"Frankly.. We Had A Gun At The School But The Guard Hid Outside And Didn't Use It, Let's Just Say He Didn't Have His Finest Day" President Trump Calls Out Coward Guard Who Hid While Innocent Children Got Gunned Down
How Does Pol Feel About Trump Calling Out School Guard Who Had A Gun And Hid While Children Died?
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That guy shouldn't have had a gun he would have got in trouble if they knew.
This guy is probably gonna kill him self out of shame and it will be blamed on Trump.
and he is our "leader". what a fucking joke.
Considering all the anti-cop shit people spew and knowing what piles of shit kids are I can't say he was wrong not going in to save their unappreciative asses. What happens if he fired a gun too close to little Jennifer's ears and she gets tinnitus? It's a lose lose for him hope he enjoys retirement.
he went quite easy on him, could have used more harsh words than this.
He's right
Have to fortify their schools like Alcatraz....
Still haven't seen footage of Cruz going into the school.
he was a cop/legally armed security guard
>mocking anybody
wew lad
one of the substitute teachers in my middle school was a Vietnam War veteran. you mean to tell me he wouldnt be capable of confronting a kid with a rifle?
I wouldn't risk my life for your gay ass kids either. I'm waiting for backup. Supreme Court says I don't have to do shit. I'm going home safely at the end of MY shift.
No he's not you moron. What the hell is a security guard armed with a pistol going to do against an assailant rampaging the hallways with a semi-automatic rifle. Stop playing video games and watching your stupid action movies you corn-fed retard.
You don’t go into a gunfight outgunned. I don’t blame the guy.
>Twice Draft Dodging Bitch
>Insults someone else for being a coward
N E W - A G E
If it's your job you fuckin better or face the consequences OTHER than permitting mass shootings
Why do 90% of leaves say shit like this? What the fuck dude are you actually retarded
Quite honestly, this guard who did nothing is worse than the murderer. He is a coward and deserves to be hanged.
Better than nothing you fucking leaf. He’s an adult, and actually trained in this kind of thing. And an assault rifle isn’t a magic force field, returning fire would make that little pussy piss himself.
I think that, as a security guard, it's your job to do what you can. But I don't think he did what he could.
Glad you haven’t lost your barbarian roots germbro
holy fuck I love trump sometimes
I hope this security guard uses his 2nd amendment right to blow his head off. what a fucking pussy!
He was a coward. What more do you need to know?
You know handguns are also semi auto and generally larger caliber than a .22 right ? A trained police officer should be able to take on a retarded cuck with no training easy. fucking shill Canadian fag, enjoying all the muslims?
This desu. So many failures by law enforcement in this case.
Leaf, you know NOTHING about tactical advantage. Sad.
America is so lucky to have a president like Trump, He ran for highest office right when you needed him the most as if sent by god himself.
Decisions based on logic rather than peoples feelings and political correctness. He says it how it is.
Tough shit, mundane. Cry to the Supreme Court about it. I can watch you get stabbed and all I have to do is nab the nigger after the fact and fill out some paperwork. Then I go home to my family and enjoy the good life.
Why Are You Capitalizing Every Letter?
Logic dictates that a man who doesn’t return fire is a pussy
Cowardly mall cop detected
He's "my" leader. I don't know about you.
I don't speak for socialist faggots.
Fine by me, it justifies our 2A even more. Why should we give our guns to our authorities when they won't even use them to enforce the law?
Mad because we wouldn't accept a faggot criminal like you?
I wonder what its like to sign checks for decades then when finally all the money from all those checks its time for your employee to do some actual work and he hides in the bushes then retires to a full pension since he served his time
Why do you feel entitled to see that footage?
No way, the whole reason he didn't go in is because he is 3 months away from retiring with pension.
He wants his life, he spent most of his police career at home sick.
he was in the school busting kids and fucking up their lives not saving them.
Sometimes people crap their pants when faced with death.
Other times they are just thinking about what a bunch of spoiled self-entitled turds the students they are about to die for are, and decide they would rather just go home.
It is not like any of you liberals would have stepped up.
>Liberals everywhere are going to claim they love the police and hate Trumps anti-cop bias.
the fact that he ran only proves he was the right person for the job
its kind of hard overseeing children and also being a trained super killer.. these two things don't mingle well inside the brain
Nice reading comprehension. Thank you for proving my point kek
Coward should be jailed
What's the point of armed security at a school, then? To shoot kids when they talk back?
Exactly. This is the hard truth about cops. They have no legal duty to protect anyone who isn't in their custody (people they've detained or arrested). Citizens are on their own. 99% of cops aren't going to put their own lives at risk for some stranger or some stranger's children.
Shit, If you're an example of our cowardly law enforcement I'd rather deal with the criminals myself.
Just goes to show that in a real happening no police man will come to save you.
They will grab their families, flee to safety and abuse their badges to get their way.
This. Fuck those entitled swamp rat kids. I have my own to worry about. Everybody hates cops until they need one. When one says fuck it, backed by the Supreme Court, it's "How could you not doooooo something, public serrrrrrvant, who everyone shits on?!"
>dat thumb
He's clearly never fired a rifle, shotgun, or pre-1890 firearm.
>A trained police officer should be able to take on a retarded cuck with no training easy
Dude pistols at essentially obsolete in modern warfare. You are essentially hopelessly outgunned by a rifle armed assailant supplemented with the element of surprise.
He's right.
At that critical moment, he failed in his responsibilities. Utterly spineless and cowardly.
good on him hope the dude an heroes because of it
I Can Tell You're Black Because You Guys Love To Start Every Word With A Capital Letter
Non lethal rounds.
He's a coward and should be shot for letting children die
Cops are like niggers. They only go in when they have overwhelming numbers.
Call a crackhead, faggot.
Actually this, he probably didn't give a shit about the kids, just the money he'd get for busting them for weed
That is why you have to have depth of field. You need multiple armed people in case some wuss out, in case some get shot... but you just gotta keep fighting.
What would you do liberal? Hide in the lockers?
He was a cop armed with a pistol whose responsibility was the safety of the kids at that school. What was he supposed to do? Not hide there listening to the sounds of little children dying.
They're not armed with non-lethal rounds. The ammunition he had was as deadly as any other officer's
Hide your flag if you're going to be a Idiot and say stupid here on /pol please.
Thank you
>Untrained kid
>Trained officer of the law
Do you really think it's the size that matters?
It's how it's used that matters.
^^ironically with weapons it holds true
Spend 8 years under Obummer telling the world how horrible cops are and big surprise they do not want to die for you....
Wait. I thought it was all a false flag. Make up your mind.
And now he has police guarding him. Unfucking believable.
I was referring to the kids talking back. Just give em half a mag of capsicum rounds. That'll shut them little shitheads up. amirite?
So the situation is : You're out, there's at least one shooter somewhere inside the school you have zero information on
Tell me what your genius plan to end the shooting would be?
>wait for backup like you were trained to do, secure the children already out etc...
>go into tactical gorilla warfare mission on your own with a pea shooter disregarding your own life and risking the death of more kids
Nevermind, it's not like you neckbeard would know what the outside world is like
Stop playing video games
Lolzlzz holy shit at the keyboard warriors here thinking its 'cowardly' or whatever to go into semiauto rifle fire with a little pop gun.
>Internet tough guy
>Treasonous flag
As if you'd have the balls to respond to such an unimaginable situation. The actions or lack thereof of the security guard was well within the realm of reasonable possibilities. If you are expecting every armed guard to be able to summon immense courage, you're living in a fantasy land and have never been shot at yourself.
99% of this board has no idea what the fuck they are talking about
we aren’t trying to list the amount of toilets in your country pajeet
A fucking school shooter probably doesn´t care about death, so he would choose the school with the most attractive targets (social/racial/aconomic profile) this picture is plain stupid and fail to prove armed staff would stop a retard with a fucking gun.
Damn right, fuckin libtards. Raise shitty libtard kids who say "fuck the police" and then "wahhhhhh, why didn't you save us?!" Maybe you shouldn't ban guns so you can protect your own shitty selves.
then what the fuck is he carrying a gun for? he is a coward
I'd rather be shot than live the rest of my life as the coward who stood outside doing nothing while children under my protection were killed.
Its not unreasonable to expect armed guards to do some guarding using their arms. They shouldn't be in that job if they're not up to it
Only if you're engaging a target that's 25m+ away, otherwise the handgun is going to be just as effective at dropping someone, especially in trained hands. This wasn't some hardened criminal, it's was a retarded mutt that would've shit himself as soon as he received fire.
Tell it like it is, brother Trump.
I have to agree with you. Doubt these fools have even played paintball, its entirely different when sticking your head out of cover = literal pain or death
Esp Trump - what a cowardly faggot himself.
It is not unreasonable to get my steak cooked medium, but sometime the cook sucks at his job.
>the security guard
Can you fags stop saying "security guard"? He was a cop. In Florida, every school gets a "resource officer", who is a full-fledged cop.
>dude pistols at essentially obsolete in modern warfare
every weapon has strengths and weaknesses, you're proving lefties know nothing about guns again
I carry to stop threats to myself. If I feel I CAN stop a threat to someone else safely, I MIGHT try to. I'm not OBLIGATED to.
Are you being paid to protect other people?
I like a medium steak, but if he can’t cook a medium steak he should be fired if his job was to cook medium steaks
Throw that cop in jail for negligence and indifference to life. Fucking asshole should've at least tried to identify where the shooter was and send that info until backup arrived.
>blah my pistol can't do anything aganist an assault rifle.
KYS faggots, 9mm will go right through someone just like 5.56
/ck/ here. Anything over medium rare is heresy.
It is better to die a hero than to live a coward
Yes that must be why no soldiers carry them anymore....
I'm paid to enforce laws. "Protect and serve" is bullshit.
There should be a severe punishment for that
A school shooter is concerned with body count. He would choose the location most likely to allow him to cause the greatest number of casualties. No school shooter is going to open fire in an area where they know other people could put him down well before achieving a high score.