Discussion about Gen Y and why they are worse than millenials

This is going to be a weird post that probably gets no replies but I wonder if anyone else has been noticing this so I will see.

I don't think Gen Y is based and I think they are going to make things worse. My main interaction with Gen Y is through leddit gaming boards. I visit a couple of gaming subreddits. The result is always the same. The youngest people there 18 and under are incredibly fragile (more than millennials) and can't rationally handle having their opinions challenged. You tell a Gen Y'er that the game they like has problems, they will get really really irrationally mad, throw temper tantrums, say the worst personal shit about you they possibly can and will throw as many fallacy statements to draw the discussion to a standstill. You ask them to prove anything they say and they will get irrationally angry at the fact that you questioning their anecdotal evidence. They can't handle being challenged. They think they are always right and this is in regard to video games. Imagine other topics. Just now I had an argument with one and he wanted all voice chat in video games removed because he claims every video game is just a constant stream of nothing but racist and sexist people on the mic which is bullshit, most games people play in silence and don't say a word to each other. It's greatly exaggerated how bad voice chat is these days. Never the less Gen Y would rather have all communication be taken away rather than risk hearing someone offend them.

They are not based and they are going to be the final nail on the coffin.

>My main interaction with Gen Y is through leddit gaming boards
Stopped reading.

>Stopped reading.
Like it or not, thats the mainstream for them and where you can get an accurate view of how they think.

didnt read past your first sentence lel.

Goes in all fields bro

Gen y is not based and as long as the culture remains the same each following culture gets worse since limiting your rights and being PC become the norm they are born into.

Leddit is full of 30 year old manchildren, not actual children

I agree with your post.
It's funny you mention how people on certain sites of certain age groups react, because you're getting a great fill on how Sup Forums reacts to critical thinking.

You don't even get your post read because it contained an invalid word.

First, millennials are gen Y, you mean gen Z. Second, gaming is for children, and the fact that you're so irrationally worried about the fact that children are behaving like children says more about you than them.

When I was a kid I wasn't offended by everything or constantly worried about being offended. If someone challenged me I would whine and cry like a fucking baby especially over video games. He's right. Go to any subreddit. Make a thread. Say that game sucks because and list a bunch of reasons. You will get responses calling you toxic entitled and other shit and probably banned. That is not normal.

Or perhaps people who care about video games enough to frequent subs dedicated to them are manchildren that can't be trusted to have rational conversation?

Fuck off. I read the whole post and agree with OP as well. Its still a fucking gay thread and I agree with the anons telling him to fuck off as well. This is not politics. Make a new thread about gen Y's political trends. Go ahead and keep praising OP for critical thinking skills though. Fucking hell.

You realize like it or not gaming is mainstream right? The average age of a person who plays games is like 35. Games outgross Hollywood movies in sales. Twitch just paid almost $100 million dollars for the broadcast rights to overwatch. You can pretend to be Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino all you want but you are currently out of touch.

>I only talk with people through video game forums

Fucking kill yourself you worthless manchild.

If you read the OP you would see the connection was being drawn that if Gen Z can't have their opinions challenged for video games that it's going to be a lot worse for politics

Millennials are Gen Y

Gen Y are Millennials, you colossal tit.

Rick and Morty is funny

>being a manchild is acceptable now, deal with it gramps

I also love you thinking that someone calling you a worthless waste of space for talking about video games with such passion must be some "hard case". Whatever helps you deal with being a massive fucking failure that can't communicate with actual adults.

I bet when your Gramps saw you watching TV all day he called you a man child since his gen didn't do that. That's the funny thing about generational shifts faggot.

Being a transsexual attack helicopter is also accepted by most people now kid, but that doesn't mean it's right. You can call me out of touch of it makes you feel better about your estrogen levels, but the fact that it's "mainstream" in this culture should be the first indication to you that it probably isn't healthy.

Congrats you just argued like a liberal. You know when they say shit like "The 2nd amendment is old and outdated and we got rid of it just like slavery". This is the same bullshit you just pulled.

Wow. Nobody forced you to take that personally.

I didn't watch TV all day and I wasn't so fucking poor my grandpa was living in my parents home, you ignorant fucking redneck.

Seriously fucking kill yourself because you have no idea how the real world works.

Gen Y is millennials retardo

Who cares faggot point is there are things you do that your Gramps probably thinks makes you a faggot. This is how every generational shift is. This isn't Gran Torino you fat fuck you aren't Clint Eastwood. You are some fat fuck nobody.

>projecting this hard

Way to prove you're a fat fucking loser that never amounted to anything because he was too busy with his BING BING WAHOO shit.

Did you never think they were telling you to stop watching TV all day because you were gaining weight and turning into an asocial blob of shit you subhuman cunt?

>attacks the nature of the argument and not the point being made.

I thought I was the liberal? Enjoy your video games kid. It's not like you could be devoting that time to hobbies that increase your societal and sexual value, though I'm sure when you're 80 you'll be glad you beat halo on insanity rather than hitting the gym.

Are you fucking retarded
You go to a GAMING SUBREDDIT and expect to meet the alphas of the generation, either you have sub 80 IQ or are a shill

>I don't play video games
>I know the #1 Sup Forums insult for the switch

And you just fucked up friend.

Yes you are the liberal once you try to argue using fallacies, what ifs and analogies. Fuck off kike.

>repeating a meme from Sup Forums, the board that doesn't play video games means I play video games

At least I don't talk about them on Reddit you manchild faggot. Keep crying because your grandpa thought you were a waste of sperm.

>I visit Sup Forums

You are really pathetic dude trying to pretend you are something you are not.

>he must browse Sup Forums because he used (((our))) lingo
I'm arguing like a liberal? You've called the britbong a fat fuck and implied that the poster you're debating believes they are Clint Eastwood not once, but twice. Frankly I think if one of us is the liberal it's the one that becomes so irrationally irritated when people shit on his one, sad hobby that he starts namecalling.

>OP is a Sup Forums meme

Kill yourself.

If you're not a role model to your younger bros, you're also part of the problem

Go back to his first responses to me he acted like a bitch first. Meanwhile you argue with fallacies and whataboutisms like a cunt liberal.

You said a meme directly related to the switch only posted in Sup Forums as you pretend you don't care about gaming kill yourself faggot.