The kids are playing in the woods you retarded faggot.
The kids are playing in the woods you retarded faggot
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Give everyone a stick and arm yourself with a stick so you can beat the shit out of the kids.
Holy shit, if we meme this right we can convince the left to get the government welfare programs to give everyone a gun.
Never bring a stick to a chainsaw fight.
The government is made by the people, for the people. So the government is also children if the children are children. How about not letting children dictate how the country runs if you're going to be a flaming homo using retarded fucking analogies
Is owning sticks a right of the children?
Ban all sticks.
Duke it out with a fucking bear in the woods and earn €40 you meme loving fuck
This analogy really makes me think! It's like, WOW
D. Beat the nigglet to death with my own stick
Hell yes
D. Shoot my kid for violating the NAP.
>hit my own kid with the stick
I would take the stick. Cruz should definitely have his gun taken away.
>the citizenry are children and the government is our parent
If an adult hits your child with a stick do you try to take away all the sticks or do you curb stomp the adult and teach your child how to defend himself against stick attacks?
Thread/ ban all assault sticks
>government is mommy
>citizens are children
>Find kids who are also playing with sticks responsibly and forcibly take them away from them.
>Then beat the shit out of them
Tells you so much about leftist psychology.
If it’s your child with the stick, don’t do anything.
Murders in nigger areas would skyrocket. lol
This doesn’t make any sense. I don’t think anyone would disagree with taking the stick away.
Do nothing because it's just a goddamn stick.
How about scrapping all cars? Thousands die in road accidents.
Gun are not sticks
Adults are not children
Shall not be infringed
>If your child hits another child with a stick
>Ask my child why he hit the other child
>Praise or punish him based off answer
Is this really a hard concept?
If my child says it was because he was bullied he would be praised and i would say never let anyone tell you otherwise.
If my child says it was because he wanted to or some other answer, I rectify by explaining why you can't just hit other people.
The tricks liberals try to pull to get their shekel stealing way.
Unironically this.
Simply taking away the stick will not solve the problem. The child will simply pick up another stick and continue engaging in the same behavior.
Beating the child with the stick will act as a deterrent in the future. Realizing that sever negative consequences will result from harming another will temper the child's behavior.
Not a perfect solution. May have to beat the child more than once. But thousands of years of history has taught us that this is actually the best solution.
So less niggers?
>children fighting with stick
>take stick away
>children fighting with guns
>take gun away, but don't stop there, ban everyone from having guns, even responsible adults half a continent away who had no involvement in the kids fighting
We should ban knives, hammers, cars, large blunt objects, forks, pencils, cell phones, hands, legs, teeth, and anything else that can cause harm to other people while we're at it.
I don't see the problem here
>false equivalency
why do libtards do this?
it's not helping their cause
Liberalism is a mental disorder
1) we are not the government's children. We are free citizens with rights.
2) if some punk ass was beating up my kid I would teach him how to defend himself. People, and life, will fuck with you and kids need to learn how to be tough or they'll end up pushover losers. If my kid was beating people up for being weak pussies, I would chose him but secretly be proud of him.
D. Film it Vertically with my potato while jumping around screaming "Worldstar!"
You teach the child to get the other kid to hit himself with his own stick
>Implying these kids are finding guns on the ground
I think there are other questions that should be asked first.
>not banning rocks
Oy vey, think about the children!
calm down AP
trick question. my kid is armed, faggot.
tell him to hit the kid harder
This twat thinks hes so smart but in his scenario you could just as easily choose B. and it doesn't solve the problem at all.
What if you could eat the stick and it tasted good and was also healthy?
you give them a chemical cocktail of uppers and downers, and an iphone and let them figure out the rest
How insensitive of me. Ban water guns and it's ammunition as well.
Nigs are children confirmed
the kids will use fists you retard
>The people are children
>the government is mommy and daddy
We already take guns away from people who shoot others you retarded faggot. Why does op always have to be such a fucking faggot
I obviously take the stick and teach my child how to hit the other child harder with it.
the answer is D. cry on social media for the government to ban sticks, even though they are so easy to acquire that a ban won't do shit
A. Give everybody sticks
That way only the fittest kids will survive, bettering the human gene pool. Too many virgins running around nowadays, we need more Chads.
Is this reductio ad absurdum?
Cut down all the trees so no one can have sticks ever again.
El atrocidad...
The best thing to ever happen to the internet since its invention was when niggers got video-capable smartphones.
The ghetto came into our living-rooms.
Bundle the sticks into a faggot in homage to OP.
>gun owners
Can we talk to some real adults in the issue?
Adults are not children.
I remember when I was a little kid, if someone hit me with a stick, I'd find my own fucking stick and hit him back. Then it'd just become pretend sword fighting.
D. Nobody got hit with a god damn stick, they’re all lying.
Could it really get any higher?
Don't ever send me this man again or i will drive my fist through twenty blocks of solid Roman concrete and scream so fucking loud that a deaf kid in China can hear it do you understand me you fucking faggot I'm not fucking around anymore
yup. we both got bruises and cuts but didnt bitch about them.
yet ANOTHER sassy gay tweet from a grown man. ffs
D. Ban all sticks
We bind all the sticks together and form a mighty faggot.
Did the children found a constitutional republic in which the rights for all to defend themselves with sticks is expressly stated?
I'm sorry. Let me give you a hug. Its what's best for people kind
The government is your daddy.
>The woods is such a powerful lobby it shouldn't be put down even for the safety of millions of kids
your country is a kike shithole, enjoy the upcoming civil war
>Son, why did you hit him with the stick
>Because he was being a lefty soyboy faggot!
>Good job, sport.
If your child burns itself we should ban stoves for everyone, ya being completely retarded. I'm pretty sure I've taken shits with more IQ points than this fucking mouth breathing normie
Yes. When you give niggers free guns with their ebt.
>Phil H thinks he is a parent to his fellow american citizens
No faggot. Not another word or you're grounded for life.
user is this something you have to deal with often? your mom bad touching you? share this is a safe space
Prepare for the absolute worst experience of your life
>your mom will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post
D. Be a responsible parent and beat the shit out of them.
>Gov is my daddy
What a cuck.
tell my child to go back over there and beat the shit out of the kid with the stick.
This guy is absolutely right though, we need to keep faggots away from children.
Bring me your worst, bully! I want to get to the route of your problem let me go deep inside you.
>try take away stick
>get shot
Teaching children concept of responsibility and accountability do not even cross his mind...
It's the root of the problem you dumbass nigger faggot cuck ass looking ass bitchass fucking chink Castro looking ass who even gives a shit about your dumb ass God I hate blacks
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This is a slide thread. Sage it.
> takes sticks away
> child picks up another stick
> starts hitting the kid again
Taking away the sticks would be ineffective also this analogy is shit
If your child hits another child with a truck of peace...
I'd smack my kid upside the head if I saw that, but if he was defending himself or something I wouldn't really fault him.
Besides, sticks grow out of the fucking ground.
It seems like the answer for these short sighted retards is to ban all trees.
>government - parent
>citizen - kid
Interesting analogy...