Canada is 53% white
Hahaha fuck North America.
trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .
Sounds fake. I only saw goat fuckers and gooks in B. C. last year.
divide and conquer tactic shills at it again
well, that explains why they're always so retarded when they post here. maybe someone should photoshop the amerimutt face into pic related.
North America. Continent of Mutts. HAHAHAHAHA
it's true, it's awful here man. i'm not going to deny it. don't let any american poster tell you differently. the ones that try to deny it are part of the problem. they're the ones walking around with black nappy hair and brown eyes being like "uhhhhh yeah, i white" or "si si si essay, i am el blanco white-o"
it's fucking awful man. the babyboomers are white, like real white. and some of the gen Xers are white (real white). but almost all of the people my age or younger are fucking mutts and quadrooms and stuff. it's fucking horrendous. we're going through negroidception over here. the niggering of a continent. they've assimilated us like the fucking borg assimilated people in star trek.
it pisses people off though, cuz even though they're not white, they still want to delude themselves into thinking they're white. that's why that meme upsets them so much. keep posting it, because it's bringing awareness to a real problem. hopefully if europeans can see what happened here and how badly it went, it will motivated them to save their own homelands. BTW - just so you know, my point of view is the point of view that an actual white person has on this issue. none of like to see this country get niggered. anyone who says i'm full of shit is part nigger or spic, i can guarantee it.
soon the babyboomers will die off and the 53% face will be all that is left in this land.
If Canada was 53% white that would mean there's 18 million shitskins. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
This is a slide thread. Don't be so easy to bait newfags.
Lmaooo can we please meme this. Yeah Canada is 50% Asian at least. Come on now I don't think any leaf is delusional to argue otherwise. But desu they're not bad and our girls are still the best in the world.
There is I’m Afraid.
bump. love to see canashits btfo
Nice to see how completely not-butthurt the Americans are over actually being 56% white that they try to invent stuff to try and pass off the meme