Anyone else joined for the first time?
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trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .
trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .
Lifetime member here. I got my membership when I was 14 and took my hunter education class, after I got my first rifle, at 14. Suck my dick Trump
Your bot needs work. His post had nothing to do with Trump.
I've been considering joining the NRA, but I can't really think of a good reason.
>I'll be voting against him in 2020
trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .
I’ve thought about doing it. Just out of spite.
trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .
Renewed my membership a couple of months ago. Got this cool little NRA camo cooler as well.
What do you get for joining? Unless I get a complimentary gun, fuck it.
>Not being an NRA member
Come on guys.
I joined the same day I registered as a Republican.
Bought a Mossberg 500 pump action 12 guage and a Glock that day too.
You can get a shotgun for under $500.
>joining the NRA instead of Gun Owners of America
Fucking normies.
How do I get past the internet's Jewish tricks? If you search for certain things like the phrase "white people are better at" you won't get anything remotely like what you're looking for. It doesn't matter what search engine you use, if you type wrongthink into a search engine, no matter how you phrase it you'll be given nothing but *corrections* for your thought-crimes. There are no arguments against their agendas anywhere to be found.
THIS, we need to stop supporting the cucked NRA and start sending out shekels Gore's way
Amen brother
Just join via NRA-ILA
Oh yes. Most certainly.
And just join the Gun Owners Of America
Checked. GOA looks like a better choice.
Will the NRA have their own candidate in 2020?
HH checked
Yeah, I support the 2nd amendment, but I don't like paying off politicians to protect it.
>U.K Flag
trump betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2020 fuck him .