Is it too late for them?
Is it too late for them?
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designated european outdoor shitting country
It's too late for you.
Their blonde women are fixated of dark cock, and they can't get enough. Swedish males are so immasculated that they might as well be sterile women
Wtf I like sweden now
you dont understand white people. we'd nuke the whole planet into a wasteland rather than let you have it.
>fixated of
tienes que volver
Nope, i don't think so. Remember many Swedes here on Sup Forums are mostly shills from Russia or the SD (Nazi party in Sweden run from Russia).
Normal Swedes are really nice people who like to meet people from other countries.
I can retell an episode from last summer, me and friends had a fun night out with many beers :D. On the way home we stopped at doener kebab and when ordering i saw the owners wer more quiet than usual.
We ate our kebabs and when exiting we saw two Russians trying to convince all arabs should be killed or deported immediately, the arabs are polluting Sweden and the west.
At that moment i understood why the normally friendly and happy staff of doener kebab were so quiet. I told the damn Russians to go back home to Russia immediately and not pollute Sweden with their Nazi shit.
Why on earth are Russians even promoting Nazis? wasn't Nazism all about to eradicate Russia? i can only guess they are either disillusioned and their grandfathers do not rest easy in their graves or Russia is using Nazism to destabilize Europe.
Let them be replaced. They wanted it. We can just sitback and laugh.
>Why on earth are Russians even promoting Nazis
Because communists are worse, slavs know what first hand.
Nice Reddit post.
>from oppressor race to cucked and replacing themselves
Dont make us put you back in chains negro. My country on its own(2mill) could wipe Africa clean in 1year. Then you'll be triggered.
Daily reminder that if you're a non-swede, swedish woman will pay you to have sex with them.
Wait.. what user?
Of course not. Why would it be you spineless mutt?
UR Ttoo cucked to do anything WHYT BOI. NO WYTE ethnostate can save the WHYT race!
I'm not Swedish but still 23 year old virgin. Explain this.
Blonde women dedicate all their time to getting BBC. aint no bitch wantig to be with youj
If their government let the military and police do their jobs they can be saved
doing something about their 90%+ jew owned media might help dispell the delusions of the common folk
Communism in the Lenin and Stalin way died long ago.
Myself i vote for the Democratic Socialist Party i think they are spot on to my beliefes although they are trying flirt to the right.
I think capitalism run amok or communism run amok will ultimately destroy themselves, its just the way of their ideologies, capitalism will lead to an elite running the slaves and communism will lead an elite running the slaves.
Democratic Socialism or the middle way were capitalism is regulated and communism is regulated into a delicate balance for the benifit of the citizens is the right way.
In democratic socialism people can still be obscenely rich but nobody is poor and education and healthcare giver everyone a fair chance.
I love the old Kennedy quote "do not ask what your country can do for you but rather ask what can you do for your country.
I guess that quote is also the Swedish way.
the problem for you is twofold:
1) white people are super nice, until they're not
2) white people had a dip in racial consciousness, which, as you can see with the election of trump, and the rise of the right in europe, is trending towards more racial consciousness. as more white people begin to understand that they have been played for being nice, the push back occurs.
Agree, i hope i get to push the button
Open nazi party in the 90's is 0.3% away from being the biggest party in Sweden, im sure its over.
KYS reddit
Swedish college students come in droves to Brazil to impale themselves with the Big Brazilian Cock.
meme flag. ignore the cuck.
Yeah, everybody in Europe is WAITING to go to Brasil... to shit in a hole and eat mud.
What am I looking at?
You post under the Swedish flag why do you do that if you are not Swedish?
are they really openly nazi
>tfw you will never save a Swedish pure blonde virgin from this shithole and let her grow up in Austria, with guns, almost 0 crime rate and freedom
Why even continue living?
opinion polls, dark blue is SD
I actually wanted to go to Brazil many years ago. Seeing that it's such a shithole now, it's on my nope-list.
I give you two months before you find yourself Seig Heiling every portrait in your home.
in the 90's, not anymore.
austria has good gun laws? How good compared to the usa?
No, they're kosher as hell
sucks. so they are trumps basically
More freedom than California, less than Georgia.
would sweden accept a blonde haired blue eyed american white immigrant into their countryside? No niggers tend to be in the countryside anywhere, and I am quickly losing hope in this mutt infested shithole
what about autos?
i dont think so, you dont join a party like SD in the 90's unless you were an borderline nazi.
Austria here i come
the countryside used to be good untill the refugee crisis, they are truly everywhere nowadays. The goverment made sure everyone got a taste.
was Sweden like 99% white back then? And do they count middle easterners and other caucasoids as white on their statistics
That's not what your blonde aryan pprincess said when i impailed her with my BIG BLACKDICK
No, here's a quick breakdown of the three major swedish (the only three that matters) the Sweden Democrats want to be like the moderates and the moderates want to belike the socialdemocrats
TL;DR sweden democrats = social democrats in denial
jesus christ that fucking sucks. my two kids are freshly redpilled and they want to move to europe really badly.
No. In theory yes for collectors or people with connections.
But you can get semis which are easily converted to autos, like SIG550. In case the race war breaks loose and you need to suppress an enemy squad.
Do they believe in deportations at all or just assimilations
we dont keep statistics on race, that was removed in like 2005 by this fellow Swede.
I need to move the fuck out of California immediately.
>they want to move to europe really badly
Wait untill after the civil war, moving here now is not good.
Is sweden forever changed?
Is it too late?
Sweden is the worst example. Other European nations arent that bad. Although Germany is certanly heading in to that direction
Holy shit they really do look like rats.
Not Europe, slavic serf, but swedish and some dutch college students do come a lot.
at first they proposed cutting the immigration by 90%, now they've appointed a spokesman on integration
It's not our fault your women are out of control.
>It's real
Holy fucking shit. Why haven't a single news outlet said a single word? This ought be Code Red for them
how far off are we from seeing shtf? Are there a lot of based swedes willing to put up a fight? are the migrants there armed? I heard about illegally armed migrants
When times are hard the hard gets going. I would never abide to any slave belief.
I am an anarchist by heart but even i realize people are not pure in heart and mind anymore so anarchism would never work.
I live by trying to help my fellow man if i can and i try to do right. Its not easy but i try, i give money to beggars and help people in need whenever i can.
What the fuck...holy shit the Sweden yes memes were not fake, I thought it was just Breitkike overreacting for clicks and shekels
it was top news on aftonbladet flera dagar ditt sendrag
SD are controlled by jews. They have us by the balls.
I feel alienated in Sweden and i sort of want to leave, but if i leave i fear i'll just feel more alienated because i'm an immigrant
Nordfrönt race war, when?
The day Sweden falls is the day the race wars start.
Pewdiepie doesn’t even live in Sweden and that’s his native country so that should say a lot about the place
no they arent armed, only gangs working with drugs etc, And they just here to make money.
Lots of people go to Brasil on holiday. But how many stay for more than a week? nobody wants to live in the fucking gutter. Brasil the probably the shittiest country outside of africa.
there are a lot of us states that are alright, if i can't take my kids to europe so that they don't have to suffer through mutts chimping out in class i will take them to a midwestern state. california is an unbelievable hellhole, basically a third world country at this point
LOL RIP Northern Urope
You're the proof there are black people, and then there are FUCKIN JIGS like you.
he is not black he is probably one of us larping as blm
Dont answer to the meme flags.
They come as exchange students, you illeterate peasant, not on holidays.
You are not wrong. Unfortunately the white man didn't quite get that the war is happening and somehow refuses to fight back.
hahahahaha, ok.. Exchange Students.. as if there is education in Brasil.. I'm sure they are going to Brasil to get their excellect 3rd world education. You sleep in a mud hut, stfu.
>Is it too late for them?
It's all ogre, but not to late to see cucks burned and the astards who made this happen suffer
University of Sao Paulo is one of the best in the world. Certainly better than anything a german vassal can offer. That's not the point, though, they come here for the wild parties and to fuck the big brazilian cock.
Once you go nigger you cant go back
You forgot to mention the whole restaurant clapping
Oh yes. I'm sure your theory is correct. Its what you want to belive nut job. They go for the beaches and the nature, just like everybody else. Then Quickly go to Argentina and clean their hands with clean water.
Its not that i have anything against what you're saying, it's just that to me i'd be like the people i hate: a coward
afraid so, the death cry will take two or three decades tho
The USA has the same media problem, but at least they have guns.
Stale pasta
gå och drunkna i ett dike
Just want to bring to your attention there is a Muslim refugee in Sweden that just gave his name, town and YouTube channel up willingly. He is crying about Swedish people being racist and the women not wanting to have sex with him.
Please nuke this rats YouTube channel.
no way thats the actual guy though, posting on pol? someone else must be posting pretending to be him.
scum sweds coming to Israel for years to cry with muh poor muslims about evil jews oppressing them and their women get raped but never report to not give muslims a bad name. now they dont need to travel to Israel to enjoy a good muslim rape. fuck sweden in the ass by muslims. i rub my hands when i hear the stories about sweden.
Either way fuck him he deserves weaponised autism
>Sweden Democrats
>Open nazi party
Aren't they just civic nationalists? Hell, have they even talked about the relation between race and IQ?
yes, it's to late for swedinstan, because they will never gain control of their children or women, ever again. only a full scale war world war where they join in the fight to reignite the flame that has been dead since the 1814. mark my words, sweden is a dead country, and this is coming from a black guy that lives here and has seen how emasculated the men are.
just watching this atm. really hitting me how you basically have feminists and overweight soyboys running your country. alphas swedes need to step up to the political plate quickly.