arsenal and that wouldn't be a factor in a civil war.
Consider the following:
A second US civil war would likely involve a citizen insurgency on our soil. Does the US have a great track record with dealing with insurgencies? Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghan tell us no. The US government has repeatedly demonstrated it is not going to do what it takes to quell an insurgency. In the past they chose to play the hearts and minds game, which always leads to failure.
>muh drones, tanks
It was hard enough getting clearance to use munitions and ordinance in Afghan, I highly doubt the US government is going to want to bomb the shit out of their own citizens and buildings on their own soil. Can you imagine the propaganda value footage of a small group of American insurgents getting blown up by a drone would be for Russia and Islamic Extremist groups? Furthermore, as early as 2012 we were finding discarded documents in Afghanistan from the Taliban that detailed ways to limit the effectiveness of drones and UAVs. As Obama discovered in Yemen, drones aren’t the end all, be all to warfare.
>muh government forces and your untrained militia
If you’re a liberal they likely passively disdain you at best, hate you worst. Here’s the real elephant in the room, though:
The US has hundreds of thousands combat vets among the civilian population. We spent the best part of our young lives fighting insurgencies all over the Middle East, Africa, and South America during the global war on terrorism. We know how the government responds to insurgencies, and we know how to fight like guerillas. Many of us also have experience conducting FID operations with some of the worst, most backwater militaries on the planet. If Cletus and Bubba are really true believers in the Constitution, we will have no problem making soldiers and guerillas out of them.
It is in the best interest of the left to avoid a civil war at all costs.
Thanks. Added to collection of arguments.
More likely countries or groups will invade us to take over the lands that are now wastelands due to the civil war and those countries are antifa,KKK,blacklifesmatter, feminists,and maybe salty countries... I say we beef up the police, military,u.s air Force and other such u.s military groups and place them in the middle and spread them around in smart places to subdue a civil war and I know the police aren't a military group but can be called one
Screwed up on those countries are part meant to put those countries or groups are... You can tell my autism is high.
Our smartphones and shit like Pokemon Go have given them photos of all the land people live on, not to mention surveillance we don't even know about. They'll have a big leg up vs the people in terms of intel.
fun gun facts
Np leaf
Here's a great site if you want more
Can't read those facts because they are to blurry to see
>glow-in-the-dark spraypaint
B-but I don't work for the CIA
Republicans win since they own more weapons and are for the right of wearing them.
That's true
They almost got us in the 70s.jpg
But how do we stop the civil war that is going to happen in America soon
[short circuited]
That's a good one too.
People on the right forget far too often that lefties are much more violent and capable of violence than we are. America's future civil war will more resemble the Spanish Civil War or Germany in 1918 than anything else.
You mean cause right?
Stop it? I want to accelerate it. It's the only way whites are going to wake up and have to pick a side.
Thanks again. Saved.
Just for fun though. The military will fracture into a couple different splinter groups. The last of the real americans will be branded terrorist rebels. The cities with all the dems will become holdouts that won't last for that long with no food. Eventually the rural areas will be heavily militarized around the larger cities. There will be heavy fighting and bombing in mountains and desert caves. Eventually one side will run out of resources and will call on another nation for help. Russia will answer that call. China will fall with no money from the US to prop it up. The jews will finance both sides. The jews will get a real fucking holocaust because of their treachery for millennia.
The strong men will have again created good times and the cycle will continue. This time without the jews. Those that are left will go into a hiding so deep they will only have stories of how powerful they once were, until those stories are legends, then mythos, then fairy tales.
It needs to happen soon before we have no military left. It needs to happen before the population is all autistic. It needs to happen before 75% of men are sterile and 60% of women are infertile. It needs to happen.
Yeah I guess we do forget more often about the right... You know I was going to vote for Hillary but I heard that she was against that addition to have sex in gta called hot coffee so I voted for berney Sandler but he quit so I quit being a Christian and became a kekistani follower for the great pepe
>People pass time by arguing amongst themselves about their respective ideals
>Eventually perpetuate civil unrest
>Allowed to continue for some time accompanied by security theater
>Martial Law
>Totalitarian Tractor Starts
What I'm saying is that Hillary made the left into fucking cunts
Great post. However, I'd like to point out the following. The government has a long history of disenfranchising US vets. Currently their weaponizing CPS to take away their kids and weaponizing psychiatry and vet welfare to diagnose them with PTSD, get them dependent on welfare, and ban them from legal gun purchases. The suicide rates among whites are drastically higher and what they don't tell you is that a majority of them are white US vets.
The thing about that is their violence is unfocused and based on lashing out with their emotions. The second they come up across a force that is actually trained it will be a rout. I know neo nazi, white separationist, sovereign citizens, state militias etc... train way more than ANTIFA.
Not to mention all the combat vets living in the US almost predominantly lean right.
PLEASE let it happen
It will be so comfy from Euro armchairs
comfiest we'll ever witness
Do it mericans
give us dat comfyness
I bless thee with the power kekkukle
Americans are too stupid to successfully overthrow tyranny. They know nothing about politics and they've been trained to support whoever tells them what they want to hear.
The only ideological underpinning that could successfully lead Americans in a civil war to freedom would be a platform based on the slaughter of the Jews.
The most important political reality the American public could come to understand is that a genocide of the Jews is essential to a free and functioning Western world. Everything Hitler said about the Jews was right.
The first step to the extermination of the Jews is to break their grip on the Christian churches. This would be much simpler than it appears because the bible clearly ID's the Jews as the synagogue of Satan. In the old testament, God commanded complete genocide of the people that today claim to be Jews. Making Christians aware that the Jewish religion isn't based on the old testament, but on the explicitly genocidal anti-Christian talmud would go a long way to getting Christian support for their slaughter.
Jews have to die. Every last one of them. It's them or us.
Nah, they were already cunts.
You're clearly a newfag. Lurk moar.
Wanna add to this. China will support the rebels until Beijing collapses. A few of the western states like Montana and Wyoming will probably secede. The rebels will have help from within the military's "fed" faction most likely.
Read You're fatally underestimating our opponents.
David Hogg here, I diaspprove of this messsage
White Men would have to learn how to talk about what is being done to white communities everywhere.
The Jewish Masters and their White Good Goy's did such a good job of teaching self hatred to white people that modern white men think it is wrong to challenge non white males who want to start a war. I'm surprised the non white males have any fear left in them. That's how completely the average white male has been dehumanized. All you have to do is call him a racist and have a brown man lead the charge and the white man will just give up. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
White Community Hater
White Self Hater
Anti White
These three phrases reveal the White Self Haters to themselves. Such people usually try to put their whiteness out of their minds out of shame. By using one of these phrases in conversation, you stop the White Self Haters from hiding from themselves. In a sentence: The White Community Hating, Jewish Masters direct White Self Haters to physically attack anyone who is not Anti White. Practice saying this one out loud and tell every white male you know.
Yes I'm am a newfag
The left will hole up in urban strongholds defensively. They will strangle themselves with the lack of sustainable resources and when niggers chimp out because they aren’t getting free shit anymore they will implode
That could happen
Get out of here faggot you contribute nothing to the conversation. Lurk moar and come back when you've got shit to say.
Every landlocked city would be fucked in that scenario, and without massive international support even the coastal cities would have a rough time.
It's going to take us years to dig deep enough into the tunnels they have dug in the mountains and bring justice to the elite that have brought us to the point of bloodshed of our own.
I guess I never thought about states seceding. I could definitely see that that happening. Also, yes China will last for a while until their people start to starve with no money and living conditions fall to levels they can't go back to. Then they will have their own civil war to deal with.
Just like in the US nothing will actually happen until you remove the comforts which keep them placated.
This. Civil war in this day and age is true nightmare fuel if you're interested in ruling a functional non-shattered state.
Would be interesting though to see the mega ripples in global politics that would happen if the US ever were to balkanize.
This. Make the lefty whites pick between shitskins and their own people. The things happening in this country on a weekly basis make my blood boil.
I did have something to say look at my other stuff i posted and please don't tell at me.
Pretty much. It's going to be very long and very bloody.
That's the first thing I posted, but thanks anyways.
Rare good leaf posts truth
Yes it will be a very bloody battle due to people having lots of guns
Well good thing one side is cutting their guns up in protest as we speak.
Realistically, Commies might force skirmishes.
I agree that the U.S. government will do everything possible to avoid allowing a civil war.
The problem is that Commies get a vote in that.
Our enemy gets a vote.
And they seem to want civil war.
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Yes but there are some twats who think guns are bad and won't even buy them there more likely going to die to a bullet to the head
user and user's, remember that the average man will have to be HUNGRY before he will do anything? Why is that? The average man has a lot of comfort and has never known very much in the way of struggle. He will absolutely not give up his comfort if he can avoid such a fate. His comfort will have to be taken from him in a sudden and total way before he will fight much of anything.
All this talk of war and revolution is a mere thought exercise. Don't sit around waiting for it to happen. Look for the prices of dry grains to soar and luxury foods like sea food to become unavailable except near the coasts.
Not only do they get a vote but they're deeply entrenched in our government. Votes don't matter but those who have political power and influence do.
Yes it just takes button which possibly takes 30 min. To start ww3 just think about that and now think about a civil war in America due to the alt-left
My fucking English fuck me
This. I've long said that American's won't wake up until the grocery store shelves are empty and by then it'll be too late for all of those who haven't prepared and stockpiled. Which is most considering 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
You don't want to stop it because it's not like everybody is going to stop being degenerate without it. Just hope you can live through it, but if you die start accepting you are dying for the greater good.
What I mean is it's very bloody easy to start a war in this country
Not only is your english atrocious newfag but your contributions to this discussion are worthless. LURK MOAR FAGGOT!
Im really worried about this, anons. Like... REALLY WORRIED. Civil war is pretty much unavoidable at this point. The retards have been so fucking brainwashed, and there is even some evidence that it is an actual faulty logic instilled mind virus, that there will come a time when there is no option but to deal with them. And here is the problem. Its a HUGE fucking problem. I have been losing sleep over it. This coming civil war will be over and done with so fucking quickly that we are going to be looking back like 'fuck I wish it lasted a bit longer'. Our only hope is that the niggers and spics join them en masse.
Yes it is unavoidable but we will survive
What do you even mean by this? What, in your delusional world, is a power structure?
I think what he means is that the government would side with the leftists and we'd be fighting the government, the race traitors, and the minorities.
That might actually happen with today's society
If the civil war is short it means we lost. If it's a long and bloody affair it means we're winning.
Consider these
Lack of food is the ultimate weapon, and could turn people feral in no time. I don't doubt for a second that the left would use it to incite a mod army. If they could get away with it.
Yeah but there will more deaths on both sides than the Holocaust
The majority of the population is never expected to participate in any sort of warfare, outside of being outright invaded. 1 out of every 300 men is the running average for participating in warfare. And once there is an actual fight going on even 'comfortable men' will start seeing some of their numbers engaging in 'soft warfare' such as workplace sabotage.
And the leftists are pathetic. Their entire rank and file, the nation over, could be taken on by 2-3000 men. The only fight that they actually have in them lies solely in their ability to rile up the niggers and spics to fight for them. And when those comfortable men see spic and nigger marauders are running around shooting yt on sight they are going to immediately stop feeling comfortable.
>These people are part of a conspiracy they're not even each individually aware of - useful idiots. That's the beauty of it, because the entire sjw movement is a pseudo-cult, you don't need to direct individuals. They work on their own accord as part of the cult, so you only need to control the cult's ideals and objective, not the individuals. It's how you control the mob.
Holy fuck this post is amazing. Prescient coming from 2014.
Yep. Nothing like a violent nigger threatening your life to wake you up and make you a racist.