Sup Forums is hypocritical

You are okay with people starving by the millions but get angry about gun control.

Other urls found in this thread:


The thought of you committing suicide gave me a brief moment of satisfaction

USA what the fuck is wrong with you? Make that $767 billion!!

The only good nigger is a dead one.

>end world hunger with $30 billion
For a week?

In all seriousnes. Lets those people build themselfs up. They have gotten to much help from White countries already. Let those fuckers find their own way.

How does it feel being on the wrong side of history? anyone can answer.


so all the mulit billionaires bitching about world hunger could easily solve it themselves? intredasding

We are not. TAKE THE RED PILL. We all were you at one point.

No, I was asking him or anyone that believes what he does.

In a weird way I am... depends if the crisis is genuine of caused by mismanagement of their own country

>feed nigger for a year with 30 billion
>niggers multiply
>now costs 60 billion to feed them
>new niggers even more dependant upon gibs than previous generation
It's a never ending cycle of gibs

you stupid fuck, we don't want to end world hunger. There are too many niggers.

Gotta keep those starving fuckers in line otherwise we wouldn’t have $30 billion in the first place


I’m glad you faggots out yourselves from the get go

>give them all food
>they become lazy and dependent on gibs instead of farming and cooking food themselves
Solve world hunger for like a week

For those of us old and crusty enough to remember the whole "USA for Africa", "We are the World" fiasco, it's a shame it didn't redpill even more of us.


Will the 30 billion end world hunger for a day or for good?

Won't the starving Africans produce more starving Africans and lead to more hunger?

30 billion for 1 year?

>US decides to subtract 30 billion form Defense budget to fight world hunger
>Mtubu and Clickclick realize they can feed their children now
>"sai clickclick, we can get mor children now"
>Africans proceed to get more kids
next year
>The us decides to subtract 100 billion from Defense spending, to fight world hunger
>"sai clickclick, we get food from the us of a, we can get more children now"
next year
>Omg /pol we dont need defense, we can totally REMOVE world hunger

Man, if africans would just learn to farm already, too bad you need around 80 iq to do that.


Another bait post that I've seen 5 months ago

Yes. Starvation is nature’s way of saying you failed.

Fuck them.


I don’t understand why do we have to help these people, we are not responsible for there weakness yet somehow we end up having to pay them billions in aid. And niggers never appreciate it and shit all over us. WHY DO WE HELP UNGRATEFUL NIGGERS

>cost to end world hunger
go hang yourself by the dick until you bleed out, OP

The cost to end the nigger problem is $0. Just stop feeding them.

Why in the fuck would we give 30 billion dollars to monkeys starving in a shit continent. Maybe stop breeding like animals and learn how to fucking farm and form a society like everyone else did thousands of years ago.

The fallacy here is assuming that "ending world hunger" will somehow be better than the current situation. What do you think all those niggers with their bellies full will do? Breed. Breed, breed and breed uncontrollably until it's impossible to save them.

Yep. Not my job to feed Kweli Mbelelelele’s 27 kids he had in poverty in the middle of a war zone.


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life time, but niggers can't be classified as man

>end world hunger with $30 billion

Nigger, who taught you math?

People. Not in that picture.

I'd rather give 30 billion to starving dogs.

fpbp. /thread

teach a man to fish user, you dumbshit. For how long have we given to these people? All it does is create dependence, stupidity, and poverty. kys

I would pay to NGO to not give these Africans any food. I hope there is little african boy in corner of street, homeless, hungry, dreaming to be soccer player one day. But he is too weak and too tired to play soccer. So he just watch other niglets playing. Slowly starvig to death.

So let me get this straight because of basic advancements in medicine and science afforded to people in Africa their survival rates have greatly increased, no longer needing to shit out a dozen kids for two of them to make it to 10 years old. Your solution is to give them unlimited food. Not even the daily genocides between tribes dents how many kids they shit out which have a high chance of surviving. Either you want to see them tear the world apart and continue increasing deaths with each genocide or you are just stupid. They need to help themselves if they are ever to improve.

I would guess that's just the wholesale cost of the food.
The cost of getting it past their kleptocratic rulers, finding ways to get the bix nood recipients not to waste 95% of it, or the massive inflation of prices of a limited commodity are nothing for you to worry about, goy.

That is a good cause

>1 post by this ID
>same thread answered 100 times
>$30 billion ends world hunger
nope it just delays it 10 years then doubles the problem. Unless u mean $30 billion worth of ricin, in which case u make a good point for a leftshit shill

>ok with non americans starving because they refuse to take care of their shit
>get angry about having my rights infringed upon when I've done nothing wrong

literally have nothing to do with each other, but yeah, more african children should starve to death. We could solve world hunger in a generation if we killed all the african children

US already gives to JUST AFRICA more than 30 billion a year in aid. So your top graphic is just fucking wrong, shill.

What the US should do is use its $737 Billion and kill every black man on the continent of Africa. That would PERMANENTLY solve world hunger, and remove the carbon footprint of over 1.5 billion people from the planet, completely reversing man-made global warming.

What if we use the 737 billion in weapons to eradicate the hungry? Checkmate cuck.

Get a fucking job Africa.

>Claim to love black people
>Fine with them getting 75% of the abortions

btw, white-man foreign aid has already bumped Africa's sub-saharan population up from 70 million to over 1bn and still rocketing upwards, also given homes to over a hundred million niggers in white countries. Just how much more do u want to increase the nigger population? 5 billion ? 50bn ? 1 trillion ?

The real point to giving financial aid to other countries is it makes them our bitch. To keep getting our money, they have to bend over and grab their ankles any time we want them to.

The USA uses its foreign aid money to force African countries to vote the way we want in the UN as well as the Congress of Africa (A UN but only for African nations), as well as in many other things.

For instance, US pushes the African countries it gives financial aid to outlaw all abortions. Seriously, you can go dig that up if you want. Why, I don't know. Maybe to make their countries have even more starving members so those countries are even more dependent on the USA government's financial aid?


Someone post the Japanese aid comic.

The thing is, we already give that much EACH YEAR (recently). And what good has it done?

>1 post by this id
>complete lack of sources or logic
aaaand it's a spam bot

Jeff Bezos personally has 127 billion.
Ask him.
Say please.

Silly user we want kill people not save them

requesting image of that japanese comic that went over this exact subject

>this year $30 billion
>next year it's $45 billion
>year after it's $78 billion
>another year it's $120 billion

Africa is in the situation they're in because they keep feeding people they shouldn't be feeding. Stop giving them food and let them learn how to fucking farm.

Why is it the US's problem that Africa is a shithole?

Maybe those niggers should get a civilization going which can sustain them. But oh noooo free gibs pls, let us in white people and now that we're here give us free shit.

>feed nogs
>they survive more
>nog population explodes but doesnt advance
>more nogs => food isnt enough => nogs starve again


You dont end hunger that way.
If you feed a colony of ants, you get more ants.
The ants dont just decide to be content with what they have and stop procreating.
Exact same rule applies.

CNN shill?

when you give everything to a poor country it actually stops them from developing industries on their own. why buy food from the local farmer when some asshat is handing it out for free.

A species must reach a state of equilibrium with it environment. When a population becomes unsustainable, it is natural and humane for Malthusian checks to keep the population fed and supplied.
Impossing a crutch on a population such as free food only ensures eternal unsustainability. It is cruel and an affront to the natural order. That is the harsh truth if reality.

>Japanese aid comic

Someone post it already!

30 billion this year
50 billion next year
80 billion next year

If the people in these countries can't figure out how to feed themselves, then maybe the population is just too high. If your shitty infrastructure and agricultural development level can only support 5 million niggers and you kept breeding until you hit 60 million, maybe some of you need to starve.

Giving food to these countries is like giving heroin to an addict while telling him to get his act together.

Africans don't care for white people and they wouldn't help me if the tables were turned.


liberals are so fucking stupid and have no understanding of economics

Not my problem. Fix your shit africa

Wew OP.

Just want to bring to your attention there is a Muslim refugee in Sweden that just gave his name, town and YouTube channel up willingly. He is crying about Swedish people being racist and the women not wanting to have sex with him.

→ #

Please nuke this rats YouTube channel.

End hunger how? By teaching them how to grow food? Or indefentely treat them like mental toddlers and ship leftovers their way?

>1 post by this ID
Imagine that...


"ending world hunger"

aide programs make sure world hunger continues. ever see those signs that read
"Do Not Fed Animals, This Causes Dependency"
its literally the same thing

we ship food
Africa makes more nigs
more nigs to starve
e send more food
more kids born


I want to shoot a legal automatic ar-15 in world where. No one starves

Yes, because their are life unworthy of life. They are Africans, they are of no practical use and should be exterminated. Look, if we nuke'd them how would our lives change?, it would actually be of net benefit to Western Europe and the rest of the vermin could conceivably be culled.

i'd say send hem to England but the one's over there are already causing shortages:

USA Democrat priorities.
For a good example look at all the money The Clinton foundation took and did not give to Hait.

Pay the Clinton's 'administration' fees


We feed them and they just make more mouths to feed. Yet we are also still considered colonial oppressors. Let them to back to eating each other.

A world free from Asian/African/Mexican overpopulation could be $8000 Octillion richer

It's proven that
>Society becomes infinitely more affluent and efficient when you eliminate overpopulation and free up resouces and wealth.
>It is more difficult to manage the burden of overpopulation than it is to exterminate overpopulating shitskins.
>People from overpopulated countries are a burden on the entire planet and block the progress of science, technology, and humanity by hoarding all resources to support the tumor in the form of Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Only about 1% of humanity is against culling and/or quarantining Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Culling shitskins will result in less overcrowding overall since shitskins comprise 90% of the entire global population of 10billion
>The surviving shitskin females can then be culturally enriched with white sperm from around the world.
>There are solutions to prevent them from escaping and getting refuge and welfare benefits.

What do you think? The world would be a better place if Asia/Africa/Mexico is culled. Depopulation of overpopulating locusts is the future, globalism is hindering progress.

I'll bite

If you feed 3rd worlders you only create more suffering overall.

>USA feeds a 3rd world family of 4
>2 kids have a bunch more niglets
>now instead of 4 nigs starving we now have maybe 10 starving because we spend money on them.

Its best to pull aid and let them sink or swim.

Giving niggers free food just lets them make more niggers. There has been a sustain pop explosion in Africa because of it. Giving free shit just means local business can’t compete and develop dooming generations to gibs.


"Solve" world hunger. these apes, once they use the resources we give them, will be hungry again, and need more aid. One can only hope there's a big epidemic which eases the planets suffering, killing off these African Nd Asian nations of their overpopulated poor.

EPIC! nigggers arent people u tell em!!! stupid op


Nigger, you can't END world hunger, because you provide more food than they can make themselves they'll just over breed and create more hunger.

how is that hypocritical?
1)paying $30 billion to 'cure world hunger' would just cause more world hunger that would cost even more to 'cure' and only result in more world hunger.
2)no amount of chanting changes facts, black lives matter as much as unrefined fertilizer
3)fuck you

Engeniring some more deadly and human niggers only spanish flu cost much less that 30 billions.


Imágenes falsas, recuerda, Africa luce asi

Why should America be the ones to end world hunger? Why not a country that isn't trillions of dollars in debt to itself? Why don't all countries chip in a few hundred million and take care of ending world hunger as a united world? Is it because everyone with 2 brain cells knows this will only create a continent-wide culture of surviving on nothing but gibs like most African countries receiving help already do? Why is nobody calling out this blatantly obvious global scale virtue signaling?

less money on niggers more on guns? Good.

People have tried to teach Africans to farm. It doesn't work. Even if you don't want to be a raging race war now turboracist it just comes down to their culture. They literally won't fucking learn agriculture or understand the science behind fertilizing and rotating crops. They will get one good season following their aid and act like they fucking made it rich, completely ignore their lessons and let their crops die the next season and just chalk it up to curses or angry shitgods.
They don't want to learn grow or change. They don't want to take reaponsibility. Even if you used 300 billion to set them up with the cherriest of farming equipment and instruction, they will burn it to the ground and use their harvesters and tractors to run over their enemies for cursing their daughters. It's just not in their culture. They need to stop reproducing ao fast or evolve

30 billion PER YEAR. Do you think it'll all just vanish if you throw one lump sum of money at it? Do you know how many billions have been given in African aid?

30 bil.
Cost of making countries dependent on hand outs.
Flood country with free food destroying local food economy.
Countries now in terrible position to lose sovereignty because dependant.
Big food companies swim in $$

Money well spent user

Here's a science experiment for you:
>get petri dish
>add bacteria colony
>give colony everything it needs
>moisture, sugar, oxygen
>keep doing it, don't let your colony die
>when it outgrows the dish, let it take over your kitchen table
>now the entire kitchen
>now it's everywhere in your house
>you are spending everything you have on sugar to keep the bacteria alive and growing
>you have no money, house is unlivable
>you starve to death
>colony relies on you, they starve too
Happens all the time.




If the ones starving are niggers - Yes