Advise me Sup Forums

>34 years old.
>5,7 manlet Vin Diesel look-a-like
>Overdosed on redpills at 16 or so
>life has been depressing and void ever since, been trough levels of wokeness you people can't even imagine.
>Stuff happened. Life somewhat back on track jobwise.
>Meet girl two weeks ago. We really connect. She's signalling all the time.
>Now seriously in love. Even experienced some weird stuff going on in my tummy... feels good mon.
>Girl turns out to have a kid.
>Seriously being torn between options now
>To cuck, or not to cuck?

What do Sup Forums.... what do? Do i go with my feelings, or do i continue my ascendency into the highest levels of wizardry imaginable?

Other urls found in this thread:

your wife's son
>silly cuck

Shes only after your money.

Or maybe not.

Or maybe she is...One can never know...

What are the chances of finding someone younger/less baggage?

ALso, what do you mean by "signaling"?

how old is this bitch in question?

All the verbal and non-verbal cues basically. It's hard to tell, but i feel we seriously connect on a deeper level. Fuck i'm even starting to talk normie shit now.

About 30ish

you don't even know how old she is and you think you're in love?

Think with your brain not your dick, this is a losing deal for you

How old is the kid and what race is it?

Strange... we talked about all sorts of stuff, but age was never mentioned indeed. Didnt even realize it up untill now.

Post birth abortion

Just know that she doesn't want you, she wants your time and resources. With that in mind, choose wisely.


approach with caution and then add ten layers of further caution

What's your annual income?

Dude, bro, don't do this senpai. Leave her. She's fucking trouble.

follow up, what's hers?

6 years old, white.

You're not a cuck if you have your own seed with her too. MAKE SURE you emphasize that to her.

>giving signals after she finds out your single
>has a kid
It looks bad from outside dude

Mine, decent middle class salary.
She, doing some voluntary work so as to keep government benefits.

Bail, now

>About 30ish


THAT BITCH IS AFTER YOUR SHIT. She done run her course; made all the mistakes and now, at the end of her usefulness, having realized that she cant get any better -she wants someone to take care of her.

Unless shes a 10/10 devout christian/lil susie homemaker , whos husband tragically died and its taken her 5 years to recover, then she is a lost cause.

>Meet girl two weeks ago. We really connect. She's signalling all the time.
shes sucking up to you so you pay the bills for her bastard. nothing personal she might even be nice and be willing to let you do butt stuff with her but she will never love you. the nigger she loves left and now shes looking for some one to cover the cost of living and will likely cheat on you

>as to keep government benefits.
There are about 3.5 billion women or so on this planet
I'm sure there are better that'd fall in love with you bro

This. You ain't a cuck if you at least have your own kid with her. But you should do it fast if she's 30. It won't be too long till she'll only pop out autism babies.

Bro, please, ffs do not keep going with this bitches non sense.

You dont want to find some nice 21 yo pussy that is all yours?

You're old. Women your age that are available and suitable usually are divorced. Don't care about bs and go for it

don't let memes destroy your chance for happiness

there are plenty of manipulative women who just want a man to take care of their kid, but the real question here is are you ready to take care of a child? it sounds like you're still something of a manchild yourself

Thats all that vaginal voodoo that women do. Its just an evolutionary strategy to hook you into giving up your labor and your life -cough, cough - i mean - providing for her and her kid...

Dont do it.

Be careful but follow your heart I guess.

Get out it will only work if she has independent long-term income and even then it's risky. Also if you have kids you will have nearly zero connection with the siblings, my siblings are 7 years older than me and I only built a strong connection with 1 of 3. My mother was an example of how it can work as she got married at 18, was a homemaker who only ever knew the guy who cheated on her after letting her raise the kids nearly alone for 7 years but she never went back into single world she married my father and now has a 22 year strong marriage. Does that sound like her or has she rode more dicks than she can count?

You're not in love with a girl you met two weeks ago, faggot

meh don't listen to this guy. He doesn't even know you or the girl but HE KNOWS WHAT SHE'S AFTER! Fuck off

Just look out for signals that she's a shitty cunt who should be avoided. Is her house really dirty? Does she have a lot of debt? Is she bad with money? These are things you can easily find out early on in a relationship which are huge red flags all indicating you should get the hell out of there.

Read about narcissist/BPD women. Look on YouTube for videos about it.

Another good thing to do is to look at yourself. Consider your SMV. Are you a piece of shit? Try to be objective. If you are then the women who's into you is probably a piece of shit too. If she's hot then she's fucked up in the head or something. I guarantee you that. You're not going to land a genuinely good woman who is pretty if you're a loser. That's just reality.

That girl's kid has a father too. That bitch didn't know how to live with her child's father, that bitch won't know how to live with you too. You'd be a cuck from day one and then she'd cuck you more.

>be careful
>follow heart

Pick one...

>Meet girl two weeks ago
>Seriously in love

No manchild here. I've sworn off gaming and cancelled my cable subscription years ago. I usually spend my free time reading books or watching my daily dose of pewdiepie... the only thing i can still stomach.

I do feel a growing sense of urgency tho when it comes to family related stuff.. it's as if my biology is demanding procreation.

>That bitch didn't know how to live with her child's father, that bitch won't know how to live with you too.

This is true. You should also look into the circumstances surrounding the child's father. If there was somehow some sort of good justification for them separating then it might be okay, but if she left "because she wasn't happy" then I would suggest you get the hell out of there.

You keep her around if she's willing to fuck now and then.
Don't take it any further

show you flag, cuck.

If you think you're ready, go for it. Look for all the warning signs here though:
Biology can be very convincing, and your infatuation may cause you to ignore a lot of warning signs. It's really easy to only show your good side to someone when you first meet. Don't move in together before you're ready, there can be a lot of trouble for you if you do.

>>Overdosed on redpills at 16 or so
Such a fucking claim from someone that literally admits to spewing normie bullshit. You are not redpilled, just deluded from reading "redpills" on the internet.

If 2 weeks bullshit is able to make you fall in love then you are just another normie beta fag that is just thinking with his dick, getting played by some welfare used goods that knows how to pull your strings.Also speaks volumes, You are a manlet that knows deep down (it seems) that you won't get nothing better in your life otherwise there would be no question about this girl.

I'll check out youtube for that. Thanks.

IRL, face to face, i'm the nicest guy you will ever meet, yet deep inside i've grown into a full blown misanthrope. I watched some Jordan Peterson lectures, and what he said about undeveloped shadow-selfs really struck with me... i probably should act more like an asshole irl. Sigh.

> cancelled my cable subscription years ago
>I usually spend my free time reading books or watching my daily dose of pewdiepie
>34 yo

I rest my case. You are irredeemable and just looking for excuse to disregard those redpills you have "overdosed".

He doesn't even know you or the girl but HE KNOWS WHAT SHE'S AFTER!

Look here faggot, I always leave room for other possibilities, hence my caveat at the end of my post to which you responded:

"Unless shes a 10/10 devout christian/lil susie homemaker , whos husband tragically died and its taken her 5 years to recover, then she is a lost cause."

Should that not be the case however and given the information available:

>with child
>doing volunteer work to keep assistance.
>"signaling" after only 2 weeks

>Just look out for signals that she's a shitty cunt who should be avoided

But lets talk about a dirty house...