they're coming for our games, famalam. trump talking about violent games and now the organization says gaming is a "disorder"
Gamergate 2.0 is upon us
pic related is the only game you need.
Sauce boss?
Video games are degenerate. Hopefully they will ban them so more people leave their little caves.
The jews hate gamers since they know we are woke. By banning vidya, they will take from us our main power source.
Jews detected
It's stuff like no-fault divorce that ruined culture.
The jews are fine with a bunch of retards hiding in their rooms playing video games while non-whites invade their countries
our vidya related anger elected Trump, and it will be his downfall if he fucks up
next Potus: virtual japanese youtuber girl
But I'm really enjoying Kingdom Come: Deliverance :(
Who’s the titty monster
Jews make the video games idiot
>leave little cave
>get mugged
>get stabbed
>get acid thrown on
>get shot
>get run over
>get shot by a cop for pulling your pants up
Nah I'm good staying indoors.
Damn, is she a school?
Also the coast-to-coast ban on officialy led prayer in public schools.
Shit, were are my almonds
Silly jew. You cannot use your trickery against me. I have mastered the art of spotting evil. By larping as a hero in a digital world, i have gained the ability to differentiate between demons and people. You will never win
>being too afraid to go outside
Shut up you joyless faggot, we know you play 80+ hours a week.
And yet wanting to cut your own dick and dress as a girl is perfectly normal behavior.
If you played videogames, you wouldnt be this stupid
>feminists, sjws, anti-whites are taking over gaming
>Trump inspires white male gamers to get out of the basement and do something productive
you are the idiot, they make games like COD, AC: Origins...propaganda shit ( black lead )
Most of good games are not made by those mufuggas. Here are mine :
> recoil
> freedom fighter ( gameplay + story + music )
> final fantasy best ..7 ( 9 sucks !! )
> NFS HP 2010
> Splinter Cell : Conviction
> Witcher 3 ( think I will leave that )
Remember the last time politucs got involved with games
Sauce in image
Who's the milk maid?
yes, gaming is a disorder
but working 60 hours a week for nothing, isnt'. Totally legit, /sarcasm
And then proceeds to ban them. Get fucked dumbasses
>Current year
>Not playing fringe indie games made by white autistic men
Now, this game has a real potential to create mental illness and desire to kill.
How can they introduce a "Violent Video Game" tax when the rating of a video game is not federally regulated?
Trump is ready to release us into the real world. That is all this means.
I'm torn on this. Video games are obviously bad for society, go look at Sup Forums or /r9k/ but an overreaching government is also bad for society.
its not a disorder, it's an addiction.
Anything can become an addiction.
Anything can be an addiction which is really a habit. Which is a thought process revolving a routine/routines.
break that shit.
The game industry has been absolute shit for the past decade. I wish Trump would kill it.
Me too user, I wish I was Henry so i could fuck wenches and have my hands broken every few days
Imme sum goth milkies!
why do (((they))) want us to not play video games so bad?
Ban all Western video games.
Trumps daughter ivanka is married to a jew
US Senate passes tax cuts for America's richest in late-night vote
daddy trump wants us off our video game and into slave labour
because it reduces your prodictivity goy! you should spend all your time working oy vey!
Fuck off, cadre shill
Reminder that first person shooters are for degenerate autistic virgins.
The patrician plays Ogre Battle 64, Fire Emblem, advanced wars, and starcraft
Stop playing the first person Jewter
>I don't like working and taking care of myself I want to sit on my ass playing video games
>I know I'll say the Jews want me to work then I'll be morally justified to not work!
You guys are slowly turning into niggers
Video Games & Pornography are the two ways the elite subjugate their male populations. I know they are FUN, but FUN isn't the point of life or civilization. The positive benefits this would have and quick would be unbelievable.
what's this girls name, i need it
best weapon is to spread and share the jew memes. Affirmative action for these kikes now.
>government regulating entertainment
for what purpose?
I thought he was against over-regulation
fuck jews
fuck the jews
hang every kike.
And the fucking sauce?
Of the milkers of course.
gas them all. Affirmative action for jews now!
fuck all these heebs.
I'll trade video games for those tiddys for the rest of my life
The real question is: WHO IS THE MILK PRODUCER?
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this cock dock?
Who is this erection ejection?
Who is this dick tick?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this seed steed?
Who is this prick chick?
Who is this cock stock?
Who is this seminal sentinel?
Who is this phallus chalice?
Who is this anus ignoramus?
Who is this smegma enigma?
Who is this beef curtain hurtin?
Who is this cunt runt?
Who is this jism prison?
Who is this ballbiting ballerina?
Who is this dongle mongle?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this chin chin bin?
Who is this scrotum sorceress?
Who is this wiener cleaner?
Who is this pole populator?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this pillar pimper?
Who is this column culminator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this sperm specialist?
Who is this glans gladiator?
Who is this frenulum fractionizer?
Who is this foreskin fornicator?
Who is this penile private?
Who is this smut sergeant?
Who is this cock captain?
Who is this orifice officer?
Who is this rear admiral?
Who is this cummander?
Who is this lewd lieutenant?
Who is this meat major?
Who is this cunt colonel?
Who is this wiener witch?
Who is this phallus phalanx?
Who is this cock commandant?
Who is this dong deity?
Who is this seminal fluid druid?
Who is this jizz wiz?
Who is this benis burglar?
Who is this wang waxer?
Who is this schlong sentinel?
Who is this dick dastard?
Who is this jizz jezebel?
Who is this cock cream captivator?
Who is this man milk mephistopheles?
Who is this smegma smuggler?
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Who is this semen sommelier?
Who is this urethra barista?
Not even a huge gamer and honestly I realize that most people would benefit from not being able to escape reality and waste their lives playing vidya all day but holy fuck this is gonna be a trainwreck for trump. did he learn fucking nothing from gamergate? liberals will latch onto this immediately like "GUYS LOOK DROOMPH IS GONNA TAKE AWAY YOUR ESCAPISM AND COMFORT THINGIES AUUUGGGHH" and it will work becuase people are stupid and like their dumb distractions. also I dont really think video game violence and mass shootings are linked. he should devote more attention to antidepressants and the toxic, cancerous social sphere that is modern high school.
According to GIS sauce is "big tiddy goth gf"
Seriously OP, who is this goth milk maid?
FF9 is best, FF7 is overrated
If you're in solitary...
see As fun as video games are its just us contributing to the nihilistic culture who has FUN as their god. The violence isn't linked to video games, the cultural degradation is.
Haven't seen that picture in roughly 15 years. There's a set floating around somewhere. She's probably dead by now.
The funny thing is we've grown up. Who cares about video games? Big kike distraction anyway.
Lol, fuck off with this fear mongering BS. No ones taking our vidya away.
I wish there were more games like KC:D, desu
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
This is what niggers sound like when they pretend to be white.
is that enji night?
Where are my neetbux then? Apparently I have a disorder.
Playing the best czech game ever created!
Impressive length.
get back to making cyberpunk
Play is a form of exercise. Fiction is a form of discourse.
Gamers are exposed to a wide range of concepts and challenges of skill. This helps them develop into versatile, adaptable thinkers, workers, and fighters.
your smooth brain was the inspiration for teflon
Holy shit this a very old pic.
Like 10 or 12 years old. Maybe 15, who knows.
linda goth
Lol if video games were banned tomorrow and feds came into our houses and smashed our consoles and PCs we'd finally have to motivation to save the white race. But until then I need to destroy The Institute with my boo Curie.
that is their plan. bread and circuses.
Gib sauce nao
If gaming is a disorder, do NEETS qualify for disability?
Sauce on big tiddy goth
Significantly, the gaming industry is free of the distribution control and barriers to entry of film and book publishing, which is why we have people like Notch, who sit alone in a room and build a game, selling it from their website, until they're rich.
This means no effective suppression of ideas the Cathedral doesn't like.
Well said. Anything more elaborate than Tetris is degenerate.
Just tell me where the other half of this pic is
You ever heard that before? they do shit like this when they use censorship in games or stuff
Thanks! It turns out OP is evil
What if gaming disorder becomes essentially a welfare program for lazy NEETs? I mean it's not their fault these poor addicted souls are sick. Think of the children!!
But seriously
>ban video games
>ban porn
and you have literally saved the white race
OP is a manipulative Jew