>Oh my Gosh Dad, all my friends dress this way! What's the big deal?
>Jeez Dad, you used to be cool
What would you do?
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>Jeez Dad, you used to be cool
Lying won't get you anywhere young lady.
Probably beat the shit out of my son for being a cross dressing faggot.
I'd beat her over the head with a potato in a sock and fuck her 'til she learns her lesson.
It's too late for flattery.
Listen to me, sweety, I'll seriously stab your eyes if you talk to me like that again, now go and pray sixty times in the dark and you'll whip yourself five times while begging god for forgiveness. If you don't whip yourself, or if you don't do it hard enough, your mother will have to do it, but it will be ten.
Anyway, as soon as you have your periods, I'll find you a good husband, even if I have to pay good money for him to take you.
>You used to dress like a lady
>what’s the big deal?
Ok, young lady, let me show you what happens to skanks that dress like that.
*rip off her shirt and pull off her pants*
I’m not doing this because it’s fun...
*proceed to brutally rape her and enrich her with pure seed*
You know what to do kid.
This, Fathers aren't supposed to be cool. You have to be a hardass but at the same time gib your child more then you ever recived from your parents.
just heard my sis is going for earspirals expounders whatever - tell father - there will be consequences young lady when you start looking like a nigeress. EOT.
the nigger part is on me - he has no idea what is going down pushing 60, poor fellow
>Jeez Dad, you used to be cool
Dads were never supposed to be cool. Older degenerate brothers either.
that's hot, but that chick is going to be a single mother in under a year
>t. Nu-Parisian goat fucker
Throw acid in her face.
i dont know what i'd do. i'm going to need more "information" to form an opinion
Dubs, will I cherish them as they are clearly with some fucked up algorithm in this shithole, not. Anyways, gas, no gassings were made, glass chosenites - that's better. Just wait until their yinon gets into place, then you might ponder if it's better for humanity to do it.
Do not reply to troll threads.
Report and move on
thank God for giving me an ugly daughter "honestly sweetie you should be more of a THOT getting pregnant and collecting child support is your best option"
I would make her suck of a whole pack of dicks until she's sick that way she never does it again
>do not reply to troll threads
>replies to troll thread
burgers are retards
Tell her my exact reasons for worrying in a serious and mature manner.
I'd drill her until I found some oil.
Time to get the paddle out.
>not fucking your daughter
what are you, gay?
fap away kikel, drink your own medicine
its called sage you miserable newfaggot
I would immediately drop to my knees and say, "You're right. I am sorry." and let her stomp on my face with her bare feet repeatedly while i try to quickly lick her soles as they strike me and then let her pee in my mouth while I try to eat her out and swallow the pee at the same time. And then, you know, just repeatedly be saying sorry while I'd be crying, probably. She can do what she wants.
are you yid? in fmous hitler quote
tell her she looks like a skank and take her phone
beat the living shit out of her .
Why are newfags so interested in fitting in
If I was your average white father in living the South West i'd be more than okay with it but fortunately i'am not white and don't approve of this .
Simple and to the point. I like it.
rape her
withold funding is the modus operandi of modern man unless you're a muzzie, judging by meme flag is difficult atm
No you're not getting ear expanding shi no youre not parading with your cunt out there. How difficult is this?
I'd refer to her as "thighs" until she's so embarassed she stops. Including in public.
I'm erect
Thanks for the (You). Retards
she either fears you or loves ,two ways achieving respect ,by taking her toys u only make her resentfull and she can always run to the mother to get cash on the side,cuck .
Pic related.
They have youtube enablers whispering to them 20-4-7 about this bs. It ain't going to change a bit unless she feels the pain with monetary spigot turned down to sustainable trickle. She's a dumb cunt. All of them are for the most part. They need to be guided to perform their fictions. Otherwise they go awry.
ma nigga muhammad
I drove by the college today and every single whore was wearing yoga pants.
I was both disgusted and aroused.
How. Old. Is. That. Girl
>turning your daughter into a lesbian
i'm very disappointed that it wasn't a potatonigger who posted this
hostia puta mierda tio. gracias por ese chiste.
Caught my 11 year old daughter touching herself last night. What do? Female circumcision?
I swear to god I will never let my wife's daughter dress like that
No you misjudged, I'm her older failed brother - never made anything of myself, she's half my age and borderline retarded, but not stupid. I tried to make her a better person I failed and then reclused myself to stereotipical brother - works wonders.
It's fucking disgusting to even talk about it in this way, meaning you have to manage females to get around with your life. But it's true.
Mejor el cincho
>my wife’s daughter
You are the ultimate cuck
lel at le creatura jew meme) exclaiming boner on flip flop
I'd do that as long as all of them are white and none have any diseases
If they're old enough to purchase it themselves theres nothing you can do really. But most people can't afford many clothes with their own money as a teen. Maybe a few outfits over the course of a few months.
So as for the 15 year olds not old enough to work, they're getting the money for these clothes from one of the parents.
This, and then I would proceed to teach her about the Jews, cultural subversion, and white guilt.
he's not a fucking spider !
"I'll give you a bigger fashion allowance than all of your friends, but I have to approve the look. Really it just has to be modest. Fair deal?"
Let's trash this fucking bs of a thread with something useful, shall we:
hi sargon
You should be asking what they are looking to get our of wearing what they are wearing.
they are trash, they are disposable goyim
Let her dress as she wishes, but warn her that it carries consequences, from being seen as slut, cat called, and in the worst of the cases raped and murdered by some psycopath
considering how cold it fucking is here she can dress like that if she wants but she doesn't get to come and change when she starts freezing
the "big deal" is that you look like a cheap $2 whore who would bend over at the sight of a shiny car. now go back in your room and change into something non-whorish or im going to toss out all your clothes and replace it with amish fashion. go!
shitholes weolcome
>Your daughter start asking you why she can't be degenerate.
This means you failed her from the very beginning,
Number 1 disciplinary tool. I wasn't a little shit tho, so it was rarely used
degenerates leave
"If you want to act like a little slut, I'll treat you like a little slut."
Unzips pants...
>Oh my Gosh Dad, all my friends dress this way! What's the big deal?
I fucked all your friends.
ask her why she isn't wearing a burka as I reach for the double edge pack of razors
My dick is on fire
he could be northern irish theres still a 1/25.5 chance
If your daughter is already at this point it’s too late
The goal is to instill family values and strong relationships with your family at a young age, which is something the Jews have been trying to destroy
I'm betting you'll change your tune when you get there, user. 63 here, and believe me, that ain't old.
>not marrying a wife with daughters.
It's like buying a car that makes new cars.
Never change pakistan
Still have nightmares.
>What would you do?
Sex, since incest is a social construct.
I learn so much about various cultures from Sup Forums.
Wtf, I never got the sandal. I always got the fucking hand by my mom. Maybe that's why I have a spanking fetish.
when your precious, faultless, genetically perfect daughter is done fucking everything that has legs tho
go full Josef Fritzl , build a cellar and stick her in it, spend all night every night nailing the fuck out of her for 10 years.
Wooden spoon here.
>pic related
What's wrong with the way she's dressed?
>any kitchen utensil that wouldn’t kill me...immediately
>hands both palm and back side
Oh man. Nostalgia