Germany yes

Germany yes

>Spiegel TV showed a documentary where a muslim Syrian migrant lives with his family in germany by goverment support

>the migrant came to germany is 2015, soon he was followed by his family of 8 - six kids and 2! wives (he married them while they were undereage)

>poligamy is against the law in germany, but the authorities allowed him to bring his second wife too because she is the mother of his kids

>Ahmed admitted he has a third wife in Syria too, but they need a bigger house from the german goverment before she can join them. Also in the future he wants 4 wives and 10 kids

>Ahmed also said it is ok to have two wives according to the Islam. They don't have a problem anyway because they received a two storey house from the goverment, and every single wife has an own room

>"Thank you very much mama Merkel. She is the only one who can feel the misery of the syrian people. Also I say a thank you to the german people, while there are many racist people among them, they know what is war like and they are showing a big empathy to the syrian people.

>Ahmed can't work because he is analphabetic, so he stays with his family all the day. When they are asked him about how much money does he receive from the goverment he said with a smile that he doesn't know the exact ammount, only thing he knows is that he receives the money on his bank account.

top fucking kek

Other urls found in this thread:

The new german national team which will beat Canada in hockey next time

german people just have a good heart they want to help poor people in need i love hearing these heart warming stories.


Why cant whites be more religious?
They go out every week end and drink, abuse drugs.
Then cry on the internet when muslims go and do more meaningful things like; starting a big family, praying working hard etc.

I feel so sorry for you guys, you have gobbled up the kikes brainwashing culture and are reaping the benefits of it now.

You are finished, the next generation of will be even worse. Degenerate levels over 9000. Inshallah

ahahaha like 4 wives and 10 kids

your new replacements, germany, and you faggots get to pay for ALL of them ahahaahah

He is my hero. A neet leeching off the government 4 wives and 10 children.

Trump is raping you. get read to share your state with arabs you crooked creature.

Egypt used to be a lot whiter. They looked at DNA 2000+ years ago and you were Caucasians.

We're becoming the next Egypt. The state needs to collapse fast. All German men just need to live the neet life like the man in the video.

Germany turning into America. Yikes.

do you even read the news? what is wrong with you?

Ik ben niet eens egyptisch. Ben hier op vakantie, still whites need hard reform if they want to surive.

>travelling to egypt for a vacation

what the fuck is wrong with you. I worked there for 2 months as a hotel animator, never again.

Clearly they dont get enough money since they have to eat on the floor. Are you even trying, Germans?

Too many cucks. If I got funding from a billionaire that would set me up financially I would be a public figure to start the race debate etc.

I think the smart people aren't speaking up because you will lose everything. So only rich can really do it, or those funded by rich.

The muslims will want to kill you so one must be financially secure and safe.

They are also cooking on the floor too. Fucking racist german pigs.

Do you have any links to the documentary? I need to waste some time.


I don't know how fucked up in the head you must be if you read about this stuff and think that this is normal, this is how it should be. Infidels paying taxes so that their muslim overlords live as they want. Fuck this gypsy. Fuck his sheep "wives". Fuck his larvae "children". They turned their country into shithole and now they are distributing metastases all around Europe.


Hitler was right to give up on the German people. They deserve their fate.

odd way to say illiterate

This Germany needs to be destroyed and all germans must be erased so that the rest of the world can learn from this. I hope the jewish master plan gets aggresive very soon.

>tfw you share a border with Getmanystan
So this is how Finland feels.

this is how shitskins repay Western secular humanists for their empathy. they laugh at you and mock you for it.

if there are any leftists browsing Sup Forums, pay special attention to this post and the mentality being expressed. don't forget. there is no sharing with these people. dominate or be dominated. they mistake your kindness as weakness.

I find it strange that (((Spiegel))) did this documentary.

The Jew realized that the manufactured "refugee" crisis was a mistake and now is phasing it out slowly? Are documentaries such as this part of the phase out process?

Or could it be that this is simply more "paving of the road" towards their Managed Race War?

It is very very strange to me that (((Spiegel))) parades this typical Arab Neanderthal in front of Germans like this.


Goodluck Swissbro keeping them out because they are like fucking Mexicans...

I can't be mad at the muds anymore
We all deserve to disappear to be such pathetic cucks
Good fuck this world, I hope for a WW3 and to see everything burn
I don't care anymore

Yeh activated the almonds

Spiegel is hard left

Probably a classic kaballah mind control technique to render the victim confused and twisted. Arrested development. "The pull of opposing forces" etc. Or it could be a subtle appeal to logic with a facade of human rights.

The snek is pumping the poison into your arm

He's a god damn super NEET.
I salute you sir.

What the fuck. I could not come up with shit like this if I tried. Germans, please, unfuck yourselves.