Christian woman talks about a prophecy whereby after 70 years of jewish occupation, a war will completely decimate jerusalem and the palestinians will be able to reclaim their land once more.
She names the jew as well, calls them the synagogue of satan, false jews, antichrists, babylon, the beast, calls Israel itself sodom because tel aviv is the LGBTQ capital of the world and as the media named it "the gayest city on earth."
If I'm not mistaken, the 70 year occupation ends this year in the middle of may.
Will Jerusalem be wiped off the map this year?
Things already seem to be heating up around those parts.
Christian woman talks about a prophecy whereby after 70 years of jewish occupation...
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't think so.
Isn't the Antichrist supposed to declare himself king and rule the world FROM Jerusalem?
Israel only survives thanks to America, which is in decline. Very soon we're gonna have anuddah Shoah and this time the ovens will be arab, get your popcorn ready lads.
trudeau betrayed everything he stood for in 2016 why do you still defend his every move ill be voting against him in 2019 fuck him .
That rings a bell.
But what makes you think that declaration will be made overtly? We already know the jews rule everything. And their power + spiritual center is Jerusalem. So they already rule the world from Jerusalem but from within the shadows / behind the scenes.
Evil doesn't tend to publicise itself, it stays in the shadows and moves quietly.
Yes, supporting my point. Also the rampant anti-semitism and revealing of the jew across the board. And the revelation of the jew not being the "true" biblical jew but the synagogue of satan, tribe of dan, khazarian tribe.
Wrong thread kek?
Nothing will happen like always.
The Antichrist's rule is supposed to be a tyranny. The Jews of today don't TRULY rule the world. It's not true control of the world if you're doing everything behind the curtains.
Also, then there's the whole thing with the mark of the beast and the slaughter of Christians (and others) who refuse to worship the image of the beast that's supposed to happen.
I think people's perception of what is supposed to happen has been skewed by hollywood and as a result is largely exaggerated.
I mean, we already live under tyranny. Statism is tyranny by definition. The state is oppressive by it's very nature, and it's cruel in how it operates. And there isn't a state nor a corporation that the jews don't covertly control. They are the secret empire. Both the state and global corporations are the beast system. They have us all locked in to a system of slavery that for the most part we have no way out of.
The mark of the beast could be many things btw, some say it's something pertaining to Islam, others say it's a chip, others say it's a barcode, a birth certficate (because a birth certificate is your commercial manifest that basically shows you to be property of the system, maybe it's all of the above. But yeah my point is we already live under the beast system and we're already persecuted at large if we don't give ourselves up to it.
And christians are already being persecuted and killed in muslim countries by the likes of ISIS, who are essentially Mossad larping as Islamists.
I think that perhaps all of these theories that delve into the supernatural, like how the antichrist will legitimately manifest and take the reigns, are intentionally pushed to make us constantly wait for the end times, even when they're already here and they're much more "real world" than we realise.
I mean what better way to deceive people than to make them keep waiting for something that's already here, by feeding them disinfo on its true nature.
Wokest thing I've read today
Probably protestant therefore a vision from Satan.
Yes. Please. Nothing would please me more than see Israel in ruins with jewish demon corpeses burning by nuclear fire. Can we meme this to reality?
Fuck off memeflag.
Abby Martin Exposes Zionism & Israel on Joe Rogan Podcast
Have fun with your fag and women clergy Nigel.
Suck my dick, you chromosome thief
it's funny 'cause my dad is legit called nigel
The Antichrist will perform really obvious supernatural miracles in front of the whole world. When he comes, it's going to be really obvious it's him.
>Posts from a youtube account called Islam Rewards
Your dad isn't named Nigel is he.....
I hate when people think all Palestinians are Muslim
are some christian too?
What do you think they were before they were converted by sword and bred to stupidity by the cousin fucking Arabs.
Feel like teaching me some history?
Yep....for now
Oh, i hope so.
Study the rise of Islam and try viewing it as an Arab supremacy movement.
have fun being a Christian and/or a Prophet in a muslim country.
Lol, is that why you guys created that shitstain religion?
And ritual murder isn't degenerate.
>Isn't the Antichrist supposed to declare himself king and rule the world FROM Jerusalem?
It already does since 1948.
Certainly humans created a lot of "religions" but only the religion that God established is true .
Dunno, you tell me.
But knight-in-shining-armor camel-fucking imbred praetorian guards arent?
Only purity is degenerate to these Zeviites.
>a war will completely decimate jerusalem and the palestinians will be able to reclaim their land once more.
actually, the prophecy says the city will be sized in 3 parts. well, and before this a lot of other nature desasters, which didn't even start to happen, so whats the matter boy.
Only self sacrifice matters, you take out what you put it I'm not a jew.
Eastern Christianity (Early Christianity) =/= Western Christianity
Looks like you know your nations recent history very well. Seems to me that the 'enlightenment' was the moment at which the tyranny kicked in. A new society withdemocracy and equality on the outside, but founded on extortion of the people.
shouldn't it be like one person or something?
You are alive
For now
Is he just called that or is that his name?
If israel goes, the middle east is going to get glassed in the process, buh bye mecca.
his name is nigel paulson
You are alive
>in Lithuania
You poor thing
As if you didn't kill/persecute all your jewish prophets .....
You are alive
>in Isreal
You will be death thing soon
I fine here thank you
You tho, i doubt you are going to survive when an entire world rebels against you
Not necessarily
The events of Revelation happened in the lifetime of the Apostles. There have been many antichrists throughout history, and there will be more in the future.
Silly Prots
Are you saying that revelations is cyclical / fractal in nature?
No, it's about past events. Even during Roman times alone there were multiple antichrists, from Nero to Decius to Julian
So we're living in the millennial reign of Christ? I wonder where can I find him then.
You can go to church and receive the Eucharist
kek this
so what happened to new jerusalem and the purging of the world with fire once more?
Jerusalem was destroyed in the Bar Kochba revolt. Remeber that the Church is the new Israel/Jerusalem, and thus Jerusalem is wherever Christians are found
>the jew not being the "true" biblical jew but the synagogue of satan, tribe of dan, khazarian tribe
Retarded Christfag detected. As long as you keep playing within the rules of the abrahamic game, that says OT Jews were anything good, you will keep being a good goy, a cuckslave to the kike.
- the Jews of the Old Testament were every bit as evil as the worst modern Jews, worse even. Read your bible if you are such a Christfag, since the OT is basically a litany of Jewish crimes and kikery. Abraham even subverted Goshen, making his tribe wealthy and fertile at the expense of the natives before finally being kicked out. Esther subverted Iran. Kikes have always been evil, and this includes the OT kikes that you Christfags want to claim as yours.
- Khazar hypothesis is bullshit - genetic studies show that Ashkenazim descend from Irano-Jews that mixed with local Europeans. There is no Mongolian Turk DNA in kikes.
Conclusion: your christfag desire to claim the mantle of "true jews" is dishonest and pathetic, jews have never been good, and you probably are some kind of evil yourself if you wish to WEWUZ as the most scummy tribe on Earth. FAGGOT!
>Remeber that the Church is the new Israel/Jerusalem
keep saying that, we'll just holocaust you along with your precious jews
I highly doubt that the new israel / jerusalem would be a pagan / illuminist occult coven that actively disencourages people from a personal relationship with christ and disuades people from seeking salvation through him.
you assume to much. my understanding of being a jew is that anybody can be a jew. whether you're a jew or not depends on your spiritual positioning. and those who claim to be jews physically are liars and the synagogue of satan, and they use this title as a means to create their worldly power base under the guise of being god's chosen people. when in reality god's chosen people is everyone, no matter the race, who wants a personal relationship with him and truthfully seeks salvation through christ.
so basically, the term "jew" is a spiritual title that shows you to be a spiritual descendent of Jesus Christ, but it's been co-opted by antichrists for nefarious purposes.
and also, it wouldn't exactly be christian to go around claiming to be a jew spiritually but not racially, in the way that I described, because that would be boastful, and prideful. like you're posturing about some kind of special status you have. so anyone who says "I'm a jew" is a liar, or a prideful ignoramous that is more concerned about public perception of himself or herself than anything else.
So are fallen angel genes responsible for
>Tay sachs
>BRCA gene
>Bloom syndrome
Do you have proof of any of that or is that just something your pastor told you to believe?
do you have any proof of your claims, or is that what your holy father within the church told you to believe?
also believe it or not, I'm not actually christian.
I like this.
Somehow I find it perfectly believable that you aren't a Christian. Why do you repeated generic Evangelical-Protestant BS then?
I'm just expressing the conclusions I've come to after a long haul of honest truth seeking.
And the way I see it, if what I'm saying is in fact generic BS and you're as enthusiastic about the church as you make yourself seem to be, then you'd have counter-arguements for me, and you'd be actively trying to encourage me to see the merit in what you've found true for yourself personally. As in, you'd be trying to help me come to my senses and find whatever you think you've found. If not, either you don't really believe in what you think you believe, or you're a liar and are saying what you're saying for other reasons.
>Counter-argue my baseless assertions!
I gave my argument for that other stuff ITT, but if you then go on and claim that the Catholic Church is "pagan" and an "illuminist cult" that seeks to "disencourage people from seeking a personal relationship with Christ" and "dissuade them from seeking salvation through him," then I expect you to tell me what makes you think this
what's the X? Plus Allah is spelled wrong. 'In the name of' is completely butchered also. I guess this is what i can suspect from sub 85 iq Sup Forums.
>if you then go on and claim that the Catholic Church is "pagan" and an "illuminist cult"
How do we justify the Pope kissing a quran?
The Catholic Church has always taught that it holds the truth, so for that reason it can compete against other belief systems in an open market of ideas. Pope John Paul II's idea was to try to first emphasize the commonalities between various religions so that we could then dialogue and bring them to see how the Catholic faith is superior.
You can say what you will about this, but it is at least a valid course of action to attempt
Didn't the pope say that you didn't need to believe in Jesus Christ to get into Heaven?
A complete opposite of how the Bible teaches to do it.
Catholicism, Islam and Judaism are all astrotheological cults based off the worship of celestial bodies personified and deified by "gods." All of these cults worship specific celestial bodies primarily but also put an emphasis on astrology in general so other elements of the deification of other bodies contrary to the primary will be included too.
Catholicism worships the light, the sun, sol, Lucifer, mary queen of heaven is synonmyous with Lucifer in occult practices, and also many other feminine deities such as Isis, but the primary worship within catholicism is on the masculine solar deity. It's deep ritualistic and occultic practices are based on Illuminism, a form of occultism that puts emphasis on "enlightenment" by the god given capacity for intellect. Man thinking he can become God by way of this god given capacity for intellect, and as such, believing he has the right to claim to be god, or the intermediary between man and god. Of course, this doesn't apply to all catholics. It applies to the initiated mostly, but to be involved within such a religion is to be part of a deception and essentially be submissive to a worldly power. Which is antichrist. You can only serve one master.
Islam worships the lunar deity, Allah, Sin, Isis, and there's another name which I can't remember at the moment. Allah is primarily masculine but does have feminine elements when you break down the esotericism of the cult and look into its roots. I'm pretty sure Sin itself, the precursor to Allah that many pre-islamic tribes worshipped was a moon goddess.
And Judaism worships Saturn, otherwise known as El, or Cronus / Chronos, father time and countless other names. I could talk about this one for days as personally the whole concept of Saturn being the god of death, the adversary, the judge etc fascinates me considering how jews operate and what they bring with them wherever they go.
I could go on and on and on and on.
Pope Francis Says 'Personal Relationship With Jesus' Is 'Harmful And Dangerous'
Only if you never heard of Christ and lived your without mortal sin. If you knew of Jesus and denyed him then at the end times it's a trip to hell for you.
There is only one way to be saved, by believing on the name. Haven't heard about it? Damned.
>the catholic church has always taught that it holds the truth
which is exactly why it's antichristian. the kingdom of god is within you. and the bible is pretty clear that the love of the truth is the foundation of faith and leads to you discovering the kingdom of god within you and thus salvation through christ.
no worldly power has a monopoly on truth. we all have the truth within us. and all we have to do to access it, is have a genuine, uncompromising love for it.
Can someone explain how Mary could be in heaven and not dead waiting for judgement day?
I've heard people make the, "She ascended to heaven with the saints", but that happened long before she was born so I'm not sure how anyone came to that conclusion. I've also heard people say that she's told about when Gods Kingdom is shown to us, but that is just interpreted, not set in stone. Can anyone fill me in, honestly interested in why you pray to her. and not to our FATHER, in JESUS' name?
Yes theyve always been evil. Why do you think jesus came to get them to stop sinning first? They were the most evil of all and needed him more. Actually the jews have lost their chosen status. That title is now open to anyone who follows jesus. Jews arent given an exemption as they would have you believe. Nobody gets saved but christians
Imagine being a bushmen that lived his life without ever knowing about Jesus. Do you really think that the merciful Father would damn him for just that. That's why Jesus will return one last time to judge us living or dead.
Where in the Bible does in contradict this?
Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
No, he will desecrate the new temple by erecting a statue of himself, a statue that can think, talk, and move, and demand to be worshiped as God for creating (life).
He will do this 42 months into a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and her enemies.
When he does this, he will be revealed as the antichrist (the Jews will be heralding him as their messiah) and unleash the abomination that causes desolation, i.e. the wrath of God being poured out upon the earth.
People aren't waiting for judgement day, when you die you immediately "wake up" either in heaven or hell.
I hear you here, it actually says that in the Bible.
This is why jews hate christians with all their hearts. Because Christians symbolise their fall from grace and Jesus' denial of their special status. He took from them what they thought they were entitled to only, and gave it to everyone as a free gift. Entitlement to the max. And now in rebellion against him, and just to spite him, they're attempting to wipe christianity off the face of the Earth to damn everyone and create a worldly kingdom to mimic god's kingdom (in a reversed manner), claiming themselves to be gods. They are essentially evil children having a tantrum because god grounded them.
Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while. ...
Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
Revelation 20:5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
Shoo shoo amillennialist fool.
Isreal has Nukes. If it goes down Isreal will have to be a radioactive wasteland for awhile.
Everyone who has died who is not in heaven right now is in Torment waiting for judgment day. So, billions, not none.
The entire race was condemned when Adam ate the forbidden fruit and lost the image of God he was made in, thereafter only making children in his own fallen and dead image.
Why pick that guy? Bill Gates is going to hell the same way the ignorant guy is, if they both refuse to be saved.
The Roman Catholic church has slowly deified Mary into being a goddess.
You will find no authority in the bible for this proposition.
He's wrong about that call because he did not read and understand Ezekiel 38, nor did he believe the word of God was true, conspiring rather with spirits of divination who lie.
As far as I'm aware pretty much everyone dies and is immediately brought before the lord and then goes to either heaven or hell.
There is no inbetween. Well, other than earth. There's only Earth, what's below and what's above. No other middle ground.
And catholicism worships Mary Queen of Heaven as a synonym for Lucifer. Lucifer is a female figure in the occult. Representing feminine principles. It's actually theorised that Lucifer was god's own counterpart, the legit queen of heaven for a time. That god created her to be his female counterpart as Eve was for Adam. But she went all feminist and decided she wanted to be god herself, and that she could do his job as well as him, perhaps even better. Forgetting that she wasn't the creator but rather the created.
There are only two people you should be worshipping or praying to. And that's Jesus + the father. Anything else is idolatry.
So #Teampoland wins then??
Jews hate Christians because they have questions and we have answers.
And they don't like our answers.
Yeah the whole "these are the end times" is a very defeatist attitude to not take charge in everyday life to fight this filth.
I have always thought that the "end time narrative" was being pushed on Christians for this reason