Why can't you just leave trans people alone?

Why can't you just leave trans people alone?

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trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .

We do...
We want them to die and rot alone

i want to fuck their boipucci

they need the concept of gender fucked back into them pronto

Because they don’t want to leave us alone. They want to hinder our military with their presence and indoctrinate our children into their bullshit ideology


Cause they are gay

Why can't you just leave us alone?
Move to some far of Island, Antarctica would be fine with me, anyone at pol who want's to protest?

Why can't you just let non-trans people leave trans people alone? Why do you insist that we love them and associate with them? I don't care if you want to chop your balls off and turn your dick inside out, just don't insist that I find your mental illness attractive.

All I ever wanted was to be left alone.

Anybody have the video of that tranny getting absolutely smacked and curbstomped?

Good luck migrating leaf.

The next wall will be made of ice.

They keep posting here, and disturbing our tranquillity. With their faggotr

Might this be what you're looking for?

We WANT to leave trans people alone.

We aren't allowed the right of free association though, so first we need a war and you're allied with the enemy.

and that's it, the media overexposed it and regular folk have had enough

You want them to die alone?

What episode of LazyTown is this from?

Quit marching around all the fucking time making complete asses of yourselves. Quit trying to infect children with your sickness. Do these things and we'll happily forget you exist.

want them to stop telling kids that they're a different sex and leading them to hospitals where they get hormone treatment before the age of 12

>voting against him
well now.

because they won't shut the fuck up

It's the media, even Petercuck gets repeated letters begging him to stop the media from pushing the trans agenda

They're about 0.0001% of the population but they account for at least 30% of the Jewish media faggotry that pisses normal people off.

also ima take that pic. I dont know when the fuck he took that but I laughed out loud. its mine now

they are the ones inserting themselves everywhere
literally nobody cares about them

Because they never as passable as they did on the internet >:[

*never look as passable

I should break into every trans persons house with a female hooker and fuck her right in front of everyone. And as I'm doing so I'll scream out "why can't you just leave me alone and let me be straight!!!" just so you asshats know what it feels like to have an asshole interrupt every moment of your life to tell you about how they want you to stop making everything about them.
Also, Lana Rain is a female.

Not a strong argument. Wheelchair retards are 0.01% of the population and they get coverage probably more than trans, and conservatives don't have a problem with them. I see them on billboards, movies, television shows, commercials, even brochures and kids toy catalogs.

Nobody's telling you to support your kid's decision to get lobotomised. Yet.

you don't hear "crippled gets you more services so let's break those knees"
but you do hear "oh you're 8 and confused about your dick? let's chop it off now"

Pretty good bait.
Run-on sentence, barely coherent, proxy is leaf . . .
I like it.

Only fringe doctors do that. It's so rare that those are the ones who make the news and you hear about.

Hinder. Yet there has been a SEAL and they were Team 6 and a Green Beret that have been transgender. Sounds like a real problem with quality.
Not sure how you reason that, but hey.
Further the indoctrination of children?
I knew when I was 5 years old and it never changed.
>inb4 people making excuses as to why
I just was and it just is. Don't know why it is so hard for people to understand that some one can know they have a problem at a young age.

Yes, but do you see cripples in wheelchairs trying to tell you to chop off your legs or to do the same to your kids because being a freak is the new norm?

Why can't trans people stop being such attention whores and annoying everyone instead?

anecdotally speaking, while sitting in a women's hospital waitin for my wife to come out of surgery I witnessed about three kids being lead by mega tranny's into offices just that day. It's far worse than you can imagine with the law in place stating the gov can take away a kid if the parents don't agree with their "gender confusion"

I love Anzu, the best looking femboy that has ever existed. The creation of perfection, the embodiment of beauty. He's so passable that people unironically think he's just some girl from Turkey.

Remember when the occasional tranny was just another kind of harmless local nutter everyone knew and more or less humoured?

Shut the fuck up, dont march, dont protest, dont blog. Just live your life like anyone else and you will be treated normally.

How about they fucking leave me alone & stop running to some shit news broadcaster every time they insert their dilator in correctly?

Trans men I kinda get, because men generally care more about practicality than fashion, but trans women... I grew up seeing all this feminist propaganda about portrayals of sexy women being dehumanizing because they portray womanhood as being a skin-deep property. Now we have men who want to BE women, where being a woman means skin-deep imitation for the most part. How am I not supposed to be offended by this? It's just reinforcing gender stereotypes.

Not that I give a shit, but leftist philosophy needs to at least be self-consistent.

They are fucking with kids

In regards to Anzu, I truly has no idea what it is. I just know I like it.

>do you see cripples in wheelchairs trying to tell you to chop off your legs or to do the same to your kids

I don't, because who would want themselves or their kids to be cripple?
BTW I'm completely against involving kids in the trans movement. But adults, who cares? They're 0.01% of the population, so we shouldn't have much to worry about right?

In general, trans people are not freaks.They appear like freaks when they protest, but then again so does everyone else. Shouting, violent behavior, etc..

I honestly don't believe you.

They transitioned AFTER they did all that shit retard.

For me it was a matter of spirit. It helped massively with a disconnect with my physical form.
Though I do enjoy getting all gussied up quite often, but it's a matter of looking good makes me feel good and just off the bat makes other people view you more respectfully if you're well dressed.

>just live your life...normally
>obsesses about appearance
>extreme body modification

I've seen 3 of which 2 in Amsterdam, i dont really think it's a thing outside media

>literally don't give a fuck about tranny freaks
>they start waving their arms and screaming and shitting up everything they get involved in
>"we just wanna be left alooooneeee! ;_;"

I'm all for adults doing whatever they want to their body, but not kids
I live in toronto and see shit i don't want to see, now you know what I go through every fucking day and I don't give a fuck if you believe me

Calm your tits before you make yourself look silly with the insults. I'm far from retarded, take the time to be patient and we both may learn some thing.
They both proclaimed to have had the transgender feelings the entire time. Not as a result of the fighting they did, but the fighting they did was a result of being trans in an attempt to "become a man"
The Reimer case ought to show that Gender isn't nurtured, it is nature.

Yeah, but body positivity... Any disconnect with physical form can be healed.

>There has been a SEAL and they were Team 6 and a Green Beret that have been transgender.
Not while they were on the team. They didn't "discover" it until later.

This is not da way, brothers.

Don't fall for the bait.

Body positivity? Is this some SJW stuff you're projecting onto me because I'm trans?
Na, one should care about their health. At the same time though, one must realize that the brain is an organ like the heart or kidneys.
Health for me was in transition.
I wasn't able to experience Satori until after I had transitioned. Specifically because I wasn't able to quiet the voices in my head.

>What episode of LazyTown is this from?

Actually they had known their entire life. Why would you speak from ignorance as if it were truth or did you literally believe that to be true?

I just Googled that article you linked. It's only mentioned in fringe conservative websites. Here is the website of the actual Bill, which is nowhere near what your article claims it to be:


There is no specific reference to gender identity or gender expression. If a child is suffering sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, including "serious" psychological effects, child welfare agencies may intervene.

Can you defend this?

cuz there gay faggit

Holy shit what a nightmare


>insane fags removing their ability to procreate

Not the worst thing really.

You have that backwards it is the trannies that won't leave everybody else alone.

I'm all for it adults doing whatever they want to themselves
Watching them drag kids into it makes me want to nuke

Holy fucking shit how much time an money did it take to come up with this procedure??
How can using that area to pee and fuck for the entire rest of your life possibly be pleasant?

And this is why dickgirls are superior.

Thanks for forcing me to download this bitch again. Whats her name Lana rey?


A fairly complete video seems to be here for anyone masochistic enough to watch:


Why would anybody do that? Dick is the best part when it cames to traps. Trap without a dick is like woman without a vagina.

NRA: it's ok, just needs more guns

OP's pic is Lana Rain, you're welcome friends (She often cosplays while doing her vids)