Is J.K. Rowling the Nostradamus of our generation?
Is J.K. Rowling the Nostradamus of our generation?
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If you encounter one of these fucking idiots remind them that the students and teachers were all armed and violently defended the school together.
If youre underestimating the childrens need to defend themselves, congratulations, your ,whoever the fuck this bitches name is. how is project harry-potter-would-have-had-guns-if-they-didnt-have-wants going?
They played themselves
"The group is now preparing for the March 24 rally, where they plan to smash unloaded AR-15 rifles with a sledgehammer and squat in front of the White House for 17 minutes to honor the 17 victims, according to Mr. Kasky."
I'm actually surprised, Sup Forums of all people wouldn't be spurging out at the thought of a bunch of High School students Slav Squatting.
Maybe it hasn't (((clicked))) yet.
Use their own logic against them.
Hogwarts is an open carry school that stopped a school shooter. Spam this dumb awful bitch cunt this message ad infinitum.
Friendly reminder that protection wand open-carry defeated the Hogwart's terrorist attack
i'd say she's more like the Rosa Luxemburg
>hiding name of a tweet
you know you can easily search the exact text of any tweet, right?
Anyone that refers to Harry Potter as some sort of factual case study should be shot out of a trebuchet
When I was a teen we had a hooch barrel where everybody dumped in the liqueur they brung then we all got drunk and fucked,
What’s the difference between a trebuchet and a catapult? I remember looking it up once and a catapult seemed to basically be a giant bow (sort of) where as a trebuchet was what I think of as a catapult
As I understand it, the lever in a catapult is driven by torsion while in a trebuchet it is driven by a weight.
A catapult fires using the potential energy of wound up sinews and a trebuchet uses gravitational energy with a large counterweight
I tgink shes underestimated the childrens ability to do evil
Thanks Bruce and.... Hans? What do we call Austrians? Pic related basically seems like a giantbow is what I meant. I don’t think I learned the word trebuchet anywhere as early as I did catapult, but trebuchets seem more common, especially for medieval warfare. Maybe it’s because people use catapult as a verb
>t. degenerate
>Harry Potter is real life to libtards
These people honestly need to be locked up for the good of humanity.
Give that caption to pics of teenage soldiers.
Where is this? I might take a few guns and sneak em out whilr no ones looking
Distance, force and projectile size that can be shot.
I don't necessarily feel comfortable with sending a bunch of 15-17 years olds to catch a giant L by congress on national television
Battle of Hogwarts was only good thing in the last book, talk about a snoozefest
t. voldemort
Every single silly little stupid teenage girl is called Heather in American movies. All I can say is it checks out, pham.
show the tweet, faggot.
I grew up on and enjoyed reading the HP books (read the first one not long after it came out in like third grade after a teacher recommended it), but don't use them as my moral compass and reference them for life lessons.
Please don't lump all of us millennials together.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the Harry Potter books not in the fiction section?
So you're saying we have a chance.
Nope just someone on the side of free benefits since that was what she was claiming while she wrote her first book.
you grew up on books written for retards by ghost writers
Didn't you know, user? All intelectualoids nowadays use references to Star Wars and Harry Potter to influence their political ideas and morals.
Using actual historical references or at the very least references to actually political books from Orwell is a thing from the past.
>teens literally need magic to accomplish anything
Teenagers don't have magic wands in real life
If they did they would be used in school massacres
oy vey literally voldemort!
Teenagers don't have magic wands in real life
If they did they would be used in school massacres
You know, kike, you're right. Generation Zyklon is about to do something important.
kek, nice one.
Call Austrians adolf
Shockingly accurate
Daily reminder that Anakin turned to the dark side because of a woman.
Catapults were much earlier and trebuchets are vastly superior
>fight fear
emotional metadata was a fucking mistake
fuck, I got it.
>Is J.K. Rowling the Nostradamus of our generation?
Unironically yes, because she says a bunch of ambiguous nonsense that you can interpret every which way.
hahaha, slanted out water marks, nice
About the AW-15
Imagine having a sniper wand, and you can take out everyone from a long distance with avada kedavra
What about when Ron's wand breaks and backfires on him multiple times?
harry potter isnt real
It never happened goyim, wands are instruments of peace, and never caused harm to anyone.
Just like trucks.
Also, we should make the world know that the wizards are racists.
> they hide from muglees
> they ban muglees from entering Hogwarts
> they won't share their knowledge (a muglee (goy) could brew potions, at least)
> if the muglee (goy) sees something magical, they wipe his memory, basically "the muglee knows, shut him down
So what you're saying is that Israel should erase Palestine from existence?
Rowling is a human trafficker:
Her name was something pretentious like Dolores Umbridge.
On one hand, muslims would die
On the other jews would get more territory
The only acceptable solution is the Kingdom of Jerusalem, with christian population.
JK Rowling is a major pedophile and an important figure in the trafficking network