Why did Sup Forums suddenly turn against libertarianism and into fascism?
Why did Sup Forums suddenly turn against libertarianism and into fascism?
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Because libertarians do nothing to stop the people who make libertarianism impossible.
They read le Hans Hermann Hoppe snek steppity man
all part of the dialectic
Why is this board so fucking shit now is my question.
Pic related
"Muh freedom" people live in a fantasy world where they think they'll be left alone by other collectives to live in peace in their "get off my lawn" land.
The truth is that you'd need a strong collective of people working together for "the group".
i’ve been here since 2011 and its basically aways been both. Trump election ruined this place forever though
libertarianism works when everyone is on the same page
current society works to make sure we are never on the same page
we must wipe out everyone who rearranges the pages first before we can be on the same page do you get that?
But I'm not in to fascism at all. It's just that libertarians turned out not to have a viable gameplan and devolved into another form of globalism.
They just enjoy failure too much.
They started believing their own bullshit, pic related
The optimal solution is still freedom, but genuine freedom for all, which necessarily implies opposing those who want to limit the freedom of some, or enslave any other beings. Instead of rights to not be oppressed by others, you have a duty to not oppress.
Your pic is implying that a libertarian is closer to National Socialism than a Communist, which I would disagree with. Many National Socialists convert are former communists, it's far more difficult to instill a notion of duty to your fellow man in a libertarian than it is to convince a communist that the very slavery that they claim to oppose is entailed by their system.
Many of us were left alone in our safe gamer worlds, but they came for us, and we didn't have a choice to take the nation socialist pill.
True libertarianism taken to its logical extreme will follow one of two paths:
The consequentialist will opt for greater openness and tolerance until devolving into neoliberalism.
The deontologist will opt for protection of personal rights until devolving into Hoppeanism.
The point is, half of libertarians eventually become Gary Johnson. The other half will become Franco.
This board used to be fun. Now its just white supremacy fascism, communism etc. Nothing good lasts forever
Hard times call for radical measures. Personal freedom is nice, but if our enemies are well organized and they work towards one goal we can't afford libertarianism, or we will be extinct in a couple generations.
Newfags. It happened to Sup Forums too.
it wasn't sudden, it was like a 5 year slow boil
>ron paul's lifetime of struggle (620 measures that Paul has sponsored, four have made it to a vote on the House floor. One has been signed into law) proved completely pointless and directionless
>2012 election gets less votes than ralph nader in 2000 did, doesn't even win a single state
>libertarian debate is a total shitshow with fat naked debater
>libertarian ideology rots, every even half sane follower abandons ship
>many become bitter and realize their ideology will never catch on at this rate, become mean spirited and black pilled as fuck
>at the same time that they're vulnerable and open to all ideology hateful propaganda is coincidentally being pushed from stormfront onto chans and other open anonymous forums
>don't outright dismiss propaganda and analyze everything open minded, find a lot of their points true
>5-10 years of constant propaganda bombardment (depending on if you came here when paul ran, or been here since the beginning) and main argument against racists or fascists is appeal to emotion or shaming, which doesn't work too well when everyone's anonymous. Basically they STILL trying the same tired arguments that work on other sites where everyone has a name and a public chat record, friends and a persona they want to upkeep to not lose their status / friends.
>daily natsoc and hitler worship threads force you to reexamine past with new eyes, realize hitler was ALWAYS right, multiculturism is a failed idea, only leads to internal strife. True harmony of a people only comes when they have their own home and place they belong among others like themselves. Communism has killed more people than any ideology in history, especially their OWN people.
in this environment you either become a nazi fascist or driven away over emotions overtaking your brain and blinding you, of course some are immunized to political sway and stay just for the discourse or memes
Because Libertarianism has open borders which means whites will cease to exist because eventually the non-whites will vote in an authortarian state and control it.
I'm a libertarian who supports a sensible border policy. Most of us do (do not think the libertarian party actually represents libertarianism and libertarians.)
When we realised you can't have a libertarian society with brown people.
POO -------> LOO
When libertarianism became pot smoking fedora tipping atheists. Pic related
>Wehrmacht tattoo
It’s just an iron cross friend
fucking reddit /r/donald
I rember rothbard and neoliberalism and 'don't thread on me' era
Sup Forums is still both. When polled, Sup Forums comes in about half and half of each (usually with natsoc ahead within a percentage point). A Sup Forums country governed by a national libertarian coalition would be pretty close to ideal.
Because we’ve failed. We’ve been called fascist and nazis by the left when we were libertarian for years. Not only were we called something we were not, but we were told our principles were illegitimate and foolish. It was only a matter of time before we all became bitter and wished to purge our enemies.
This. I'm a Pagan, and I was happy living in my own little world. Then they came for my religion and the religions of a lot of others I knew. Demanding heresy, insisting we discard the fundamentals of the faiths, calling us Nazis if we protested. Eventually fighting them led me to here. Not even two years and I went from being a libertarian to a national socialist. It's been a hell of a ride, and it never ends.
Life used to be fun, then it just became Communism, and the only way to fight it became National Socialism.
because 4ping is easily accessible by everyone and we are on the news at least once a month
combine those information and make your conclusions
You can't do some things by yourself? You need other people to do them? Collectivism may be good to a small extent but Individualism should be put first. If you can't fix the individual then you can't fix the collective. People need to judge others INDIVIDUALLY because that's more logical, judging people COLLECTIVELY isn't too logical (aka Tribalism). Most things are better on an Individualistic view, not on collectivistic views. Only a few things are better on A Collectivistic view.
not wrong. Sup Forums is a lot like Ancient Rome, which was all about the rights of its citizens, but understood in dire times you had to set that aside and bring forth a strong, united force to defend the nation even if it cost some people their rights for a time, so you could survive to the point where rights could be restored.
Hell, even the Nazis wanted that. They wanted a strong, authoritarian state to save the German people, but the idea was to build a culture so strong that eventually the state would not even be needed, because everyone would be able to do what the state had been needed to do: defend the culture and build the nation.
>Because Libertarianism has open borders
No, not really. There are many Libertarians that are against open borders. Libertarianism is more about smaller government, lower taxes, more jobs, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
There comes a time to put childish things away...
>implying we have the time or resources to get to know everyone personally
>what is heuristic decision making
Fuck off, Peterson. I'm still a libertarian but will cross the street when coming up on a herd of niggers, because they're statistically bad for my health.
fifteen niggers just showed up at your house to rape and murder you and your family. I'm sure acting as an individual and judging them individual is going to do a great job of preventing said rape and murder.
If only you and your neighbors had gotten together to do something to protect your neighborhood from this happening.
complainers are the most unbearable kind of person. If you dont like it do something or fuck off
I will not go gently into the gulag
"There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."
Like I said, a few things are better with Collectivism but MOST things are better with Individualism.
Libertarians had their chance and they blew it. I liked Ron Paul, but he is over the hill and so is libertarianism. Libertarianism failed when libertarians stopped saying "Don't tread on me", and started parroting “NAP! NAP!" Libertarians were suppose to fight back and start sniping commies. Instead all they did was start blathering on about their holy NAP and turned into cowardly pacifist anarchists. It’s time for another Pinochet.
Facisism allows the beta loser crowd of Sup Forums to feel superior just because they're white whereas libertarianism requires hard work and drive.
prolly a reaction to all the shills/leftys that started coming here. Plus back the Ron Paul had some good steam going
There's literally nothing wrong with jerking off to anime in my basement apartment.
Because anything anti-authority is fucking retarded. Libertarians and liberals spring forth from the same cancerous and degenerate ideological root.
Unironically rebuilding the empire.
The migrant crisis showed a lot of libertarians that it could never work. We need nationalism.
There is a big difference among Liberallala-Libertarians and right wing Libertarians such as Hoppe.
why did liberals turn into communists
This is basically 100% accurate. How have I not seen that cap before? Damn dude.
>when the first post is also the best post
Communists targeted them because the alternative was to target conservatives. Would you want to target people who want change or people who don't want change?
It's a pretty simple choice.
Sup Forums hasn't stopped being a 60/40 fascist/libertarian alliance, you fucking leaf
>Fuck off, Peterson.
I don't need to, thanks to the 1st amendment.
>I'm still a libertarian but will cross the street when coming up on a herd of niggers, because they're statistically bad for my health.
I never said you can't do this, live your life however the hell you want, just remember: Humans are NOT equal. All I ask is for privacy and for Private property where the government can't be spying on me 24/7. All I want is the government out of my bedroom. Is that too much?
>cutting down on border control isn't less government and taxpayer money used
There are more Hillary voters here now (like me), trying to dilute all the hatred and lies and intolerance on this site. We are not going away you racist assholes.
Because the state started boiling the water too fast. We understood that we have to be united in order to create an ethnostate where we will implement our anarchosociety. 1776 style.
niggers and sjws
According to the U.S. Constitution, in a time of government Corruption or civil unrest Authoritarian tactics can be used restore liberty and peace, I.E. dismantle the deep state and re-establish the white majority
because ron paul lost, but anyways what's wrong with fascism? it's literally the best system for mankind
Any real libertarian is a fascist.
We grew up
Because libertarianism wont save this country
we evolved
Someday, friend.
I know..my point is that Sup Forums now is basically 1930's germany
Shareblue got banned from Reddit, so now they are here.
But borders are state imposed restrictions on the flow of people, goods, services and capital. Are you saying we should restrict that flow for the benefit of a collective??
Some of us realized National Socialism is degenerate paganry. The most hardcore form of leftism, but still leftism.
That got tried in WW2 and it didn't work. Fascism was meant as a sacrifice, carried out by Liberalism and Comminism. Afterwards, Liberalism stabbed communism in the back.
Stereotypes exist for a reason, goob. White people have the lowest ingroup/outgroup salience, they are collectively most likely to judge others as individuals...the sooner you realize the necessary irony of white libertarianism the better.
I'm not saying there should be NO government.
libertarians are still here, they just get drowned out.
So what? If you have an invading outside force you can't be blindly libertarian about it. They've violated the NAP.
The St Petersburg sock factories use it for warming up. in the Us its the dumbing down of millennials and the idiocracy. Less smart nilhilist pranksters about, its just no fun dealing with a bunch of shitty nazis all the time. When it was a few stormfags we could at least fence em off in stupid holocaust threads. Now theres thousands of burgertards being shepherded by some clever gopniks on a siloviki wage and its lost its keks
Sometimes, you need to fight fire with fire, in this case, post-modernist SJW leftism cancer with Fascism fires.
trump election made Sup Forums collapse
all came here
but that's just the cycle like with Sup Forums
checked. It's been a hell of a ride. To all the people who are black-pilled, please think about the fact that there are so many others waking up right now! It is a cheerful thought.
the ((MSM)) and other kyke forces stacked the deck heavily against paul.. Fox news even. member that?
>Stereotypes exist for a reason, goob.
I'm not saying that stereotypes just come out of the blue like that, ya Mongoloid.
Because libertarianism is even more retarded then liberalism.
They still want the borders to stay open and all they care about is "Muh legal drugs"
Annoying idiots that I grew bored of very quickly. Just a bunch of junkies who want to use their drugs without getting arrested. Worse then fucking liberals.
Libertarians are here offering Free Helicopter Rides for commies
Pol has always been a mix of lolbertarians and stormweenies. They have completely different policies but the end result of both is the same.
Sup Forums has always been libertarian-fascist.
>member that?
Yes. I remember that complete defeat. What's your point? Do you even have one?
Borders, border issues are the main political line in here, because of the european migrant crisis.
>They've violated the NAP
don't get me wrong I'm not complaining
Man the whole fucking lot of you are goddamm confused to flip flop loke that. Maybe drop the whole ideology thing and think for your selves. That is most likely where the truth lies.
Not with this whole
>durr libertarianism don't stop the shitskins so I'm full on facist noew lul
Intelligence, temperament and time-preference are genetically heritable.
People have a right to associate with whom they choose.
Equality is observably false at first glance and upon further analysis.
Please remember, you're here forever :)
Monarchism ftw.
Because, you fucking leaf, we don't wish to see our nation artificially replaced by transnational elites importing the third world in a tax slave in order to pay for their failing state healthcare plan.
I also blame the boomers, the leftest boomer, who voted and set forth with the autistic idea that everyone can understand our idea, back pedaling against our forefathers. Them, with being sold the idea that they don't need to reproduce to have offspring because kids suck and aren't no fun man.
That is why I'm a fascist, not Nazis, not ethno-nationalist, a facist, because I would not wish this fate on anyone or any other nation, except Israel. It makes me sick and drives me ever so often further right everyday.
What happen to my hwndu, kek pepe, Trump, Sup Forums 2.0 board from 2016 and early 2017?
Now it's all super serious business legit racism, nazism, and other crazy shit.
Basically this. I want a libertarian society but know that isn't possible in today's world. So you need an authoritarian state to ensure degeneracy (porn, attacks on nuclear family, predatory businesses, usury) cannot be allowed. Within said framework, any productive member of society should be allowed to do anything they want, so long as it is not detrimental to society.
whos this Sup Forums hacker, what does he believe in
Of course not. I want those things too. Guess which single demographic group expresses popular support for liberty? Hint: it was the same group that held exclusive franchise back when the USA was a real libertarian republic.
>They still want the borders to stay open and all they care about is "Muh legal drugs"
>Annoying idiots that I grew bored of very quickly. Just a bunch of junkies who want to use their drugs without getting arrested. Worse then fucking liberals.
Those are just Libtards pretending to be Libertarians. AKA, "left-libertarian", the actual Libertarians are the 'right-libertarians'.
Only ruskies are smart enough to troll a nation?
>laughs in Swahili
For as big a mess the german economy became near the end of the war. Lets not forget it took a second world nation into a Global superpower in less than a full generation