Once you’re a NEET, you’ll always be a NEET
Once you’re a NEET, you’ll always be a NEET
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All NEETs should be gassed anyway. They are the niggers of the white race.
well yes. it is similar here. you can observe an obscure development here where job openings and the entire application process is increasingly done through third party middle men. im not sure how to call them, recruiters maybe? there are tons of companies popping up mediating between employer and potential employees and this increasingly becomes the main method. the problem is that in case of signing a contract, you are not officially working for the desired company, but for those mediators. and this is something nobody really likes to see. here comes the great part. our ministry for work affairs (like the job centre in UK) hands out special grants to people that are unemployed for 6 months and longer. you basically go to these mediators with this grant and they give you a job. should you attempt to get a job without this grant, then you will have to pay the mediators fees for handing your application to their clients, your potential employers. so say you lose your job and try to find a new one. well 95% of offers go through mediators, meaning you have to pay to get a job in the first place. alternatively you remain a NEET for half a year to get this special paper. its really astonishing what happened. i pray i will never fall into this cycle.
Once a dog tastes freedom you're never safe around it again, is this supposed to make NEETs feel bad?
>remembering that semi-NEET year I had after graduation
Eternal NEET here, and I agree. Why would I ever work when I don't have to? When, in fact, it's detrimental to my very being and every value I hold?
You can't name a reason.
The glorious NEET is doing more to destroy the Fed than any wagecuck ever could. He knows the problem and the situation in its entirety and rather than feed the beast he despises he takes advantage of its flaws to bring about its destruction much quicker to end the wagecucks long-term suffering.
We realize what we're doing is shit-tier and make the conscious decision to sacrifice our material gain to live up to our principles of not serving the master that binds us with permanent enslavement planned for the rest of our life times. We fight so you don't have to.
>free healthcare
>free neetbuck
im doing my part right now
life is shit then you die, may as well do w/e the fuck you want, who gives a fuck what some self righteous 56%ers on Sup Forums think?
>trying to wake up a sheep
It's a wasted effort my man. Let him waste his life by providing for his Jew boss, he'll realize we're right sooner or later.
you gotta work to support your wife's son and the refugees!
Every special operations unit knows it's a thankless job and often times will go unnoticed by history forever. Now that burden falls on us.
NEET here. I don't have much time left. My parents are sick of it. So I'm preparing to live in the woods somewhere, if I can't hack it, I'll shoot myself. I'm never going to work, fuck that
How do neets get food and housing?
I'm mean, I've got a job and all that but I don't really like it and wish I didn't have to work.
What about medical?
do the house work for your parents
>if i can't hack it
Work on your attitude. You need to believe in yourself and find a way.
Tiddley-ho, wagecucks.
You’ve made it to the weekend. Congratulations!
Now don’t party too hard. Your boss needs you well rested for the new week that’s right around the corner.
As for me, I’ll be performing at the dueling piano bar for the next few nights. Hope to see you there!
If only wagecucks knew we're only trying to help them...
kill yourself
Study the law. You can decently rise a family of you know what you are doing. All the negroids on welfare have their legal ((advisers)) and social ((workers)) doing it for them.
Now why would I do that?
NEETS > Normalfags
You don't.
I guess working people are jealous that you're not playing their shitty game. That being said, I work a 9 to 5 but I acknowledge it's bullshit and am doing so just to rack up a lot of cash quick.
He's just bitter.
Let him project his anger onto us, it is the one job we have. If it weren't for the NEETs who could he blame for his shitty life?
Legit good advice. They'll go easier on you the easier you make their lives. It's been this way for centuries until it gone turned on it's head by "everyone go to college, goy". It's unsustainable that way. Multi-genetational houses will likely make a comeback out of sheer necessity. Generational division will die and with it, one of the tools the jews use to keep the goyim in check.
t. average NEET Mutt
>Sup Forums
How do you except to defeat a beast you're feeding, user?
t. Mutt
Look how nicely this neet writes the memes are true
Truly the master race
>To defeat this beast I'll just do nothing and let him ravage the house until everything collapses on top of us.
I don't think you get it. The beast does not care whether or not he inhabits the town or not. He can live outdoors and indoors. He can live comfortably in a western home or inside a mudhut tinshack. The only one who loses is the white man and centuries of his labor. You want to do something? Become politically active. Wake up each day with a job, strength train, improve your tradeskills and become self sufficient, make it clear you're not afraid of voicing your pride and endorse politicians that can help push your agenda slowly but steady.
>Yeah but if I don't agree with him over 1 out of 100 issues than I won't support him
Than you're a fucking moron if you think compromise is not the art of diplomacy and ultimately taking advantage of those issues that he supports you with. You're in Austria of all places, your PM is sympathetic to Hungary and Poland. You can do this, you can make your country expel the third worlders. But you can't have this defeatist attitude and think acting like a nigger will help you in the long run.
study this
Wageslave isn't a desirable fate anymore.
This. You NEETS might as well use your time wisely and gain knowledge and wisdom. Give this doucmentary a watch since you have the time.
Thats absurd goy. It is not like the German Revolution of 1918 was a Jewish led revolution that sought to spread communism... oh wait.
There's a reason why Hitler put neets in the camps, faggot. You're literal human waste. You serve no purpose but to burden the state. By definition, you are a parasite, just as much as any nigger or crackhead who abuses EBT.
>100 years of leftism has created a permanent social underclass
How about you work twice as hard for us, since you love working.
You don't value living indoors?
I think you've been unproductive for far too long my friend, you should get back into the swing of things with a paper route or something.
You're right, I do love working. I love improving myself, climbing the ranks, and ascending the dominance hierarchy. Actually, most people do. You are the weird one here, chief. Something's broken with your brain that makes you want to only take and never give. I'd rather live in a society where everybody contributes and there's no human waste suckling off the nanny state, thanks. I get enough of that as is with niggers, drug addicts, and spics.
You're here forever bucko
>You want to do something? Become politically active.
How am I supposed to do that when I'm tired from 8-12 hours of work, user?
I already strength train and am self-sufficient, an I get paid by my political enemies to do that. How's that not superior to what you're suggesting,which evidently hasn't worked ever?
I work 40+ hours a week, go to the gym five days a week, date women, and pursue my hobbies all at the same time. You just sound lazy. Grow the fuck up
>You don't value living indoors?
Where did I say that?
>triggered wagie
>I work 40+ hours a week, go to the gym five days a week, date women, and pursue my hobbies all at the same time.
That's nice, tell me how your political activism is going.
>Grow the fuck up
I already did, children don't get NEETbux here.
I just realized a little mistake that I had to fix.
I can see why.
Once you are neet you get used to doing nothing, it becomes a habbit, it becomes your life.
Where is the motivation supposed to come from?
>implying that you can be relying on big daddy government to take care of you and still be grown up
sorry little guy but you're pretty much the definition of a manchild. you haven't grown up in the slightest
>can't imagine a NEET that doesn't use welfare
>you only do or are X if you do as I say
You're not the lawmaker of my country, which is the only relevant factor in this discussion here, user.
Also you dodged my question.
Good, I have no intention of selling myself out for shekels to anyone.
I'm living life my way period.
I used to be a NEET. Knowing I would never accept min wage, I just lied on my resume until I landed a $17/hr job in tech support. If you have any questions on how to pull this off let me know.
And I learned what I needed to on google/youtube. You'd be surprised at how many companies don't really check work history or references, especially if the job is less than $15/hr. I'm so much happier now.
>inject more women into the workforce and increase competition whilst making it unbearable to work around them with instilling draconian work cultures
>men's role as a breadwinner has been effectively stripped from them due to the fact economic demands state that there needs to be both parents working to maintain a middle class lifestyle
>this is on top of the fact that most companies hire on the basis of diversity or extreme qualification ("MUST HAVE PRIOR EXPERIENCE" or "MASTERS LEVEL EDUCATION")
>surpised when men make the decision within their rational self interest to abandon the work force
not even gonna lie, if some of the folks I've worked with were given the means to spree kill their HR departments they would
No, the relevant factor in the conversation is that you literally would not be able to survive without somebody else taking care of you. That makes you just about equivalent to a child in every sense of the word. I make my own money through service transactions with other individuals, there is nobody taking care of me other than myself. I am not reliant on a government, a parent, a family member, or a trust fund to survive. You are. That makes you a manchild. Sorry buddy, I know reality hurts, but that's just the fact of the matter.
>tfw haven’t taken the NEETpill
At least NEETS don't try to fail. Is there anything more pathetic than trying your hardest and still failing? Wagecucks disgust me
t. rich guy
>Demand for workers is up
>All the entry level jobs requiring the degree I have want 1-5 years experience in said field
Maybe if you faggot boomers wanted to train me I could join the professional workforce
>Watermark at bottom of picture
Nigger I'm not going to that site
>a.) i burden my family because i'm too lazy to support myself
>b.) i burden my state and my kinsman because i'm too lazy to support myself
sounds pretty nigger tier no matter how you frame it t b h
Muhamed and his 20 kids gotz to eat
and this new article is pure garbage
>may never return
yea and I'm the Queen of Spain
You have to consider what creates a NEET. Imagine being born in a first world society, you're parent's raise you to be a parasite rather than a competent adult, the government indoctrinates you, and the entertainment world shapes your entire existence. Eventually you grow up and realize the errors of your ways but you don't know how to escape it. You go to school again but now see that it's a form of indoctrination and is meant as a tool to enslave you with debt. You try to get a job but realize that there's no incentive because you can't even afford the lowest costs in rent and you realize that a majority of jobs pay this wage. Feeling defeated, you spend your days trying to understand the world around you. This will result in two different kinds of NEETS, those that want communism because they foolishly believe this accounts for all their needs or the race realist NEET who realizes that the Jews are responsible with their subversive tactics to emasculate us and divide us with (((progressivism))). I am a semi-NEET, do I feel shame? Absolutely! But I was doomed to this life from the start and now I have to focus on radical self-improvement just to undo the damage done. In the meantime I compile and share redpills to wake others up.
>c) I made a lot of money young and I invest smartly and don't live like a nigger.
>he doesn't realize that he's just as bad as niggers/muslims because he exploits his government in the same exact way they do
please, you're not a white man. you're a white nigger. people like you would not be accepted in the white ethnostate. we don't want handicapped autists who can barely take care of themselves without government assistance
>t. 0.00000001% of people
being retired doesn't count as being a neet btw
AFTER he created jobs programs.
>tfw I've been a NEET for over 15 years at this point
There's no catching up, is there lads? That's one of the main things that keeps me up at night. Who's going to hire someone with that much of a gap in their employment history?
>being retired doesn't count as being a neet btw
If you retired at 24, it kinda does.
>i can cite peterstein soundbytes to sound more intelligent
lol gas yourself
>Who's going to hire someone with that much of a gap in their employment history?
Depends what you're good at. Just prove you can do something better than anyone they've ever seen do it. Pretty easy to get jobs if you can do that.
That could be me honestly, i just don't what I would do all day. Although granted I work remotely anywhere I want already, but it gives me purpose.
dropping red pills on the normal fags.
Then help us! We are your brothers and we have been led astray. Make threads in self-improvement, good job prospects, how to be independent but don't just disregard us as hopeless children that deserve to die. We want to help and we want to escape this meaningless existence
Nobody. You've literally fucked yourself permanently. You will have close to 0% chance of ever landing a job because you have no notable skills, no notable experience, and you're growing in age. Your resume would scream "something is wrong with this guy" at any employer. Your bad decisions have most likely fucked you over for the rest of your life. Enjoy NEETdom I guess though, I bet it was worth it
How do into the NEET life?
I work 2 jobs, roughly 60hrs a week and have a mortgage. I am pretty sure I'm stuck wageslaving the rest of my life.
>posting this in my 45min between jobs
Well yeah
With so many near-perfect applicants for anything and everything, there's no reason for anyone anywhere to take a chance on a guy who spent any portion of their adult life doing nothing.
As of right now, i'm "still in the running". Good grades, straight to college from high school, working every summer.
But it's easy to imagine something happening that would knock me right out.
Do you have to have gibs to be a neet? What if you have retired early and basically live the neet life but pay your own way?
>literally use one term invented by peterson
Wrong. It's true that you're going to gave to work shit Mcjobs at first. Just lie on your resume, use fake references, and go back to school.
>never have to work
>get free shit from the same government that oppresses and wants to exterminate us, bleeding the machine
>live in absolute luxury forever
>you (wagecuck)
>slave every day breaking his back or mind or both, ultimately accomplishing nothing and getting cucked in every way shape and form in a society that seeks to destroy his very race
>never get to relax even at retirement age
who's the smart one again?
Most NEETS aren't white.
What is actually being said is darkies don't work when there's no repercussions.
It has more to do with diversity hires clogging up every worthwhile position and chasing off men than anything else. Oh well.
>I work 40+ hours a week, go to the gym five days a week, date women, and pursue my hobbies all at the same time. You just sound lazy. Grow the fuck up
either you're lying, on heavy stimulants that will frak you up longterm or you're just a brainwashed mangina who was programmed by his mommy to beleive that being a slave is "growing up and adult stuff"
zombies...brain dead.
bye bye idiots.
I'm 43 and made the same decision at 32. Been inna and outta -woods ever since. I've not worked a day since doing things I loathe to enrich the globalist menace but still manage to make a fair bit of money via expropriation.
Protip: Lightweight backpacking equipment is your friend. See the ultralight threads on /out/. Forget the top of the line shit. A siltarp, bivvy sack, decent sleeping bag, ground sheet, alcohol/esbit stove, anodized aluminium cookware aren't cheap but they're worth it. If you can't swing the £300 or so for a basic light setup, use the same gear, just heavier shit.
>Nobody. You've literally fucked yourself permanently.
More like my conditions being raised in fucked me permanently.
>you have no notable skills
I do have some skills, but no experience, which is the problem. It doesn't matter what skills I have if I don't have the experience.
>Just lie on your resume, use fake references
Isn't that illegal? What if they find out?
Tradies BTFO
There will be 3 classes in the future
The new royalty
The engineer/technocrat class
The untouchables
Remember to go to college before it's set in stone, you've got time :^)
How much do you make a year faggot? I guarantee you I make at least four times as much as you do. You don't live in "luxury," you live in a state of disgusting complacency where you accept getting meager pennies and living in squalor because you are incapable of pushing yourself to aspire to anything greater. You are untermensch, by definition. At least by being a NEET I don't ever have to interact with your kind. Maybe isolating yourself from normal people is the correct way to go, considering nobody wants you in the actual world anyway
He's lying or his hobbies are staring at the wall for half an hour a day.
>never get to relax even at retirement age
or worse you die shortly after retirement after working your ass off all your life
>Isn't that illegal? What if they find out?
I got a job at microsoft and loved it for a year and a half until they did an audit and found out I lied about my degree. Fired instantly.
Being a NEET in winter is truly sublime. No shoveling out my car just to drive to work on icy roads. Comfy blankets to wrap up in and binge watch TV series, cup of mocha coffee in hand. Am I sleepy? Maybe I'll just nap whenever, because it doesn't matter when I go to bed. Heavenly. I think I'll make a batch of brownies later.
I went through this exact experience to get my first job out of college. Fortunately for me the company liked me and hired me on full time after a month.
>ascending the dominance hierarchy
You are literally the modern equivalent of a field-nigger in the plantation of the globalist plutocracy. Wagie ragie to follow.
such a salty wage fag
If they fire you then just repeat the process until you've found a place and proven yourself to the point where they'll keep you anyway.
whites being neets is fine, you deserve it