Slavs are, unironically, the master race

Slavs are, unironically, the master race.
>world class scientists (some of the best ever, that's why Russians went to space first, despite murrimutts getting nazi scientists)
>world class mathematicians
>world class writers (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, etc.
>world class artists
>world class fighers
>world class athletes
How can western soyboys even compete?
I'm so glad I have Russian and Baltic genes, along with Anglo genes, that's why I'm 6'5 and good looking, while the average anglo is a manlet with a receding chin.

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Slavs protected Western soyboys from Mongols and Muslims for around 600 years.

True as a polish slav with aryan traits I agree

>hitler did nothing wrong
>slavs are the master race






ahhhh.... hahahahhaa

never change, pole.

>this is a spanish 'person'

>Macedonia represents all slavs
Alrighty user

I’d suck his nuts for weeks but meds are better than Slavs.

that's a latino from america's got talent you idiot hahahaha, try again pole... oh you guys...

>when you go from being an untermensch to a the master race.
Don't worry, the jews are about to take over soon, hang on a bit longer and you will be our masters

thanks bro, (((anglos))) are great too, your scientific achievements are unparalleled to any other country.

Meds haven't done shit for at least 500 years.

>tfw no Estonian gf

The best part about being a Slav is that I can pretend to be offended when someone calls me white or claims that I have white privilege.

and neither have Slavs.
Slavs are subhuman

Slavs are the most Aryan when it comes to paternal lines(father lines) deal with it.

Shut the fuck up, retard.


aww haha. Typical pole, your understanding of history is ofc weak.

oh you nignog... you do know why we don't use the term "aryan" anymore right? Get an update

Look at that!!! Top 4 are all slav... I mean, yeah the countries aren't. But it was slavlets in those countries. Will you look at that!!!

>oh you nignog... you do know why we don't use the term "aryan" anymore right? Get an update
That's because it was proven that Aryans were Eastern Europeans and to this day East Euros have the most Aryan admixture? U mad, shitskin?

Russians obtained their fair share of nazi scientists to jump start their space program as well.... sorry to burst your bubble.

Like any good Burger I am a mutt. Slav, Germanic, Anglo, Med, and Nord.

Wish I was more Slav tho. They're the only ones not cucking right now.

Oh yeah, meanwhile you're using Slavic invention to shitpost about Subhuman slavs.

Slavs are every bit as retarded as Americans but they don’t have the excuse of being mutts like we do

Prove it then, retard.

Those were all invented by Jews.
Even Jews are superior to slavs

aww.. haha you don't know who the Yamnaya were huh??? aww poor you, you cute little thing... Of course the slav knows nothing. Go back to Belarus my baby

Also why do all of you squat when you do selfies???

Slavs put a man in space, built the first nuclear powerplant, and solved some of the most difficult problems in mathematics in the last 100 years, what on earth are you talking about?

I can only see low IQ med shitposting, nothing of value. IE were East Euros.
Same can be said about German inventions.

I told you I have Russian and Baltics genes, why are you mentioning Poland you dummy.

I'm Anglo and 6'7.

But I don't have to shitpost online in some attempt to prove my genetics are not shit tier.

I don’t need to prove anything

Burgers are funny, you atleast accomplished to create a country that is atleast impressive. What have slavs done? Wear adidas, get a 90s retarded haircut and drink themselves to suicide?

Because you don't have shit.
What did you do iberian shitskin? Despite looking like a North African?

Russians are different to Slavs, they're above you

>I can only see low IQ med shitposting
nice memeflag you got there

Russian + Balto + Sucking UK benefits = Slav

>Russians are different to Slavs, they're above you
Russians are Slavs, you imbecile.
Slavs are superior to Iberians.

>Russians are different to Slavs

What have I done? Nothing? What have you done? Whine about how you're victims of the EU, WW2, Communism, Russia, Greece. All you guys do is whine, you're the literal niggers of europe. You have never in the history of history have been respected. You're cancers


master race
>litter everywhere
>literally white niggers

pls.. fuck off, doofus.

Bosnia... disown the slav who posted above you

>Slavs are superior to Iberians.

:) yes... you're superior. Poor things... haha

who the fuck is levitsky. Nicéphore Niépce invented photography.

Because he's a filthy d&c kike larping as a spaniard maybe?

Balts are closer to Slavs than they're to West Euros, you retard.
Ah just fuck fuck off Iberian kike.
Spain is a poor corrupted shithole.

Haha, how come you guys always shit on yourselves??? Defend your brothers... come on dude... You're not close enough to Finland to claim to be Suomi-tier evolved.

Wrong. You got all the best scientists, like Von Braun. The Russian space program was primarily based on the works of a Russian scientist, not German. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Sergei Korolev were the two key scientists, who did their work independently of Germany.


>world class alcoholics

Russians are slavs, you absolute moron.
Also, my IQ is higher than yours, that's why I'm in a top 5 university studying physics, while you're some med loser living with his mommy

Кaжeтcя ты yжe нaчaл пoнимaть. Heплoхo, нeплoхo.

>Spain is a poor
We're 2 steps ahead of the game. We knew that the muslim migration would occur. We destroyed our economy so muslims wouldn't want to come. We were quite intelligent to be honest

> Spain is corrupt
Hmmm, show your flag ;)

> Spain is a shithole
Unfortunately, it currently is.

show us your flag nigger, what are you hiding under there. Are you a mutt with 1/50 slav untermensch blood?

Slavs are uninteresting deadbeats desu. If it wasn't for Western Europe, our health and life expectancy would be lower

> I'm in a top 5 university studying physics

They have affirmative action in the UK too??? wow

wtf I love the jews now!

Strayabro... leave him be... poor thing only has his slavness to hold onto. Without that he's nothing. Literally nothing. Forgive him...

Choose your future Mutt.

Left Middle Right

you know you faggots are the reason the brits left the EU, go back to your country kurwa

Nah I have a fourth option.

You lazy spics aren’t really better than those gopniks

I got the best grades possible, both at GCSE and A-levels, stay mad, brainlet. I will also graduate with a first class degree.

I was born here, you donut.
My ancestors came here in the 19th century.

Well well well. Hmmm. Good selection

Austria... why are you here??? Who let you be a sovereign state?

Slav... why boast if you can't prove anything you're saying....

>Slav means slave

Funny thoguth, how not all regions have lasting impact. Greeks were goats millennia ago, but then they vanished.

And then Russians for example arguably pushed mathematics and computational methods into the next millennium though. The only two people who solved any of the millenium puzzles are East Slavs

Lookup Lyapunov, Krylov, Faddeev and how their methods relate to advanced computations. The west didn't hear about these up untli the soviet union collapsed.

that was the plan in the final solution

>I was born here

Many jews were born in Iberia. They weren't Spanish. Go fucking back to your country, leave the anglos in peace. Stop hurting the west. You add salt to the wound.

Well, why dont you go back to your Slav country ? What ?
You dont want a corrupted goverment? Tak tak tak chuvak.. stop getting Western benefits and go back to your village, blyat

It's the other way around. Slave is derived from Slav because the few Slavs Western Europeans came into contact with were slaves, but slaves were ubiquitous everywhere.

Slav means "slavit'", means "to praise", to praise God. Read some books you moron.

Lmao Ahmad Lopez been to the refugee rally in Barcelona ?

Make me, shitskin.

Yeah, it was a great rally, I was on the stage actually talking about how I was raped in Calais and in the refugee camps in Gibraltar. Thankfully the Catalonians believed me, Catalonians are the best people

why? is it because they were running away from persecution?

>22 posts by this id

That's what they do. They never fight, they flee, complain, play the blame game, play the victim game. And then start being cocky and obnoxious again. Honestly cancers.

I don't think my grandma would tell me tales about evil Jews to scare me if we were Jewish.

You're a shitskin, you're a moor muslim rape baby.

haha, my poor baby... and you think you're some kind of 21st century Nikola Tesla.... you naive little faggot...

You sure the cops aren't nearby right? You brits aren't allowed here anymore.

And your british... same thing.

well sometimes, to ensure that you dont also get persecuted in your new country, you need to disconnect ties with the past, make it convincing. But the blood is still there, ready when when the times comes for the world to be conquered

nah.. leave him be. There are more Muslims in Britain than what there ever were in Iberia, leave the poor slav alone. Wypepol hurt his feelings and wants to cry to his baba bushka because of the evil spaniard

they are pretty good, don't get all that racial based hate, they hate their own problems just like we do


fucking hell, learn to speak the queens language properly. No hes not British hes polish, possibly even a jew who knows

I convinced my wife to fuck a slavic bull, he is a guy from Poland I am very excited I am going to try to breake the condom before

nah... jews are smart. It's obviously a toilet cleaning pole on his break.

>some of the best ever, that's why Russians went to space first, despite murrimutts getting nazi scientists)
Both the russian and american space program were done by using germans.
The only difference was that in russia they got a bullet to the head or life long gulag after being finished

>Both the russian and american space program were done by using germans
> Using Germans
> Germans


> Iberians

>never change, pole
>shows the russian equivalent of a nigger

i will admit, i never get tired of watching slavs btfo niggers

Saved and slavs are fun to laugh at. Why would I want them to change? Russians are okay though

> learn to speak the queens language properly
Said the fucking Australian. I wouldn't call your apespeak abomination of the English language proper either you degenerate pirate spawn...
AHAHHAHAHAHAAHA, that's a literal sandnigger, do you really look like that? I I feel kinda sorry for you now.

Soon, Shlomo soon.

>Shitting on poles for some reason

Yeah I saw you earlier. You're the typical mutt who thinks Sup Forums is being raided by the CIA and soros puppets. Fuck off pls... retarded mutt

I'm a blue eyed blonde HUMAN, unlike you.

I'm actually blue eyed. Have shitty brown hair though.