You have 60 seconds to explain why taxation isn't theft

You have 60 seconds to explain why taxation isn't theft.

Consider it an entrance fee. You're free to fuck off.

Because even a retard knows a country can not function without an incentive for people to work and build it. Taxes are as old as time, none of the colonists argued against paying taxes, just the amount they pay and if they were going to be taxed for something then they wanted a say on the matter

>pay my protection fee or fuck off

How is the state different than pic related?

The question of whether the country could function without taxes is orthogonal to the question of whether they constitute theft or not.

Better organization and they actually protect you. If you don't want to pay taxes there are places you can do that. Just none worth living in.

>they actually protect you
user, i...

It's to the point. If theft is a crime then you'd prosecute the crime. Taxes aren't theft, no one is arguing the necessity of taxes. You need water to live, a country needs taxes to survive, you can't declare a need a crime, but you can regulate how much water you get

>taxes aren't theft because no one argues that taxes aren't necessary
>taxes aren't theft because your country needs them to survive

Did I get that all right?

because you have to pay for the goods you receive from a civil society - otherwise you are a freeloading parasite.

So you're saying that I could give you a bundle of goods you don't either didn't ask for or don't want and then demand whatever compensation from you I want? In a free society people enter into voluntary transactions. What you're describing is coercion.

supposedly we all contribute for common goods and services from the state

return on taxes is universal health, roads, safety, etc
being overtaxed tho is a crime
rich being undertaxed again is a crime
having failed states while being overtaxed is again stealing
but having a well run state like finland or norway and being taxed is cool

Theft is against the law. Taxation is perfectly legal.

Also, fuck off to Africa if you want to live with the niggers and pay no taxes, fucking libertarian shit bum.

Of course your argument is retarded

>being overtaxed tho is a crime
>rich being undertaxed again is a crime
i think it's valuable to distinguish between criminality and ethics. plenty of crimes in certain societies are ethical; plenty of ethical actions in certain societies are crimes. you also haven't established why it's ok to force me to buy services that i don't want or didn't ask for--which services i probably could acquire via voluntary exchange.

Not an argument.

Additionally, for what it's worth, I don't believe that taxes or the state should be abolished. But I did just recently read pic related, and which blew my mind. Curious whether any of the Sup Forumslacks here can put up a winning counterargument. So far, no.

I don't need a minute. It's not theft because you consent to it every single time you engage in commerce. Don't like it? Move to a country without taxes.

Yeah, lolbertarian society is correct in that it is immoral to engage in coercive acts, however, it's an enormous fucking headache to provide for things like city and country-wide infrastructure without levying taxes to ensure that nobody is free-riding. Or, at least nobody should be allowed to free-ride. It's similar to Hoppe's moral and philosophical comparison of democracy to feudalism. Yes, he has a point, but similar to socialism these ideals that are true in the abstract play out differently in the real world.

Libertarians by in large do nothing to stop the formations of monopolies and megacorps.

Businesses NEED to be limited so that competition can happen naturally. Do not punish the successful, but dont allow constant mergers and exceptions.

Aslo just fucking kill the sinful act of banking. A business of gambling made the foundation of international economies

Because driving on a city street isn’t trespassing.

Depends on what the tax money is used for.
There should be no tax on property, only usage taxes. A fuel tax should be used to fix roads and bridges.