How do we begin to push back against our enemy?
Expulsion is inevitable like every single other time in history
I only hope this is the last time
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One step at a time user. First you have to wake people up to the Jewish problem. Then you have wipe them off the face of the Earth.
They're getting pretty goddamn brazen. The funny thing is by running this headline, Jews are admitting to being the worst villains in history.
how do we educate more people about this?
Educate? Show them the proof. That's all you can do in this gay Zio-Prot hellscape. You have to keep in mind half the population is by default incapable of grasping what is being shown and can never be swayed by evidence.
Start with the UN definition of genocide and compare the populations today in North America compared to the 50's. This is genocide in a slow meticulous fashion and it's how all great civilization fell.
Racial diversity is a zionist curse that's been around since before the Egyptian hyksos dynasty at least, and they're doing it again.
Everyone should be exposing the alt-right as jews in every thread.
Expose how Jews have ruined black culture.
Expose how Jews are behind the turmoil all US citizens face.
I don't really want to go anywhere.
I don't have a problem with the goyim dismantling lame-ass Hollywood and AIPAC.
By all means put together an un-cucked conservative-nationalistic government. Just leave us Jewish normies alone, pls.
this, wake people up, wake people up to the non jews who are doing this shit as well, jews and especially zionists are only half the problem
I'm more of a judeo-sceptic myself.
Teach what divide and conquer means
Teach that multiculturalism is a divide and conquer meme
Multiculturalism almost works when everyone has a similar belief system and skin colour. And kikes know that bringing in shitskins with sharia on the mind is exactly what these societies don't fucking need but will have to defend against.
Redpill everyone you can. It will take care of itself when the general populace has awoken.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Fucking based
>Again and again in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland, LaPierre identified the enemies of the NRA, and of America, as Jews - from Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders, from Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor George Soros to former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. LaPierre singled out Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York as one of the Democrats who are "liars to the core."
For your archives.
>How do we begin to push back against our enemy?
Spread the red pill.
On June 8, 1967, 34 American sailors of the USS Liberty lost their lives serving their country. These Americans died when Israel, America's "ally," launched a murderous attack on the virtually unarmed American intelligence ship. To this day, many Americans are unaware that this attack even took place. During the two hour assault there was two different American flags raised yet the attack still persisted. After the crew was rescued 16 hours later they were immediately ordered silent under threat of court martial "or worse" by command.
This attack was not an "accident".
Hear the testimonies from the ship's survivors. Watch these documentaries:
>Dead in the Water
>The Day Israel Attacked America
>'But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty
>'The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,' a newly published document by the State Archives says
>Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship
>Chicago Tribune: Transcripts of IAF communications show pilots who attacked Liberty in Six-Day War saw a U.S. flag.
>New revelations in attack on American spy ship
>Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?
>McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty
>Ray MacGovern On Israel attacking USS Liberty the truth must come out !!
>Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Deliberately Attacked America
>Israeli Terrorism Against America
>There is detailed evidence from Liberty crewmen and other military and intelligence personnel that the Israeli attack was intentional. Numerous extremely high US military, intelligence, and diplomatic officials have espoused this view. Among them are:
>Dean Rusk, Secretary of State under LBJ;
>Richard Helms, Director of the CIA;
>Rufus Taylor, Deputy Director of the CIA;
>Clark Clifford, special assistant to the President;
>Louis W. Tordella, National Security Agency (NSA) Deputy Director;
>General Marshall Carter, former director, NSA;
>Lucius Battle, former presidential advisor;
>Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations;
>Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, NSA;
>Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, NSA;
>Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director NSA 1977-1981;
>Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense;
>Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, Staff Legal Office for Commander in Chief US Naval Forces Europe and later Chief Judge Advocate General of the Navy;
>George Ball, under secretary of state;
>Dwight Porter, US Ambassador to Lebanon;
>Lloyd M. “Pete” Bucher, US Navy, Commanding Officer USS Pueblo;
>Captain Ward Boston, senior legal counsel for the Naval Court of Inquiry;
>Rear Admiral Clarence “Mark” Hill, co-founder of the Naval Aviation Foundation;
>Admiral David McDonald, Chief of Naval Operations; and
>Vice Admiral Jerome King, Jr., Deputy Chief of Naval Operations.
>In 2003 the Moorer Commission, an independent commission headed by Admiral Moorer, reported on Capitol Hill: “There is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.”
>The Moorer report went on to state, “In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against U.S. servicemen and an act of war against the United States.”
To all who are afraid of being called an anti-semite, just say you identify as Muslim and you voilà, you have the religious freedom to hate Jews with a passion.
And they wonder why he was offed
Fight the good goys retards over on ptg get them red pilled or off this board
Take responsibility for the atrocities your ilk has committed against humanity, or die like the rest of them will when the time comes.
thought it was neice/uncle?
Wait for them to depopulate
>The Israel Lobby - (vpro backlight documentary - 2007)
>The War Party-Panorama-BBC
>Culture of Critique for Normies (Full)
>What is the JQ Jewish Question Greg Johnson explains
This is a retarded editorial on so many levels. It’s not even a good example of kikery, this guy is just dumb as a rock.
Best weapon is the jew news memes. Spread them far and wide, slam twitter, respond to blue check marks on twitter with these memes.
fake jews
Fuck off shill.
And Sandra Forman isn't the current Director of the NRA.
fake jews media
My New York Jewish neighbor just tried to ram me with his truck and snowplow.
I don't know what makes these fucking twats such assholes but I'm calling the Law on him.
Fucker tries it again, I will smoke his ass.
Faux Jews
Public jew News
Jordan Peterson's Christian denominational leader Martin Luther wrote his famous book in 1543 entitled: On the Jews and their Lies.
You may order a copy of this book,
or, aquire a copy free
>Take responsibility for the atrocities your ilk has committed against humanity,
That’s bullshit and you know it. Germans, Russians, British, Americans and French all committed atrocities at some point, but the common man is in no way responsible, and neither is the common Jew. Fuck off with your nigger tier collective guilt. That shit is why Germany is a mess, and I won’t encourage it even for my worst enemy
>Michael Scheuer: Israel Is A Cancer On U.S. Foreign Policy
>I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress
>Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress
>CIA Dr Michael Scheuer Israel is pushing America to go to War with Iran
>Michael Scheuer: Intel Agencies Don’t Care About National Security
ty, bruh
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
They don’t have anywhere else to go. I unironcially advocate extermination. I am quite serious. There aren’t very many jews on the planet and they’re mostly concentrated into jewish “ghettos” anyways
>not realizing the violence committed by those nations was almost always the result of Jewish influence
You must be new here.
ITT: We post pictures of jews and pretend we're doing literally anything beyond speculation.
I am perfectly fine with muslims having their backwards beliefs and religion - just not in my country.
I don't want to genocide anyone. I just want to have my own country. I want you muslims and blacks and even jews, to have your own country too.
Stop trying to make me accept everyone so that I no longer have a place to call home. Everyone should have a place to call home.
Doesn't matter when more important Jews get their will.
>U.S. Jews Support Gun Control, but the Political Debate Ignores It
>In the wake of the Aurora massacre, Jewish Americans regard the views of opponents of gun control as both puzzling and abhorrent. But U.S. Jews won't find their stance reflected in the platform of either U.S. political party.
>Americans in general may be divided about gun control, but Jewish Americans are not. They have always been among the most enthusiastic advocates of legislation that will regulate gun ownership in a reasonable way. At the Million Mom March a dozen years ago, the largest gun-control demonstration in American history, Jews attended in droves.
>This is because most Jews are still Democrats, and gun control is more of a Democrat issue than a Republican one; this is because Jews are an overwhelmingly urban people who lack a culture of hunting and gun ownership; and this is because the NRA is associated in the minds of many Jews with extremist positions that frighten Jews and from which they instinctively recoil.
>A Jewish community strongly supportive of gun control plus Jewish lawmakers eager to enact new gun control laws may bring Jews into a lead role as the nation debates federal measures to rein in mass murders at its malls and schools.
>Jewish groups in America have led calls for tougher gun controls in the wake of the Las Vegas gun massacre that left 59 people dead and hundreds more injured.
>The Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Reform movement all issued statements condemning the violence and demanding new gun control legislation.
All from Jewish publications.
Just let muslims into europe and they will so it for you. Easy.
>Rabbi Felix Rogin: Jesus Was Witch Or Sorcerer With An Eye For The Ladies
>Christians in Israel face rise in hate crimes
>How Christians are treated by zionist jews in israel, abused and insulted.
>How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel - It's Serious!
>The Insanity of Christian Zionism!
Hmmmmmmmmm maybe Jews shouldn't be so active in trying to take away guns then
Notice how the most they can find is a dog whistle, while they push openly anti-white rhetoric
This guy has the right idea