Tell me right now
Tell me right fucking now
Tell me how banning most/all weapons would NOT decrease school shootings to nearly zero, reduce homicides by an insane amount and stop 99% cop killings
Tell me right now
Tell me right fucking now
Tell me how banning most/all weapons would NOT decrease school shootings to nearly zero, reduce homicides by an insane amount and stop 99% cop killings
I'd rather just ban niggers, considering they commit the majority of crime despite being 12% of the population.
Also, this isn't the place for a gun debate. Go to Sup Forums, newfag.
have fun with the report.
Why dontcha pull up all the murder stats for those countries and see what gets used in place of guns?
Like cars
quote the percentage of gun crimes done by gang affiliated persons, criminals, and people otherwise disqualified from firearm ownership.
Because to then get those weapons off the streets you'd have to kill a shitload of people, mostly minorities and no one's going to vote for something that could be considered a war crime.
the stats for switzerland are fake
If you ban guns they dont magically poof oit of existence.
Go to Sup Forums faggot
lol enjoy ur ban
It would- getting rid of guns would cut fown on gun murders. The issue is with so many guns in the US as well guns being ingrained in american culture, it just isnt feasible or realistic to get rid of them.
so just by passing a law that will change all of human behavior ?
or just the law abiding people ?
note - criminals are called criminals because they break the law
better idea - focus your efforts on dealing with untreated mentally ill fuckups, which are almost always the cause of these things, except of course the gdamn sand monkey mooslimes & their fucked up religious beliefs
We banned Opiods once....
Sure stopped those overdoses....
>doesn't take into account non-gun homicides
>still says banning guns will reduce the overall homicide number dramatically
Enjoy getting banned, retard
Most murders are committed by blacks and hispanics, tell me how getting rid of all blacks and hispanics would NOT decrease all murders to nearly zero.
Is there some sort of nra lead public demonstrations going on right now? I've never seen so many people open carrying in a day. No one managed to get shot either. It's strange because I thought guns killed people. I'm Arizona btw but typically I only see one open carrying person every few months. Today in a 2 hr period I saw 5
>gun murders
You deceiving sack of shit. Post murders. Period.
Because those countries are full of numale cucks who appeal to authority for anything... its a people difference. Guns are not at issue at all.
>Tell me how banning most/all weapons You're going to ban fists? Hammers? Cars?
You know that a car in America is more likely to kill a person than a gun, right? It's possible that a hammer is more likely to kill a person than an AR-15, but getting the exact stats for how many hammers are in the US is impossible.
Just because you hate firearms and wouldn't give 2 shits if they were completely banned doesn't mean we need to force your faggoty agenda on everyone else.
Anyways I'll tell you why it wouldn't work in America
>There are more guns here than the entire US population 300,000,000+ and the overwhelming majority of gun owners wouldn't hand in their guns if they were made illegal anyways
>There would be some very pist off Americans who will take to manufacturing and selling their own firearms on the black market to spite their government
How about knife crimes?
>developed countries
i.e. homogeneous white or East Asian countries with liberal democracies
America is a heterogeneous oligarchy more like Brazil or Mexico.
>Tell me how banning most/all weapons would NOT decrease school shootings to nearly zero, reduce homicides by an insane amount and stop 99% cop killings
Because trying to ban millions of people from possessing items that can spray metal will require confiscation. You want dead cops and Waco style shoot-outs sprouting up in every corner of the nation? Have at it, bud.
Crossbows or bows could be used since they still shoot.
People can make weapons from anything if they want to.
Your mind is the weapon, promoting better mental health is the solution.
People not giving a fuck about other people is the problem, but that is not what they want to be solved as it removes sheep control.
Criminals don't care about laws.
You can't just get rid of all the guns in America. There are a TON of guns in a America. It's a much more unique situation than any other country where a ban might be effective because there's are just so many guns here already. Banning future sales and productions will not remove all of the guns already here. They will just start being sold on the black market instead of through legal traceable locations.
Banning guns only removes them from the hands of law abiding citizens.
Still pretty bad huh
WTF is going on in Estonia?
Sure made it a whole lot harder to access and overdose to, huh?
........I cant.
I dont think an outright ban is in order.
I do think that some things need to change though, its too easy for crazy people to buy guns. I have no idea how to mitigate that either though.....what are some common sense alternatives?
USA is still top 3 developed countries in total homicides
I'd say just beginning by banning private sales completely, enforce background checks and mental checks
Czech Republic Gun Culture: second amendment, no magazine capacity restictions, concealled carry permits for handguns and civilian access to fully automatic machine guns. Gun homicide rate of 0.15
get fucked
Not bad compared to anything in the Americas except Canada (doesn't even include the worst countries)
Russian gangs stabbing each other
If you exclude the black homicide rate you'll end up in the range of Canada and European countries.
People doing most crime get guns illegally
No , we are all fucked
Was supposed to be a response to
Blacks and mexicans, and police shootings literally make up the bulk of that statistic for the US.
>Sweden in 2010 was actually a nice place to live
For people that have the time, a presentation on the Czech approach:
fucking lol
no gun deaths in Japan, huh?
sure thing there bud
A patriotic domestic mafia working closely with the police has some benefits ...
you do know by taking in account of population size, white's commit more homicides then blacks?
Remove niggers from that statistic. Remove niggers everywhere if you could, please.
Once again... there is zero correlation between rate of gun ownership and rate of homicide. There is zero evidence that supports that homicide rates drop when you implement gun control measures. If you ban guns, people just kill people with the next most convenient tool they can find/make. Getting rid of guns is not a solution to the problem.
Are we still a developed country
Discount the nigger population and our violent crime rates fall dramatically. Account for the fact that many countries do their damnedest to not release itemized crime stats and for the fact that our reporting methods differ from other countries, and you'll see that these shock graphs are drivel. Try again.
Notice how all countries above the states are third-world shitholes that are corrupt beyond comprehention. If you look past those "countries", the USA have most guns per person aswell as highest homicide by gun rate. People will not just "grab the next most convinient tool"
The numbers end up in the range of European countries, see:
So US gun availability + whites = not something that causes a problem
However, if you care about children getting killed in America, here are two interesting correlations you can ponder. Homicide rate is STRONGLY correlated to %black population. Also, mind-altering medication use in people with pre-existing violent tendencies. Also, 27 of the top 28 mass murderers in America were raised by single parents (this may tie back to the first point mentioned, since absent fathers in black households are a valid stereotype). Those should be good places to start researching if you’re actually interested in fixing the problem.
Are you conflating suicide and homicide again?
>not overall homicide rates
Had you looked at overall rates for Switzerland, it'd the second lowest on that list after Japan.
The US non-gun homicide rate is still much higher than Europe dumbfuck Swede. Get back to your daily nade attacks.
Or it could just be that the only countries lower than America are ethnostates /shrug
No one but boomers and liberals give a single fuck about the NRA
>America is a heterogeneous oligarchy more like Brazil or Mexico.
Not sure, but I believe the USA is highest in both gun-related homicide and suicide, even if seperated
America is 56% white. It's the new Brazil soon
This is a fucking meme. We're 72% white, not that it matters anyways.
It definitely would reduce shootings. But I for one believe the lives of those who die by gun violence are worth infinitely less than even the least infringement of any Constitutional right.
It's not the 2nd amendment.
Switzerland has 1 gun for 2 inhabitants and there's the number.
Are you some kind of brainlet?
The more heterogeneous a country gets, the more violent it becomes. Who would have thought? Also, Japan has a history of reporting murders as suicides or accidents. Google it.
When people quote US gun crime stats, they often unintentionally loop in gun suicide. And yeah we do have the highest gun suicide rate in the world i think. Not really a bad thing, imo.
All Fields
Tired of listening to you Shareblue, so, here's my take on it. There will never be a gun confiscation in the US. Period.
Why? There are over 300 million guns in the hands of private citizens with over 90 million gun owners. That you know of. Let that one sink in. That you know of. How many guns are there really in the US? They don't know. How many people have guns in the US? They don't know.
They have their computer records, they have the recorded sales, but, what about the armed underground? What about the arsenals of the gangbangers? Jihadists? Militia groups? Biker gangs? Those guns, they don't know. How many illegal guns are there in the US? They don't know. Those are the guns they're really worried about. Say by some miracle, they ban all guns, buy them all back for maybe 20 billion, with the hit to the economy all that money dumped in her will do,what about the black market, the underground. How many illegal guns will still be on the street, how many more will be funneled into the country, how many weapons manufacturers will have shipments fall off the backs of trucks.
The truth is, keeping things as they are, they can pretend to be in control. Keeping things as they are, they can still keep down threats of special ammo, keep guns to semi-auto, keep magazines of smaller sizes.Trying to enforce a real ban will bring all of those unaccounted for weapons out into the open, with them having no way of knowing exactly what they will be facing. AP rounds? Full automatics? Mortars? Grenades?
Drawing a slash through the rules means, that, all bets are off.
Doesn’t really matter how they die, imo. Removing guns doesn’t have an effect on homicide rate anyhow. For example, America had a sharper drop in homicide rate during the same period of time Australia implemented radical policy changes on guns. We didn’t do jack shit.
If people want to kill people, they’ll still kill people.
The question is if guns increase the homicide and suicide rate noticeably.
White US-Americans end up at a rate somewhere around France or Finland
(mostly using guns rather than knifes).
See and And the US overall suicide rate is pretty much the same as Sweden, around 12 per 100'000. (which equals the EU average)
If you really want to reduce crime, ban niggers and spics. It would fall faster than the Price Is Right yodeler.
First lets look at active shooters (FBI's version of mass shootings)
>From 2000-2015, a 15-year time span there were only 1,262 casualties,
>578 being homicides.
> Wonly 220 incidents total.
Compare this In 2016 alone
> 15,070 homicides,
> 11,004(73%) were caused by a firearm
> 64% of firearm homicides caused by handguns.
>over 4,000 homicides weren't even caused by firearms
Now race and homicide, just looking at blacks.
> Single-victim/Single-offender Homicides for 2014 Blacks
>13% of the US population committed 47% of homicides
>Black males(6.5% of the US population) alone committed 37.8% of all homicides total
> 68% of all homicides in 2014 were fire-arm related
> meaning 32%(1/3rd) of all fire-arm homicides are caused by blacks,
>25.7% (1/4th)of fire-arm homicides are caused by black males alone.
To reiterate, 5.6% committing 25.7% firearm homicides.
Mass shootings are nothing more than fear mongering, and race compared to homicide is more concerning.