How come big penis seems to correlate on how savage you are?
How come big penis seems to correlate on how savage you are?
Fucking hell look at those tiny Polish penises. We need to give them the BAC - Big Anglo Cock.
someone from the pioneer fund wrote a paper on this
Do all the gray areas just not have penises? Are we being lied to about the crisis in Africa because from this we can assume humans don't exist in certain parts of Africa
I fear the Jews are behind this
>tfw Ecuadorian ancestry
>All the males in my family have huge cocks including me
No wonder I love THICK women
my sides
Chinese people are quasi savages. South American people are the scum of the Earth, especially Colombians.
>hung aryans
Because savage countries don't actually measure and base it on self-reported.
That's pretty gay senpai
Seems true. Mine is 21cm.
odd, I always thought 15-18 cm (6.2-7") was average/normal. dunno what you're bragging about.
Somone must be butthurt about us to go full muh dick mode and fake map i see
Because while they were breeding for penis size, other cultures were breeding for intelligence(?)
fucking based. most of the huge countries with this are ones that never allowed any jew bags to bite their dicks off, effectively making them smaller. restore yourselves cutfags. today
>muh dik
he didnt even feel your little asian boy dick when you rape him in your dream you had after your long day being the EU wetback cuck
How do you know how big your relatives cocks are you fucking inbred homo
>muh tits, mother fuckery, and goop holes
Why, so I can have more of my ball sack on my shaft?
tf, how are canadians yellow if they have so many yellow people there?
(also - anyone have that canadian mutt pic from a thread from last night? I need it)
Maybe next time you post don't use an image with fucking euro-units of measurement senpai
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
because urban wh*tebois are soft soybois that have never experienced hardship nor ever had a drop of testosterone. That's why blonde women flock to real men with REAL penis length.
>Not savage
no. so you can have a fucking penis. learn how physics works
why are you in here. the fat burger i just spoke to, included
look at Georgia only big cock country in middle of all those cocklets
being a stupid freud bitch who even clicks on these closet fag threads. blame OP and yourself faggot. im not a sodomite. you and your satanist reprobate reptile worshipping antichrist adulterous pedo rapist president are
So lets go full muh dick mode
its good to be green grönt är skönt HA thats what she said
This thread is stupid
What kind of retard thought of this
Hell is for ever!
harder for the women to untangle when the ooga booga is raping them
The average penis size in Brazil is medium.
It's 14cm, not 14.8cm
Our cock is as long as Spaniards and Italians.
and you brought it to earth. many times. get of here tranny Christ killing "jew" faggot man baby doped up on lies, "mental illnesses" and fucking estrogen. enjoy your cheese holes. aids. cancer. and periods
>it is good that a man not touch a woman
imma stick with that. your presence and comments are always just like my flags. i come to threads because im authentic and make sense. youre always in the same ones saying same things. because youre me. but without balls and project everything you say. FUCK THE ZOG AND FUCK YOUR EMPLOYER YOU ARE DIVORCED BY GOD LET ALONE LYING AND STEALING HIS JOBS AND BEING FAT COW DEGENERATES. is it a sin? you lie about it and do it. these are unprecedented. you cannot blame anybody but yourself. nothing new under sun. you invented all the shit you cry about. all you do is spam and project and kill our gender by enabling pussy worshipping masons and then crying about it all and cutting yourself in various ways. go back in your dumpster. you swamp frog bitch with gyno and diabetes. show us who you are you fucking troglodyte gremlin HYPOCRITE
It was made by mutts so it has retarded scale like 20-80 to hide how cucked they are
Calling bullshit. No one measures millions of penises erect and flaccid for these results. A lot of it is self reported which is useless.
really makes you think
but americans lie all the time so why not lie like everybody else apparently did. maybe these are studies. you post stats about everything so might as well swallow this
>meme map
>meme flag
Recently it's hard to know who is behind Poland-hate threads. David? Vladimir? Mehmet?
What does that even mean? Are you relating FBI crime statistics with self reported penis survey shit? Maybe put down the dick you're sucking and pick up a book.
>not making the gays measureing ever penises there aids buttholes can fine
>not getting a letter asking how big your willy is and you saying 20cm
cmon what state you live in?
>hehe long live kekistan am i right XDDD
birds like this argetine duck are incredibally well hung, birds like chickens and seaguls are the opposite. The duck here is deisgned to impregante the female while raping, wheareas the seaguls and chickens are more civilised.
big dick is good for raping
small dick is good for not being a savage
this is why romans and greeks always had statues of men with small penises, so they didnt seem uncouth or barbarian
>brags about fake maps
>posts a fake map
only 3% muzzies here are mutilated and ilegally
forgot pic
On this map Kosovo is still part of Serbia so maybe thats why
Haha, kek
It's well known South Americans have exaggerated sexual features. Which is why your stick women are satisfied by tiny icelandic pencil dicks lmfao
this is SELF REPORTED data
I doubt Africans even know what a cm is
Wtf that's fake. In fact my penis is very big.
they cock is small because they only use it for reproduction
WTF looks like I have a black man's penis
t.butthurted kacap
i see a lot of dicks in gym and theyre bigger than mine (16cm).
id say this data is outdated
georgia can into big dicks
>Founded modern Western Civilization
>Speak the oldest European language
>Most gold medals per capita
>Only white ethnostate in world's existence
>Gassed 90% of its jews
yes , when you are born you have 2 choices , big dicks or living in a not savage nation
>Don't even speak an Indo-European language
Back to the trash they go
>Uralic most blond and ancient European language group
>Indo-European is spoken by: Gypsies, Pakis, Pajeets, Romanians, etc
You have to go back
hung aryans
How do you explain the beacon of white western civilization then?
The BBC Big Brazilian Cock is the new meme.
Russbro, don't be shy because of your asian level dong. You can always compesate with your tongue.
my p3n1s is only 16.3cm long is this fake