Joined the NRA a few minutes ago. I wouldn't have cared so much except all this obvious shilling and push for infringement of 2nd Amendment Rights finally tipped me. The movement against Gun Rights is real, so I've joined and am now monetarily supporting the organization that defends my rights. If what the Left is trying to do is convince me of their agenda, the only thing that has happened from all their anti-gun shilling is the EXACT OPPOSITE. Anyone else gonna "bite the bullet"?
Finally did it
pic related
whatever helps you compensate white boi
I find their alerts and local happenings very useful. Also like the American Rifleman mag. I also got the shooting bag which is very nice.
They do whine a lot to send them more money all the time but they really are pretty cool.
I see. You've confused standing up for a belief with compensating. You should look into why you did that. Probably would reveal a lot about your own life.
Thank you, user!
I opted out of the gifts. Maybe I should have gotten one of the mags. What do you like about the AR mag?
Maybe I can get them to not pester me with junk mail too much. I hate when organizations spend as much in junk mail as I send in membership dues and donations....
Does she try to cover up her braps with full auto fire bursts?
dat whi boy be rasis and sheeit
You should have went to a gun show and signed up for 20bucks and got into the show for free. Rifleman mag is nice to thumb thru about stories where armed citizens defended themselves.
Nice ass!
really boggles the mind
you realize half the shilling comes from the NRA to scare people like you into subscribing to their equivalent of a patreon
Cool. I'll keep that in mind next year when I renew my membership. I was leaning towards the American Rifleman out of the choices.
I'd join that girls NRA (Nice Round Ass)
I have a different view than you, but feel free to believe whatever you want.
The magazine are also nice on the coffee table for when folks come to visit. I started reading in the the library in grade school and always like it.
Nice try, Brocklette.
Should've joined the gun owners of America, NRA are cucks
Muh fuggin namsayin
Hi NRA, nice shill thread.
Reminder that NRA are jews in the business of making money. They made a killing during the Iraq war years.
Now you will get constant calls from the NRA disrupting your life.
Welcome aboard! Did you get a 1 year membership or opt for the lifetime membership?
If you don't join the NRA, you're not a patriot. Period.
GOA sucks religious cock too much.
I might do both.
you don’t need to be anti gun to be anti nra. they offer no benefits, you give them welfare, and 99% of the time they work with the government to cuck gun owners instead of using member fees to run pro gun campaigns.
they always put their survival before the second amendment
This is true. Just block the number on your phone and you'll be fine.
Just 1 year right now. It was spur of the moment. I've got it on my calendar for next year when I have a bit more time to sit down and plan ahead.
now enjoy the mail, phone spam begging for money.
The NRA is basically run by constitutionalist now. They got burned pretty bad the last time they caved to the Clinton assault weapons ban.
>I joined an organization that purposely allows the 2nd amendment to be infringed upon so they can make money
GOA is very cool! They send you post cards to send to your local reps that actually do work. The GOA is also very light on junk mail. You don't hear from the GOA often but they really are doing God's work!
Good advice. Thank you!
>I am going to fap to that OP pic though.
Cool. Thank you, user! I'll definitely take a look at them. :)
whoa, is race real you guys?
>whoa, is race real you guys?
When it comes to gun crime it is for what ever reasons.... The democrats and poverty pimps only exploit black crime for their own personal gain...
I'm thinking about joining the GOA since they're a bit more staunch about SHALL...!
To be fair the NRA only cares that they get their shekels from you.
Not sure if this is a LARP or real, but I'm a life member.
Literally nothing is more important than the second amendment. The commies can't do shit until they disarm us.
As long as we are armed everything is academic and life will go on as it always has. No matter how black or brown the US gets everything will be ok.
>I'm thinking about joining the GOA since they're a bit more staunch about SHALL...!
Yes! Best $20 you will ever give away. They are very free of the politics of the NRA.
However the NRA is the political lighting rod that makes the gun haters shit their pants...
what gibs do you get if you join the NRA ?
Never give up your gun rights Ameri-bro's.
We lost ours during German occupation and when that occupation ended our cunt government just kept it that way.
should have sided with hitler you cucks
Things change from year to year but it's usually a free magazine every month and a calendar.
I bought a 5 year membership a couple days ago. Came with an NRA Gym bag, some stickers, and magazine subscription.
Probably going to also join GOA, SAF, and my local state lobbying group just for the hell of it too.
depends on how long you join. you can get a hat or a gun bag and some other stuff you probably already have.
Nice propaganda. Since you claim to have joined the NRA, I'll match their dues for a year with a donation to the gun control lobby. Fuck you and your murderous manchild club.
>supporting constitutional rights is compensating
Nigger confirmed
just checked
I never really liked the NRA, but I’ve donated money to them because I know it pisses off the left. I’m a lobbying firm now, I wouldn’t mind lobbying for them. Probably lots of money to be made.
Fuck Sup Forums is so easily triggered these days, you don't even need to try.
hmmm sounds good
Do GOA to if your budget allows
Not really, for example if "race" were real, or the principal factor behind gun crime or any other metric you'd expect that the variation between "black" countries and "white" or "hispanic" countries (at least according to the American deifinition) would be the same as the difference between blacks, whites and hispanics in the U.S.
But what you really see is that on average Latin America has a higher gun crime and homicide rate than for example Sub-Saharian Africa.
It's not a LARP, I promise. That pic I posted as the first reply is a screen grab from a few seconds after I paid my membership dues.
I grew up hunting and target shooting. Haven't done either in a while, but I'm seriously annoyed with how much shilling is going on for anti-2nd rights. Decided it's time to support the team I believe in with more than just words and memes.
Free magazine. They have a few version for hunters and such.
Free gun bag. Pretty nice.
The NRA-ILA has a free backpack that I have been using for years now.
If you give them you phone number they will test you answering machine a lot.
But it really is just fun and great being a member of an organization that is just pure evil to the liberal anti-gun assholes!
They have a catalog of all kinds of NRA items and trinkets that you would just love to buy but they are a bit pricey.
i have a number of their t-shirts. when i wear them in public, even in the south, i sometimes get dirty looks. it's hilarious. also i think a thug would think twice about trying to rob me if he sees my nra t-shirt.
their car decals are crap. they fade after a year.
You can think it is a claim. Don't care.
>Fuck you and your murderous manchild club
Your attitude says all I care to know about you. Have a nice life.
>I'll match their dues for a year with a donation to the gun control lobby.
Hey! Match my $217.37 too so far this year. And go buy yourself about $2000 in soy milk to match the new guns I am going to buy this year!
this is my favorite NRA item, a bumper sticker that plays off the hippie commie coexist bumper sticker
>cucking to liberals is better
an nra cap or sweater would be alright
I'm gonna look into that next as well as the Second Amendment Foundation that another user suggested.
another example, the genetic make up of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua is pretty much the same, but El Salvador and Honduras (around 70 homicides per 100 000 people) have a way higher homicide rate than Nicaragua (which is around United States average)
Congratulations user.
The NRA is the Number One defender of the Constitution. Judicial branch, legislative and until recently the Executive, and just about every institution have been Judaized and they're all working to overthrow our freedoms. Every single right we have hangs on the second amendment.
>t. former liberal
can you imagine the rage you would induce wearing NRA clothing in Florida right now? At CNN in NY? hilarious
People are tired of niggers nogging. Even niggers hate niggers, so you must know what it’s like. Ya feel me?
I know a few people who renewed old memberships and signed up for brand new ones purely in response to the media frenzy. I expect the NRA to have their best month in new memberships in years.
There was a vet in my class that wore an NRA hat at UC San Diego. No one really did shit but give him dirty looks.
Thank you! I agree 100%
>can you imagine the rage you would induce wearing NRA clothing in Florida right now?
In times of "crisis", you're better off just wearing a gun....
They're both good organizations, I just like SAF because they focus a lot of their effort on the legal fights (vs lobbying as much):
Hahaha. Yes. I want that. Along with their clock that hides a handgun in plain sight.
t. shill
you just have your name registred on a list
why don't you just buy a gun and be free?
>unironically this triggered
It's time to push back, legalize open carry in all states and UNRESTRICTED Concealed Carry.
Would rape that whore for her crime of penis envy. ABsolutely disgusting. WOuld tear anus. Little pink rail covers MY ASS.
Thank you for the info; I didn't know that about the SAF vs others, so it is good to hear their efforts are well placed. Makes me feel even better about joining.
Good decision OP. Gun legality in this era is a necessity. Without guns, we would be raped & pillaged by psychopaths who illegally obtain said guns. It is the only defense we have against the mentally ill & liberal left.
They say Aaron Cruz would not have killed that many people with a knife as their strawman. This is bullshit, as we've seen countless times through the past decade that even without guns, insane people will still find a way to kill. Well done, OP. You'd make your ancestors proud.
>It's time to push back, legalize open carry in all states and UNRESTRICTED Concealed Carry.
It would absolutely solve the school mass shooting problem, no question.
I've been pro-gun rights my whole life, but it definitely feels good to support with more than just words. Thank you for the encouragement, brother.
Shut the fuck up faggot nobody cares
>Shut the fuck up faggot
You know, even the bros on Sup Forums are all getting guns now too...
Kek. If you read through the comments, you'd see you are wrong. Move along cause this is the last we will interact.
I don't even own any guns (Cuckifornia) but I think I'm gonna do it too. They are doing more to protect America than almost any other organization.
Soon hopefully.
You dumb fuck, you should've joined Gun Owners of America
Awesome, user. I will admit I don't have any in my home, currently. Have a few in another state in my dad's gun cabinet, ones I had when growing up hunting and such. But all of this anti-gun shilling is getting me patriotic af. I'll either get the ones from home, or buy one soon. I think first step for me was joining today.
>I don't even own any guns (Cuckifornia) but I think I'm gonna do it too.
Even there you should do all you can to get a gun.
The only thing that could go wrong is you will not be able to stop buying MORE guns!
>monetarily supporting the organization that defends my rights.
(You) drank the koolade user.
"The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871."
~ Franklin L. Orth, former NRA Executive Vice President
if (You) don't know your rights, you don't have none.
They don’t even send you a swag bag. Fail.
im a life member. Unfortunately they are annoying as shit. Constant spamming for more money or products. They sell your info to 3rd parties without a thought. I joined because we need them to fight for our right to bear arms otherwise these pussy cucks would make us felons. But I dont like what a giant whiney bag of shit they are. My state still has the absolute worst laws so I get no direct benefit. Also most of the members I meet are fucking tools. But thanks for joining user...
Yeah but they actually support the 2nd Amendment
Just bought the 5 year membership as well. The kikes will not succeed in disarming the white man.
Thank you, user. Are you a member of either the GOA or SAF as well? If so, just curious what your experiences with them are like. Another user was saying the SAF does a lot more in the legal realm, which I like the sound of. I'm not adverse to multiple memberships or switching membership down the road to the organization that works the best at protecting the 2nd.
>I joined because we need them to fight for our right to bear arms
Nice! Congratulations!