This thread is for all topics related to TDS260, TRS, FTN, and any other alt-right or fascist podcasts.
>link to newest episode of TDS
TDS260: Actual Thread Edition
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gib pls
everyone post hate so the thread stays bumped
>Promise goy this is my last time begging!
post it paycucks
this. What a bunch of kikes.
Post show or your mother will die in her sleep.
Bumpin pls
i wonder if his half-negro brother ever acted as bull for his entirely jewish wife
pls gib
*Blocks your path*
Have a bump
Is that edited to make her look like a Promethean?
somebody please upload this week's jazz and jesse too plz
is the tongue out thing still a thing?
i want to breed with canadian cum dumpster
I would kill my family to fuck her
>ill buy next week, just give it to me this time
its $10 you fucking niggers, its nothing and you get a lot of good content beyond TDS
wait who the fuck is that
Anyway look i like Enoch, a lot of what he says makes sense. Sven fucks up the show by constantly being a regular old Mister Quippy and talking over people with inane shitty puns. He needs to unfuck himself and then they'll have a real nice radio show there.
i was going to become a subscriber, but then i got laid off :(
see you in the archives tommorow
Bump plz halp pay cucks
I've heard antifa purposely leaks this episodes in order to give people less of an incentive to buy a sub and bankrupt them
They're BTC rich, they'll be fine.
>those fuggin HIPS
Cool, give the link
Have a bump
Bump plz poast
Look at this capitalist with $10 right here
too late fellas, she's already been BLACKED
In a white ethnostate, she'd be my virgin Orthodox waifu
seeshe fucked a nigger
Did she fuck her sister's ex?
Sven really is the fucking worst. He’s the Opie of the show but somehow worse
Where's my goddamn shoah?
>in a white ethnostate
>white ethnostate
>hypothetical ideal situation
If anything, antifa would lurk these threads trying to get it for free
in Canada it is custom for men to share their wives and girlfriends. It's a sign of respect.
your ideal was pumped full of negro semen
Have a bump
I stopped watching all the trs shows when the pay wall went up. Even the free ones. It just left a bad taste in my mouth
so, uh, no link so I can evaluate it for myself and critique it? what happened to the free paywall gibs threads?
Ewwwww he fucked that???
trs has sucked since 2016
gib jazz and jesse also paycucks
Yeah I agree, these guys should totally live on the streets. Making money is completely immoral.
Earning money is something that jews do. Don't be like a jew.
Here you go senpaitachi.
can some musical historian tell me what is that rock classic that is played in jazz & jesse intro
this is the old show...
*married that
This one is real, thx!
real clip confirmed
thanks man!
kek you got me
>it's another Sven mumbling to himself as he fumbles around not listening to Mike for the first 20 minutes episode
so when did you guys get over the white nationalism meme. for me it was sometime towards the end of 2017.
damn it what is that prety sure it's vietnam era rock or genZ lol
Freecucks btfo
plz post
Niggas have criticised all forms of reality escape mechanism except alcohol (which they consume large amounts of). TRS should criticise alcohol.
i hAs brain cancer
pls gibs
That's autistic and no one would get behind prohibition of alcohol.
jesse is honestly one of the biggest faggots i've seen on the internet
is this jazz and jizzy 29?
sure man
It was free. Now it isn't. I do not think the show is worth paying for.
Some one post pls
no its old show but i cannot figure out what that oldie intro music is...i guess i'm to
>it's not worth 10 dollars a month but it's worth hundreds of hours of my time
are you a neet
I spend hundreds of hours shitting but should I have to pay to use the toilet?
no, really.
making edgy unfunny jokes and looking at mike for approval the whole time i've never felt such second-hand embarrassment for someone in my life
so you're an indian-american neet
but he has some great musical one of the best songs before noble paycuck shows up with the show
this literally doesnt happen, but ok man, are you nonwhite or jewish by chance?
No, I'm your gay indian president.
her face is terrifying
Our president is a 5'2" crypto-commie actually.
frens know how to share pls gib
maybe it doesnt happen every episode but it happened in the only one i bothered watching.
feel free to disprove my assertion, post a GOOD episode of TDS and i will eat my words
Fuck off kike
shit load of them are good, ive listened to 100, i dont have a favorite
strike and mike is good
jazz and jesse is good
FTN is based
well worth my $10
I'm aware of who our taoiseach (prime minister equivalent) is, thanks.
this ... sven's an unfunny tryhard faggot
no. white nationalism is a gay, mono-variable ideology.
Gibs pls