Coward County Sheriff

what a disgrace

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So it's obvious that the government missing the signals and refusing the aid the children is what allowed this mass shooting to occur.

I guess now the liberals/gungrabbers don't really have a reason to disarm the people.

__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (

__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ([Open] )
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. ([Open] )
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ([Open] )
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (

__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.

__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (


>risking your life for retarded underaged fag kids who are all liberals
He was a Saint, should have joined in with Cruz





so 4? Four? IV? armed LEO's onsite as shooting goes down and none of them attempted to intervene? So all 4 thought it was drill also?
No way all four stood down because they were scared.

oh my sweet summer child...
the left will just try to use this new info as evidence that "see, there's no such thing as good guys with guns, we have to disarm everyone!"

Why is donald trump refusing to aid school kids?

Boot lickers will defend this

the first to enter were cops from Coral Springs Police Dept

>witnesses told to stand down
>accidental death or suicide is next for them


Btw @thelastrefuge2 has a huge story.
The school and Israel had a deal to not arrest juveniles so the school qualified for federal money.

They basically got those kids killed for obamacash

aren't they allowed to call and wait for backup? what's the actual procedure here

One guy on his own? Ok, while bad, I'm not quite willing to condemn him on that... But four? No, fuck them.


the law is clear that police are under no legal obligation to help or save anyone, but we still must shame those who lack courage in that job.

The police are not obligated to protect you. All the more reason every american citizen should arm themselves.

it's been over a year since obama orchestrated any shootings. now trump is in charge of the false flags.

Let me get this shit straight. 3 fat pigs sat on ass and let it happen, and I'm supposed to believe that this isnt staged?

A town full of Jews has a lot of cowards? Who would have guessed?

Didn't someone say there were three shooters?

When I was a kid(around 2003 or so) I helped my dad's department do some active shooter training in our school. I played alternatively either a shooter or just a student. Their training emphasized that as soon as there were at least 2 cops there, they go in. This was different than what it was before Columbine(which at that point was to set a cordon and wait for tactical. This was over a decade ago though, so I don't know if things have changed. It still seems pretty solid though, I served in the Marine Corps and currently have a degree in criminal justice.

>the left will just try to use this new info as evidence that "see, there's no such thing as good guys with guns, we have to disarm everyone!"
Yes, I know they're fucking hypocrites

>Why is donald trump refusing to aid school kids?
Because he obviously wants all of them to die. Duh.


>The resentment among Coral Springs officials toward Broward County officials about what they perceived to be a dereliction of duty may have reached a boiling point at a vigil the night of February 15, where, in front of dozens of others, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum confronted Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. A source familiar with the conversation tells CNN that Goodrum was upset that the Broward deputies had remained outside the school while kids inside could have been bleeding out, among other reasons.

What an absolute sack of shitbags.

Calling bullshit. They want to milk this "tragedy" (yeah, ok, whatever I don't think so but whatever) for all it's worth or this information would have come out sooner.

read hitler talk about what its like arguing with jews and tell me its not 100% on target for arguing with any leftist.

I knew that they were told to stand down and let the children die.

Why does the media have to lie about everything. Is it just simple greed?

You are damn right.
4 corrupt cops told to stand down or 4 corrupt cops who knew better than to interrupt deep state ops

Quite so, since hitler was completely wrong. His problem has never been jews, it's always been leftists.

my thoughts exactly

Miednik said 2

It makes their posterboy Sheriff Israel look bad. I guarantee this was suppressed for as long as possible.

>Jokes on you criminal. I just called the police. :)

immense if reliable


he was reported to the fbi nearly 20 times, expelled from school for threatening to kill people, had a therapist that knew he was SLITTING HIS WRISTS and begging to buy a gun, and had the police notified of him numerous times (EVEN WHEN THE SHOOTING STARTED THEY DIDNT GO IN)

we need guns more than ever.

>FBI fucked up big time
>Local police fucked up big time
>Armed school officer fucked up big time
>Everyone that could possibly prevent the crime fucked up big time

>Ban guns fuck drumpffakjsfalsdslh

This is why Trumps approval ratings are going up. Even autistic people can see through this bullshit.

Give it a few, guys.

so that clip of cops carrying a heavy bag out to the truck was these sheriffs removing evidence?

Oh you don't have to worry about the veracity of these claims. See, CNN in their liberal thinking, believe, like most leftist, that this is proof that guns don't help the situation. They go "SEE THOSE GUNS DIDN'T HELP AT ALL". What should happen, is common Americans see this as a failure of law enforcement to act, and hopefully realize, police are not required to protect any one.

Just like 9/11 when multiple agencies had plenty of warning and did nothing and now we have DHS and loss of civil liberties.

Right, we need to prevent the left acquiring more negatively charged energy through assault spirit cooking sessions.


This is a deliberate message to Trump. Israel feels they can command the US to do their bidding overseas, and if we don't cooperate, and energetic signature representing them (Scott ISRAEL) is going to let our kids be killed.

We need to steal the narrative. Let's get the Nogs chimping. They obviously didn't do anything because the shooter was white.

The sheriff needs to have has head removed by the public. He should have resigned yesterday instead he's showboating for dems.

You've gone a little too deep into things, friend.

Let him REEEEE my friend. Just let him REEEEE

Yeah pretty sure police waited 5 minutes after the shooting stopped at Sandy Hook before they entered the building.

i know he came out blaming this one guy but it was the whole dept! sheriff israel needs to be shoahed

I've seen about 10 posts on goybook about this, all of them saying
>see, a good guy with a gun didn't help
Oddly enough, they are the same people saying cops are evil and racist, so by their own definition the cop isn't a good guy. Even if they didn't believe all cops are evil, that line still doesn't work because these cops obviously weren't good guys if they were willing to let the shooting happen without doing anything.

CNN is allowing this Sheriff to just cover his ass entirely. They give him a podium because they don't want him to take any heat. There is NO effort to hold the city law enforcement accountable in any way, let alone the FBI.

>oh but the armed TEACHERS will surely defend the kids!
will just give the shooter more ammunition

If they were outside during an active shooter drill where it was expected that blanks were being used to simulate gunfire, as the surviving students have said, why would they rush in? Wouldn't they just think it was situation normal?

This is why we need to allow guns in the hands of citizens. The police is likley to be absent if you need protection or won't risk to intervene even if they are there.

He's not wrong. He's right, this was retaliation.

if a good guy cant stop a bad guy why do we bother with cops?
if a good guy cant stop a bad guy THEN WE ALL NEED GUNS!!!!

Yes, some country in the middle-east staged a school shooting in a county in Florida with a Sheriff named Israel as some sort of warning. It isn't plausible that sheer incompetence coupled with a fucking social reject lashing out resulted in a school shooting, no sir.

OY VEY!!!!!!

Hang them all

Someone post the tweets from last night about the corruption in the sheriff’s department.

Some dude on meme-central memri(which incidentally was started by some ex-Mossad guy) blaming muh Israel on everything doesn't bolster your case.

Memri only transcribes the news and adds subtitles. Memri isn't a news station.

this is why i carry every. fucking. day. no one has your back, but you.

But that's literally the job.

He should have a different gold star.

>Ever expecting police to protect you
This is why every American needs to own a firearm. Police will not act against a suspect that is armed unless they outnumber them 20 to 1 or more. If the cop is alone, he isn't helping you. If there's only 5 of them, they aren't helping you. If there's 20 of them, they might help you but they will take their sweet time.

Keep in mind liberals and all these (((students))) who just lost their so called "friends" expect us to disarm. They want us to disarm and defer our self defense to the police and federal government.

>Local police visited his house 39+ times
>School knew he was a problem child
>FBI failed to apprehend him after he said on various forms of social media he was going to shoot up a school

But don't worry about how badly government just failed, disarm yourselves and let the government protect you!

50-1 the cops are jews, israel probably hand picked the force.

every officer that waited outside should be tried for murder and executed

>most cops are massive pussies

Weather at 11

That still doesn't bolster your case man.

You haven't made a case you fucking Jew.

Just like 9-11.

ya I believe so. They sure seemed in a hurry about it too.

It is a RARE thing when the police protect anyone but themselves. They only exist to 'investigate' after the fact or catch the criminal once the criminal deed has been done.

There it is! You claimed it was Israel doing it, some literal who on a news channel in the joke that is Arab world media doesn't support your claim, provide some evidence or fuck off.



It's time to give these people more power to extrajudicially incarcerate people for "being crazy"

>Some Jew having a laugh at the people who constantly scream "JEWS" any time something happens that they don't like
>Same Jew also crying about guns
This isn't making the point you think it is, because it's pretty easy for me to tell when someone is being sarcastic.

As a whole, Jews do tend to be more tribalistic and given the amount of them that work in media, they have a fair amount of protection as it were. But not everything is a Zionist plot dude.

If it wasn't then you wouldn't be here to tell me that.

The Sneads wanted Cruz's $25,000 life insurance money he was receiving

>We know racism is the cause of brave peoples of color failing because you pointed out that it isn't!
What's it like to wake you every day and be an idiot?

He is a coward they all are but you are just as dumb for assuming that they are there to protect you

You’ll hang on the day of the rope you filthy Juden-rat vermin. Your family won’t be spared either, you should probably kill yourself now if you want to avoid suffering

I'm not too worried what a white supremacist(I'm making an assumption here, could totally be wrong) thinks is going to happen. Your lot is some of the most incompetent people on the planet. As a rule, one third of you are criminals, another third are informants, and the last third are homosexuals. Strangely enough though, some of you manage to be all three.

It's almost as if "good guys with a gun" are also terrified during mass shootings

Read this
If youre on mobile, open in new tab and delete the m before .jpg it downsizes big pics

The original thread
>> 161570582

Spread this and theyre fucked


Stop being rational you jew sympathizing leftcuck!

You don't have to be white to hate Jews you fucking rat.

>Military bases are, ironically, mostly gun-free zones. You usually can't carry your own, personal weapon on base, pulling issued weapons can be a hassle, and you only get ammo at the range which is usually on a somewhat remote part of the base. The only people really armed on base are the PMO(base cops) and occasionally different unit's officer of the day.

You certainly don't, but I'm willing to bet you are.

If you wanted to propagate and validate the idea of this being either a setup or a false flag, this is exactly how you do it.

I'm just glad this hillary loving berniebro faggot sheriff is going to burn over this. His big liberal shithole mouth dug his own grave after vilifying guns and taking soros money to be an antigun shill. Even my wife, who isn't political at all thinks this whole thing stinks bad. She is the quintessential normie who is being woken up by a screeching left wing narrative that falls apart after minimal scrutiny.

I didn't mean to greentext all of this.