Richard Spencer is debating at all comers in his hotel suite at CPAC. So far he's only arguing with some cat lady but this has the potential for some great content
Richard Spencer is debating at all comers in his hotel suite at CPAC. So far he's only arguing with some cat lady but this has the potential for some great content
> Singles: Spencer BTFOs everyone
> Doubles: Hotel Security shows up in an hour or so to throw him out
> Trips: Some based black guy or jew throws a tantrum
> Quads: Deep state agent attempts to assassinate him but gets destroyed by Richard's Faustian spirit with a blinding flash of light
richard spencer is a cia plant. his wife is a shitskin but he's a 'white nationist'? give me a fucking break.
who funds his organization, NPI? it's the same deep state that funds every other bullshit non-profit.
surprised he was let in.....oh yeah, he's a plant.
>when you glow in the dark this hard
Chillout Mike Cernovich.
Pretty good so far, hes charming the enemy with chad nationalism
Richard is a cia plant employed by mossad funded by dugin
a MEME is not a WEAPON
Stop with the meme war!
Will this be available to watch later, somewhere? I don't understand twatter video
he's /ourplant/
Spencer has recently improved, he figured out that saying shit like "white power" "hail drumpf" "nigger benefited from slavery to an extend" didn't really work too well.
Ne'rmind. It's over, and I can.
it's periscope which is archived but is only used by normie faggots. Someone may upload it to youtube if anything of note happens.
Thanks for bumping the thread faggot
thanks user.
Hey shill, we've been doing this thing with internet meme debates for a while now and Spencer has been in quite a few. You're going to have to step it up to convince anyone.
This seems unfair...
I hope something fantastic happens again, like telling 10 niggers with a british accents that they aren't actually English. Something in that shitposty tier.
Listen retard, it's 2018, the fact that you guys are still trying to convince people that Richard Spencer isn't a zionist plant is fucking hilarious.
oh god, not that crypto-communist dandy again
ONLY the rarest Spencers are allowed in this thread
The fact that you think you've convinced anyone is precious.
>In the year of our lord, 2018
Only one kind of person says this kind of thing. Ain't no one interested.
Hail Spencer
This is why I don't really shit on Spencer. Who else is willing to actually do stuff like this on the alt-right? To be a famous public white nationalist takes balls.
Quints: Jeffrey Tucker
why are you shills so obvious? its pathetic
This fucking libertarian cuck
There's too many of these people to all be shills, most are just Sup Forumsacks trolling because it gets them replies
It takes a Faustian spirit of 50 to do some of the shit he does.
>deep state willing to kill one of the most useful idiots they have at hand.
Learn about strategy user, not tactics.
>gets destroyed by Richard's Faustian spirit with a blinding flash of light
Trump is a false emperor, Spencer is the true one!
Not surprised, since he rails against your brethren so often.
>the hotel he is staying at is called the Gaylord Hotel
Richard Spencer is literally an FBI agent, fuck off
Nobody does this shit because it makes you look terrible
Literally eveything he does is cringey as fuck and makes everyone involved look bad - almost as if that was the whole point of it.
Nah they are just kikes, non-whites, libshits stirring shit
I really like your work. We should work together sometime mebbe.
Imagine being Richard Spencer in the Alt-Right scene and having to go home after another day of doing nothing and being all like “damn, Nina Kouprianova, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with your curvaceous body and horrific pig-like monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my White Nationalist character and the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 17 year old twink from his rally. Like seriously imagine having to be Richard and not only sit in that chair while Nina Kouprianova flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and blotchy skin, and just sit there, call after call, hour after hour, while she barks in that dog language to Kremlin. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on Twitter tells her she’s TOTALLY GOT IT and DAMN, NINA LOOKS *STUNNING*!! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her hippoish fucking moon face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of submissive fuccbois wearing red hats and later alleged BBCs for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Montana. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid in roubles to sit there and revel in her “statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with cinnabuns in the previous months. And then Putin calls for another march, and you know you could kill every single person in this movement before the police could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you’re fucking Rick. You’re not going to lose your future Nazi career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>Literally eveything he does is cringey as fuck and makes everyone involved look bad
Why are you projecting yourself onto this guy?
This is his wife. Is this a shitskin?
Lol my twitch stream gets more views.
>muh optics concern trolling, doing anything is bad goy, no one will like you!
I like some other people a lot more than Spencer, but this is sheer faggotry. 100 more Soencers telling nigger BBC chimps they aren't English would be pure fucking gold.
looks like a tranny but I always figured Richard Spencer for a power bottom so that must be one hell of a kinky relationship
This isn't controversial or new to anyone, try harder.
This cuckservative is making me very mad on the internet
>Zionism is based!
Dickey Spencer confirmed for high test attraction.
>he's trying to debate normies
bad idea
Fuck conservatives. They're the rights biggest enemy.
They are the right, statistically.
his wife is so gross
Better representatives like JF have no interest in doing this sort of public stuff. It takes someone like Spencer to be the first one. There will be more after him.
No they're leftists of 20 years ago.
Learn to hate conservative cucks my anonymous friend
>B-b-but guiose, Hitler said dis!!11
Entho Natioanlism that brings out the Heeb hypocrisy we're used to seeing ain't that bad. It's really a big fuck you to them, desu.
LMAO at that latest faggot - conservative 101
"I don't want to hear your justifications for discrimination... Even if I'm wrong, I'll die wrong on this issue."
Sums up the republicucks in a nutshell
I wish this DNC stooge would stop making threads about himself here. But he won't get any Soros Bucks unless George knows he's getting his money's worth.
Fuentes will have to bin that knife in the presence of a bong.
Spencer is an awful debater. He's as bad as sargon.
come at me in the new thread
Go back to kikebart boomer
F you shills!
Are all shills this ineffective? If it's a bot, it's not a convincing one and if it's a real person typing that shit then it's pretty sad
Get off the interweb boomer.
This. People here like to LARP, but not take action. IOTBW was almost an exception, but no movement can survive or move forward without a face it can be represented by, and Richard is at least decent when it comes to charisma and speaking his mind.
>the Jews have an ethnostate, why can't we :^)
This is what's known as rhetoric, stop being autistic
Is he going to btfo everyone by getting punched in the face again?
Doubles say he gets punched in his glow in the dark spook dick holster again
has spencer ever actually succeeded at anything in his life? not trolling but from radix to his marriage to the "alt right", hasn't he pretty much driven everything he's ever been involved with straight into the ground?
im over this 'debate culture' the alt-right has become. fucking dork shit.
It's the same shill posting under proxies. Don't reply to it. Don't acknowledge it.
>Pretty good so far, hes charming the enemy with chad nationalism
More like fag nationalism. he OK? He was supposed to be saying hello to one or two kids and now he's gone dark.
I hope he has a beefed up protection detail with him - some Young Republican for Israel is bound to try to take a shot at him
>Nobody does this shit because it makes you look terrible
>Literally eveything he does is cringey as fuck and makes everyone involved look bad - almost as if that was the whole point of it.
Then don't be involved. Go off and start your own wesite/group if you think you can do better.
You need a debate culture, and you also need the racist memes. There needs to be a high brow alt-right and a low-brow alt-right in order to attract as many people as possible. Retards like you and intelligent people.
More punches less words pls
How many more Anglin's and Sam Hyde's do we need?
Chad thundercock
>tfw you'll never have chad thundercock penetrate your anus