Is Pewdiepie really our Aryan king?
Aryan overlord
No, if you watch him you’re an emo 13 year old girl
Absolutely fucking not, normiefag
>Dirty blond hair...
I guess
I don't understand why he still talks like he can't pronounce english words correctly. Like learn to fucking speak without a goddamn thick retarded accent
i started giving him a shot about 6 months ago. whats the harm in a laugh 10 minutes a day. i like him
t. 35yo user
Accent? He hasn't one, user.
He does however have plenty of degenerate tatoos and a degenerate G.F. with pink hair.
>Is Pewdiepie really our Aryan king?
m8 go watch any of her video
Tattoos aside, how is she degenerate? She's by far the most traditional, nice and ladylike girl I've seen on Youtube. She does not even use swear words.
He is a race-mixing manlet.
he needs to pump Marzia with his nordic seed and create some Aryan children
Sure, if you're an (((Alt-Right))) trendy fag
He is a god among men. True chad. Even has beard
he is basically nu/pol/ or r/donald
But meh if they think he is le beacon of civiliation let them.
Yeah in 2012 maybe
Oh god this. I want him to make videos swinging his baby around and having it scream in the background on livestream.
Marzia is a poo-eyed subhuman so his children certainly won't be Aryan.
Logan Paul is our Aryan king idiot
>Implying they will ever have children.
>Swede mixed with negro Italian blood.
When this is the only argument you have. Are you the Eurocuck who got absolutely BTFOed when you tried to derail a Anti-Gun Control Thread?