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1077 people have died from mass shootings since 1966, 100× that die every year from abortions.

>still defending infanticide
Carthage was wiped off the face of the earth because the ancient world was disgusted by their murder of children

sorry I meant 1000x not 100x, far more die each year from abortion.

I'm cool with abortion. We need more eugenics - and the most aborted kids are black.

I'm okay with abortions. Does more to stop criminals than cops ever did.

I'm a republican and I'm with abortion, I think it should be on demand.
However, the 2nd amendment is non-negotiable.

It would take 50000 years of mass shootings to equal just 1 year of abortions. You have no moral high ground.

Ridiculous numbers with no sources to cite.

Go home and fuck your anime pillow, loser.

Planned Parenthood performs 300K abortions a year
So yes, the leaf is right.

Cite your sources or gtfo. I could also claim Jesus Christ fucked 12000 pigs in his lifetime but no one would believe me.

Washington post says 1077..

>Kids die in shooting
>Ban Guns!
>Kids die to islamic terrorism
>its part and parcel lads.
the world I live in makes no sense.

Good idea. It would also greatly decrease the number of mentally ill people. We should start with sterilizing schizophrenic and bipolar people.


Can any anons tell me what's going on?
Did this actually happen? is there anyone on the ground over there?

I assumed it was real until I saw some really weird acting clip of a black girl saying that she blocked bullets with a small book.
What is actually happening?

You see, only the moderate right is pro-life. Both the left and the far right support abortion.

>look up the statistics on who gets abortions

>american politics

My bad, it's even worse, 400K abortions a year.
checkmate bud, the leaf got it this time

Not the same retard.

Washington post says 1077..

Aren't those kids technically lumps of cells too?

Shit, you flipped that well...
If only for the lumps of flesh you could've gotten in something about the Constitution

I'm all for killing children, womb or not.

I'm cool with abortions. Keeps the nigger population in check.

Bend over, OP

>reversible contraception
kek doubleplusgood

this picture has literally nothing to do with the current debate you mongoloid

Can any of you fat dumb American pigs explain to me what's going on.
At least one of these kids is an "actress". They all have something weird about them and posed for some weird photo op.

What exactly is going on over there?

>1 post by this ID.

Why bother? Saged.

Cept it does.
Dummycraps always say that gun violence is the NRA and Republicans fault, even though it seems that, statistically speaking, dummycraps are the ones doing the mass shootings.


To be fair, if a pregnant woman was shot, that would also be the price of freedom.

It does though. Communists don't get to kill kids and then demand that everyone *else* give up their freedom.

> Copy-pastas:

In 2016, only 374 people were killed by rifles in the US, of which the AR-15 is a fraction. This is a pretty admirable record for a tool designed to kill people. If the anti-self defense crowd actually cared about saving lives, there's a long list of causes of death in the US for them to work on.

From the CDC, US death statistics for 2015:
633,842 Heart disease
595,930 Cancer
155,041 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
146,571 Accidents (unintentional injuries)
140,323 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
110,561 Alzheimer’s disease
79,535 Diabetes
57,062 Influenza and Pneumonia
49,959 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
44,193 Intentional self-harm (suicide)
(From FBI 2015 Crime Statistics)
6,569 Murder by handguns
1,589 Murder by knives
659 Murder with hands, feet, etc
450 Murder by blunt objects
258 Murder by rifles (THIS INCLUDES THE AR-15)


tldr: This entire campaign against the AR-15 is bullshit. If they really cared about reducing violence they would first outlaw knives and martial arts schools.


Only 3 types of people should fear a law abiding armed citizenry:


You're a hypocritical retard.
>hundreds of niggers shooting and killing each other every day--> nobody cares
>17 non-nigger kids die in a school shooting (which are relatively very rare)--> everyone freaks out, and starts screeching about “muh gun control”

Stay consistent with the “more people die in bathtubs than in terrorist attacks” logic that you preached after Islamic terrorist attacks:

See this Vsauce vid about human miscalculation of risk:

It’s literally a case of feelz vs realz…

Fake news. That story is from a poem written way after the events.

That photo-op had to do with the shooting in Florida recently. Supposedly, that op occurred before a speech that the center of attention ("Emma") gave regarding gun control, and the intention of the students of the school to have a number of firearms banned. A large portion of the adult population is not down with a handful of teenagers telling them what they should or should not own.

Here one of the boys in the op was accused of being a crisis actor, though a number of sources are claiming that he's not, and he has gone on air (on CNN, I believe) insisting that he's not an actor and is actually a student who lived through the shooting.

Not really, no. When mothers were given a free pass to be irresponsible sluts and chose herself over her family they started to produce garbage tier human beings because they no longer care. Family is just a matter of convenience to them.

We are engaged in a civil war. The leftists know that they will be completely destroyed in a shooting war, so they are using every other means to fight. We just need to shoot them down. All we need is a leader. And the leftists all get thrown into mass graves within a few hours.

but it is NRA's fault because they won't allow tougher gun control...
it has nothing to do with this artificial dem/republican ratio

>murder by islamic terrorists in 2015: 0
why do we even have soldiers in afghanistan and airport screening then?


Psyops to upset America and prevent social cohesion.


kill 'em all.

>One is a government-funded 24/7 factory of death
>The other is perpetrated by lonely nuts and causes less deaths than many mundane activities per year


>Republicans don’t care about dead refugee or school shooting children
>Democrats don’t care about babies or terror attack children
>Republicans are evil assholes!
>Democrats are evil assholes!
Can we at least agree that partisan politics and sports team mentality politics is a cancer which must be expunged

fetuses are not people
When did this retardation arrive on this board?

Being selective with cells is a much better and more productive solution

Are abortions in the Constitution?^copy|twsrc^android|twgr^copy|twcon^7090|twterm^3

Donate to the GOA and the NRA!

So if I run up to your 9 months pregnant wife and falcon punch the baby out of her that’s perfectly acceptable

>black girl saying that she blocked bullets with a small book
Link me? I don't believe this vid is real

>1 post from this ID

I changed my stance on abortion since it's only you leftist faggots controling the nigger population for us. You've killed off like 30 or 40 million niggers. You would have total control over the country by now. Thanks for being stupid and letting one of your issues stop all of the others.

Based Rome

Arrogant leftist twat has no idea what the fuck he's talking about as usual

Because those cells would be called life on another planet. Fuck you and your dehumanization.

Trillions and trillions of cells. Conservatives are under the delusion that the merger of two zygotes automatically gives the single celled gamete the same life worth as a conscious, rational, developed human person.

Because all gun control is a slippery slope.
Tell me, Czech friend, how is that EU gun ban working out? All because of muzzies who used illegal AKs in Paris.

You're comparing a massive margin of the U.S. population to a fucking association. Conservatives can't really be this retarded, can they?

Democrat logic: “Even though there is zero correlation between homicide rate and gun ownership rate, and no evidence that gun control has ever lowered rates of violent crimes, let’s do it anyway.”

Illogical fucking faggots. Just stfu and don’t fuck up my McDonalds order while we keep the country running.

Czechia is friendly to gun owners.

The frontal lobe doesn't fully develop until around age 24 so kids aren't really people either.

>a lump of cells
No one aborts a blastocyst, women don't even know they're pregnant at that stage. Either its accurate to say children and adults are also a "lump of cells". In fact you can reduce fucking everything to a lump of cells, and is a really good way of dehumanizing the unborn to force your political agenda. I don't see anyone on the right dehumanizing the victims of the shootings, the left however cries a feing moral outrage after a mass shooting from the "high ground" of a hill of tens of thousands of aborted corpses.

The irony of calling the NRA baby killers, while defending planned parenthood isn't lost on them.

Except the EU gun ban is going to fuck them over.

It's the price of having corrupt cops and a corrupt schoolbord.
Read the comments in the tweet link

shit thats really good argument
gonna use that

Libs are the ones constantly attacking the NRA saying they are responsible for the shootings. Yet registered democrats are the ones doing all the shootings

Can you share your source on his anime pillow? I am doing a waifu study.

Abortions are fine although past a certain point it should only be for emergencies. Guns all around, maybe not for recidivists or severely mentally ill. Also, guys should have every right to bow out of a pregnancy with no social, moral, or financial repercussions. FBI is mostly corrupt.

You are also just a lump of cells, can I kill you?

Also, you put Columbine parents in there, as if that matters at all (there is also no information on their registration). The kids were nazis, and they both had military connections/aspirations.
Orlando shooter registered to vote as a democrat ONCE in 2006.
You're saying Dylann Roof, the white supremacist Confederate sympathizer who hated black people, was a Democrat? There is zero evidence for that.
Ft. Hood shooter had PTSD, unrelated to political beliefs. He also was not registered as anything.
Virginia Tech shooter lives in Virginia (wow crazy), where there is no partisan registration, so that's clearly false.
James Holmes, Aurora, Colorado theater shooter, was not even registered to vote.
There is no evidence at all that Sandy Hook shooter was a Democrat.
Congresswoman Gifford was a Democrat, and we do not know which party the shooter aligned with, as he voted as an independent.

This image was fucking pathetic. Do you just believe everything you read or are you shilling?

I am only for abortion up to around 5 months.

On another planet? Yes, it's fucking life. Nobody is denying that. You know what else is? The bacteria on your asshole. Make a real argument, please.

wow this is a rea response
... i mean he actually means this

Trillions upon trillions of cells forming a breathing, thinking, conscious, rational, and sentient human being with emotions =/= two zygotes merged into a gamete

>this is a rea response
No, it was imaginary desu

>not being all for killing babies

The kind of people getting abortions are the same people you don't want breeding in the first place. i don't see why this is an issue.

That's for the info.
Something definitely creepy is going on. Don't necessarily need "a leader", but our guys can start taking action already by gathering info and exposing enemies.
Something I've realised about bad people. Bad people do bad things. They are always up to no good. No dirty secrets to expose? Just watch them for long enough and that shit will show up. If they didn't do bad shit they wouldn't be the enemy now would they?

The leaderless resistance thing actually works to our advantage. Too many free agents to cover. A massively difficult force to contend with from the perspective of hive-mind leftists.
>but it is NRA's fault because they won't allow tougher gun control...
Tougher gun control isn't necessarily required. Just because you lack a strategic mind doesn't mean other people don't. Most gun owners are responsible, especially republicans and the ownership of weaponry is a very important part the Americanism that holds Americas civic-nation together.
There may be far more devastating consequences if one was to start taking guns away from the law abiding and decent.

Why not tackle things like school safety and anti-bullying instead?

>it has nothing to do with this artificial dem/republican ratio
It's not artificial, the more I look into it as a non-American fag, the more I am shocked to learn that it is the DEMOCRATS that are most dangerous with firearms.
The statistical imbalance is SO BAD that I am surprised that Democrats even try and work the anti-gun angle at all. It's like they are strategically retarded or something.

Just seeing if you were paying attention.

Here ya go bro. Sorry for the wait.

She says she was in "holocaust class".
is he dare I say it, /our nip/?

Le epic sciencewords.

That's like saying there's a difference between a sandwich and a two slices of bread with cheese, meat, and a condiment in between.

There would be a lot less abortions if the fetus had a gun.

Polls show a majority of Americans oppose abortion after 20 weeks, including a substantial amount of Democrats.

1077 people have died from mass shootings in the last 100 years ( ONE H U N D R E D YEARS )

>over 1 million have died from abortion in this year alone

You are a fucking child in a fat manlet body. Unique human DNA is present in that fetus.

>Trillions upon trillions of cells forming a breathing, thinking, conscious, rational, and sentient human being with emotions =/= two zygotes merged into a gamete

Try not to fall over moving the goal posts there pal.

>Hey guys look, it's a non-Human !
>Who said liberals couldn't do biology!

"people" is pretty subjective.
Human, by contrast, is not. A Human foetus is human.

> Hi my name is Jeff Kasky!
> My son is a Stoneman Douglas "student" and we're both shilling for disarmament

> I'm sad because I had to pull my sullen child, Cameron Kasky, out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services

> If you post about me on the_donald, the mods remove your post due to "misleading or inaccurate information" !

> I'm also an adoption lawyer, reserve policeman and Rabbi (see below)

> Hand in your guns and stop discussing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Scott Israel, L3 Technologies or myself!

Muh, Projection OP

lol this is good

mesenchymal stem cells
will save your life
you fucking moron
are they not alive
leftists are
total dumbfucks

when it comes to


but they know everything about republicans

what a bunch


only a total retard

would think cells

are not alive and or humans

in micro form

and capable of

Democrats care about black people; Muh !!!

>abortion reality
>literally fake
top kek

Democrats care about black people