Why do young men drop out of society?
Prime-Age Men May Never Return to U.S. Workforce, Fed Paper Says
Because everything is too retarded and stressful now. Can't even sit down and watch a movie without having politics shoved down your throat.
Doesn't benefit them at all anymore, why should I work so dole heads can breed like crazy and suck up my tax payer money?
Link related seems to be on point.
>cuz they're niggers
>Effectively double the workforce by telling women they need to work or they're not "empowered"
>Bring in millions of new workers to the country every year
>Hyperindustrialize everything from housing to prisons to hospitals etc. so that conglomerates continually merge and can cut down on decently paid employees across divisions
>crush small businesses with onerous regulations and taxes
>ask "omg why are men doing worse in the workforce now? teehee"
gee who knows
This. I worked as an auditor for 10 years. Women have made it impossible to work as a white male anymore. It's just hostile everywhere. I just want to work and be left alone.
Social climber roasties have ruined work for everyone.
Well, a lot of reasons honestly. I am going to be dropping out very soon, and I can explain my own reasonings. The biggest one is the fact I work as part of such a large machine for a corporation I see as immoral, hostile, and only out for themselves. I as a worker do not matter and they make that abundantly clear.
This is not only with how I am treated, but also with the fact they are constantly importing H1B individuals to try and replace other american workers. They have far more control over the H1B people and can hire them for cheaper.
Next is how I am treated by society in general. I am a moderate and both sides act as if I should silently support them. They shout down anything I have that disagrees with either side (this happens as much on Sup Forums as it does on tumblr, though I have very little experience with tumblr). In real life I am treated general as if the world is my fault.
My age demographic has the same issue. I am killing industries left and right. I am expected to both solve the problems and take care of those who are aging. I am expected to inherit a world that is dying.
What is worse it is obvious corporations control out democracy and the majority of individuals play sports team politics, Sup Forums has grown worse with this and act as if either side of the coin doesn't fuck them. Blind support is everywhere while our liberties are eroded by our corporate masters.
I decided to leave with my money and just do what I really want to do. Everything I stated so far was bad, but the worst was lack of any purpose. I am leaving to find my purpose and to do what I enjoy. If I fail I'll just kill myself in a few years.
I hope to be a painter.
the fuck do I have to gain?
These two are pretty on point. Couple that with now men are no longer the bread winner, and that means women don't depend on men anymore women will always chase Chad rather than a stable life. Why work to support that system?
they feel what is coming and are preparing accordingly
>1 post by this id
Remember to sage these threads
>Get out of the Army
>Get a job driving a forklift
>Wife gets a 6 figure opportunity in niggerville USA
>Sure why not
>35% unemployment rate
>Only job openings are for Taco Bell and Lowes
>Fuck it I'll just chill out
>3 years later
>Looking at getting promoted to a job in the UK
>Doubt I'll get a work visa
>6 year gap in my employment history when we move back
Yeah I don't think I'll be back
this is what I did. sucked it up for a few more years and saved every penny, went debt free, and bought a farm. internet is available wtf else do i need, some fertlizer and some seeds. why work for the benefit of jews when i can work for myself
Because I'm 29 and I retired. Made 3 million off of bitcoin and I live off the interest. I'll be fine
Yeah that sounds cool any everything, but how do you support yourself and pay property taxes.
>be neet
>get neetbux
>no expenses
>buy the same stock as the rich jews and pros
>make enough money to retire
>be neet again with more money
if you work a 9-5 i swear to god you are retarded and deserve all this sjw crap shoved up your ass and back down your throat again
fuck you
Thats funny I was just reading an msnbc article stating that work participation is the closest to 100% its been since ww2.
not bad. I got 1800/month coming in work free. Just enough to pay a mortgage, necessities, car etc.
That's likely using fucked up numbers. People quit looking for work, they just get dropped out of the "unemployment" numbers. It might come back to bite them in the ass though. Chasing out illegals has been driving up wages in the lower sectors and attracting people back. The government will have to revise their counting or start saying we're at negative unemployment if it keeps up.
Don't they fuck with those statistics?
"if not employed in X time then no considered part of the workforce" or something?
the trap
Why don't you support Trump if you're really a moderate? Are you aware almost all of his policies benefit the American citizenry? Seems like that should be exactly what any moderate is looking for in a politician: someone who benefits them and their nation.
It's almost like the promise of our ancestors is being stolen from us and replaced with disdain.
>Fuck you
Pity I didn't go balls out and invest everything. I coulda bought you a house or something
Because they get to sit at home and play video games all day
>military aged men disenfranchised from the workforce and future prospects
This is going to end well.
Because they're not wanted. I'm a white male in a health care profession with a female majority. I did well at school and was excellent at doing the job. What happens once I graduated? Nobody wants me. Every roastie on the block gets accepted, but I get no offers anywhere. This is despite knowing the subject matter better than most active professions. After months of being unemployed I had to resort to getting an unrelated minimum-wage job.
What a wonderful society we live in, eh?
It's exactly that. Anyone who has long given up is no longer counted
Jews have successfully pushed feminism into society and now we are really starting to see the effects
20 yr milfag?
The work is shit. I literally just work for a year to save up money and take a year off. There's no respect and hard work is not rewarded (but being a minority is)
It's almost like if you twist society into something that certain people hate and then us it to shit on them constantly, those people won't want to participate in that society.
Funny, that.
I have two masters and haven't got a call back on my work applications in years. I've had multiple professionals look over my resume and all say it was well written. When I apply within my field I always get a rejection letter. The last call back I got was a position lower that made 30k less than my last job which would have made me take multiple steps back in my career.
Shits fucking gay. They say the economy is doing so well but I only see entry level jobs or end of career positions.
Why shouldn't I?
>apply for basic bitch job at lowes
>see employees there are boomer and 200 pound women with piercings/tattoos
>hiring staff is a manlet and 5 oclock shadow soyboy
>grin when I hear about sexual harrasement training for a temp job
>wind up not getting job anyways
whew lad might as well be an ecoin whore like
How's the underwater basket weaving industry doing these days?
because 1/3rd their paycheck goes to Stacy and Tyrone's bastard baby instead of "being allowed" to keep their own money for their own future children.
>Why do young men drop out of society?
Because society is hostile towards men.
Godspeed user, and thank you for your words.
Who could have caused this problem?
doesn't help that Human Resources is 90% female or more at some companies
I swear some corps just use HR as a dumping ground so they can post good diversity numbers for the government
I laugh.
How dare you. I'm a VCR designer you asshat.
Young men need war. Literally the reasons for the numale and all of those is because there is no war. War feeds men. That is what they live for. No war, men suffer.
go eat your soy beans cuck
HR is just
>how do we incorporate sewing circles with bureaucracy
>11% of men aren't bothering anymore
who cares
>he didn't embrace laserdisc
user, we’ve been in a war for almost 2 decades.
not a single person in this thread is going to mention NAFTA, how we've lost millions of jobs because of it, or how our unions lost all strength because of it.
Fucking kek. I know how you feel, I'm moving to the US and blown fibreoptics basically doesn't exist over there.
The part that really winds me up is that I supplied the network infrastructure to the airport I fly in to.
Why should I work hard for other people when I can work easy for myself? The idea of being a breadwinner isn't unappealing but I have nobody to do that for.
I'll just continue to work a little so that I can drink and rest on my days off in peace, and think of beautiful things.
Cut off their welfare. They’ll come back.
probably because we're not socialists.
Why don't you start a business and employ white men instead of acting like a nigger? Fuck off you are as big of a problem as kike Roasties. Traitors get the oven first faggot
>women can steal your house and children on a whim for no reason
>lol why are the goyim giving up on life?????????????????????
We are closing the wage gap you patriarchal chauvinist, maybe just
But really, when I’ve noticed the service industry (the number one employer of young people in the West) they have never employed white males, they are always packed to the brim with immigrants and white females. It’s no wonder that white guys who cannot get an entry level job because that would be racist and sexist goy just retreat to killing goblins and shit in vidya
I don't understand how or why these stupid niggers fill these shitty threads to post limit every fucking day
>place burden of supporting minority voting cattoe on white men
>blame all of your minority voting cattle's problems on white men
>blame all of society's problems on white men
>present white men as jokes and failures lucky to be a pussy whipped loser in all media
>ship alk well paying jobs over seas
>demand all remaining jobs adopt affirmitive action employment quotas
>whie men realize game is rigged and stop playing/abuse system like your pets
>Oy Vey Goyim what if we made it easier for you to get employed (but still take most of your money for the parasites)
>why wo nt white men get back in the work force
People need incentives to work, national pride doesnt cut it when the nation refuses to actually enforce its nationhood and people just end up supporting any third worlder willing to vote in the people who hate them
so much for that wage gap...
I respect that, and I hope you can find what you are searching for. In my advice, if you can't get what you want in this modern society then you can always fall back on living in the wilderness. No matter what happens to this fucked up world we have created for ourselves and our future generations the wilderness will always remain steady in its rules.
Because robots will soon be doing most of the work anyways so why bother
Society openly hates young males so there is no need to join their slave labor force
That's a symptom not the problem dingus. Why would you want to escape from a society that's kick ass?
All that needs to happen is some sort of draft for a bullshit war or a whiteness tax and were going to see some fireworks.
Same, only I'm going to skip the low-wage job and go straight to an hero. World is fucked, desu.
So the job market still sucks?
Whatever I'm busy and can't hear you over this pink guy
only if you're a white male. for everyone else there's tons of openings.
welfare state b t f o
There is nothing wrong with unions inherently. They are a collective of employees that have banded together to negotiate the value of their labor which is a commodity. The problem comes from their political influence
Serious question.
How do you drop out of the workforce? I mean, how can you not have a job? What do you eat? Where do you sleep? How are you not homeless, hungry, and destitute? Where do people who "drop out" of the workforce go?
Maybe some of the NEETS can enlighten me.
>create welfare system
>the old and sick use it
>this is fine that's what it's for
>women abuse it
>this is fine the men will pick up the slack
>minorities abuse it
>this is fine the whites will pick up the slack
>men abuse it
What about trade jobs?
the real question is, what the FUCK do i do with my free time? i tried reading but read all that interests me, what the hell am i supposed to do with so much free time? install a mmorpg? play games?
even "dropping out" is a goddamn chore - i have money, i dont have to work for years, i will be buying two apartments at 25 - what the FUCK am i going to do for the next decade? be a mouthbreather, consuming resources endlessly.
I wish i lived in a more exciting universe.
>Why do young men drop out of society?
Removal of the reward. You used to get through school, get a job, buy a house and car or save your money. By the time you hit 30~35 you were well off enough that you could then land a decent 20-30 girl and start a family.
Now you can't. Either the girls are roasty toasties who've taken a million dicks and come with two bastards, or they're employed in a useless but high pay white collar job so they're not interested in what those men have to offer.
So why would men bust their ass for no reward? Compounded by them being demonized in society, told they are the source of all evil, taxed to support migrants they don't want here and programs for women who don't want these men.
Men are pragmatic creatures. They understand this at a basic level even if they don't understand the interplay of variables. They just know that joining the workforce and being a productive member of society is no longer of any benefit to them. It won't get them a wife and family, it'll barely buy them a house, and it won't get them any respect.
So fuck it, stay at mom's and play vidya.
pretty much, in nearly every area it's still an employer's market
wages have inched up a little bit for the first time in 20 years and already the lobbyists are screaming bloody murder about a labor shortage and the economists are ranting about "full employment"
They all got memed into STEM and then realized there was no STEM shortage.
how do you even buy stocks? is it just a simple app, or you go to a place and "order" some stocks? that has always puzzled me.
Parent's basement
6 roomates in a house in middle america that only has a house payment and utility bills adding up to $900 ($150 a month each)
Food stamps for food, Obamacare for healthcare. Scrounging $200 a month with crypto, etsy, twitch, amazon arbitration, etc.
A mix between living with their mom or selling drugs. They have no sense of self worth and are addicted to drugs to numb their conscious. Believing the whole time it's someone else who is the problem therefore they'll never get better.
T. This is why I have no friends
hey dumbo, ever consider starting a family? you know, the ultimate purpose of money? if you think you have too much spending money, try having some children.
>How do you drop out of the workforce? I mean, how can you not have a job? What do you eat? Where do you sleep? How are you not homeless, hungry, and destitute? Where do people who "drop out" of the workforce go?
I live with my mom. I don't pay rent but I buy my food, I make the food for her and me, I do all the maintenance and yard work on this large, old house that needs lots of it (she pays the materials). I pay for internet. I don't collect welfare, living off savings and return in investments. It's really not a lot, a few grand a year, so I have to be frugal.
>tfw businesses require applicants to fill out a questionnaire whose soul purpose is to see how much they can get off on their taxes by hiring you
You live in shame and misery with your parents (who, in all likelihood, you'll grow to hate), or you live off of a disability check, or a welfare check, or a GI bill for attending some bullshit part-time community college. The only jobs you'll hold pay minimum wage (or very close to it) and usually have "flexible hours", meaning that you'll never work the hours you want, but still never work the hours you need to make a decent living.
t. 26 yo NEET with a worthless degree. AMA.
war not on your soil does not even count in our opinion. if your village elder was not skinned at least once and the cuties taken away you are doing it wrong.
Learn to craft something. It could be something physical like woodworking, pottery, blacksmithing, etc. Or you could program open-source software or video games. Write a book. Become a body builder.
Fuck. There are tons of things to do.
We have record low unemployment begone shill
>was wageslave
>see refugees come in, get everything provided for them they could possibly want and they make more money than me
I was a cancer scientist at a top-tier institution (in the US) and its all bullshit and politics. Science isnt even what they do, its all wine parties with journal editors and then they wageslave the techs and post-docs and that results in subpar data which gets published because it comes from a top-3 school.
so i made some money on investments (not crypto) and am travelling the world until armageddon (2-3 years TOPS).
so no, im not rejoining anything
I'm in the process of completely dropping off the grid and going full self sustain. I put my entire savings into crypto, I'm going to work a bit longer to buy more gear and go innawoods. Going to build a wok wifi receiver or something to get Internet strong enough for email, Sup Forums, downloading 2d roms, etc.
This. Well said, user. I've been out of the workforce for a while and wonder if/when I'll ever go back. GF makes it comfy for me, I am busy. I hate the thought of returning to what I left: fucking women shitting up the workplace everywhere I went.
Good luck, user, you magnificent bastard.
A broker buys them on your behalf. So you set up a brokerage account at some bank and buy them through that. It's easier than buying shit off Amazon.
yes, but FUCK, women are getting a little... strange. Like, can't cook, dressed like goblins, which can all be tolerated but... the problem is me, honestly. I got so used to being alone it creeps me out - i don't go out, i see no "reason" to do it - i actually wish i could have a girl to waste money on but its like advanced geometry at this point or something.
Sorry for failing you bro :(
Also, my sis got married has a son, really great. This is a good country for family life.
I will definitely try.
Start lurking biz.
Dropping out of a dysfunctional society is actually an alpha trait.
biz is nothing but cryptocurrency now