NYT Unironically Advocating Banks Stop Processing Gun Sales
Other urls found in this thread:
>Banks stop processing firearm transactions
>Gun stores start accepting BTC
>checkm8 ahteists
That's the only conclusion you draw from that article?
>banks have more control than Washington
Really makes me think
>(((Banks))) ever doing something that will lose them money
>tfw wall-street pokes its head out to seize its opportunity to disarm us
the jews must be exterminated to ensure a future for mankind
And the one bank that continues processing gun sales gets all the business.
>take money out of bank
>buy gun with cash in hand
>own gun
Good job banks
All this would do is make gun sales cash only.
Manufacturers and retailers often have to deal with bank fuckery already.
Which means why not do the sales under table to get around background checks as well.
>More shekels
>Disarm the goys
A REAL Sophie's choice
Lets make a list of any banks that give into this shit and post it all over twitter.
I can't wait for guns to become completely untraceable.
That's hate speech user
What is cash?
>Bank denies my charge
>Go to teller and withdraw money
>Pay for gun with cash
BTC is not untraceable. Every transaction is saved forever and in the public record.
Cash is untraceable.
(((THEY))) will come out and reveal themselves. Just joking. They already have.
>A large amount of banks stop stop processing gun sales
>A few keep doing and get all the business and money
Jews can't help jewing their own kind.
What if we pay in cash?
>Force everyone to use cash to buy guns
>everyone just does private sales, legality be damned
Lot of people prefer to not carry a lot of cash on them and prefer using credit/debit.
Because that's a felony and no sane gun dealer would do it.
>NYT Unironically Advocating Banks Stop Processing Gun Sales
YES! PLEASE DO! (pic very related)
(((banks))) can over rule the Constitution
that is true, but it's a gross misportrayal to say that the transaction history is "traceable" in regard to persons
>withdraw cash
>buy gun
>what is a mixer
>what is monero
why would you buy a gun with anything but cash?
>How to increase black market gun sales in one easy step! (And thats a good thing)
this is retarded for their goal but would back fire so drastically it would work better for gun lovers so please do it.
first thing that would happen is stores would start financing and make MORE money of gun sales.
second it would LAUNCH crypto into the stratosphere making the owners of guns even harder to track
third people would shit on the banks hard, which is great because their jew run washing machines. Best believe ill pull every sent i have out of a bank that comes out against 2A
coinatmradar.com has maps of bitcoin machines, so banks can't even stop that.
That would basically hit online gun sellers. They may move to cryptocurrency anyways, and further hasten white people's abandonment of jewish banking.
this could not get more jewish
>cant buy weapons
>mass widthdrawls from said banks cause 20s level crowds to clean out the banks and get their money back
>kikes invested all the money in serbian kike trikes
>withdraw liquid assets from banks
>pay gun shop owners with Federal reserve Notes
>Gun store gives out credit
>Banks allows transfer from savings account to accounts payable.
That, and Americans would start making their own underground illegal guns and weapons, specifically designed to counter all weapons laws.
Unlike other countries that banned guns, the US has businesses that produce guns and that knowledge and profit motive does not just disappear with legislation.
Not in Texas it isnt. Ever hear of private gun sales? We dont have to register shit here.
Exactly, gun stores start using bitcoin, now you cant even track a gun purchase financially.
I assumed you meant from a shop not private sales.
>gun sales now even less traceable
Let me tell you about 80% lower receiver. You can make your own receiver which is the part that is considered to be the gun. You can mill your own lower receiver from incomplete forgings and assemble the other parts on your own. No registration, all the parts can be ordered online and delivered to your front door.
You can build your own AR-15, Glock 19/17/22/23, 1911A1 and Sig clones.
>How (((BANKS))) Could Control Gun Sales if Washington Won't
Anti-whites don't care about losing money. There were so many companies in the last few years that openly supported (((progressive cancer))) or were anti-Trump that took big financial hits because of it.
The kikes know we can still get cash, right?
His instagram has photos of naked men holding infants in the shower
>take money out of bank
>cash only.
>What is cash?
>Go to teller and withdraw money
>use cash to buy guns
>withdraw cash
Hmmm. It looks as if they're going to have to get rid of physical money to solve this gun problem.
This is one of the most Jewish gun control arguments I've heard in a while, in the field of kikery that is gun "control"
Are all true
Author is actually Andrew Ross Sorkin
>Sorkin was born in New York, the son of Jewish parents Joan Ross Sorkin, a playwright, and Laurence T. Sorkin, a partner at the law firm Cahill Gordon & Reindel.
>Really makes me think
You sure you just don't need to use the designated shitting street?
>lamposts start growing bankers
Most of the small gun stores in my area don’t even accept cards, cash only
>banks stop processing gun sales
>people start paying in cash, crypto currencies, barter, work, and other systems
>fed can no longer track gun sales
welcome to how to buy a gun in china
Well I think white genocide could be extremely profitable, considering whites are the main people concerned with unethical business practices
Came here to post this
>we want the banks to be the moral arbiters of our time.
I'm ready to accept the argument that we deserve all the pain and suffering we get as some sort of divine punishment for past sins.
>created a system where you need banks to pay everything
>wonder why banks can control everything
But banks won't stop guns sales, they don't care what kind of business is happening as long as it flows through them.
>for political reasons you can’t use your own money legally
I’m sorry what
Shit if you could buy guns with BTC I'd be on that shit quick
>buying a gun on a credit card
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
it's fun watching the left unironically advocate for corporatism this past year. what a bunch of sell-out faggots.
Author Andrew Sorkin
>founding member of Prime Collective
What the fuck is Prime Collective?
Withdraw money.
Buy gun
Bank cant do shit.
Private purchases are completely legal in most states.
There are other coins that are. However they have almost zero adoption. Crypto as a whole has a lot of maturing to do. Bitcoin might be the og but its doubtful it will remain king.
The idea here is to legitimize the technique. We have seen it used already, post-GG. This is a FEMINIST tactic that has been used against websites collecting donations, etc. This is your real enemy - pay attention.
except for they're also the only ones producing anything with true added value
>gun stores cant accept credit cards
>only people who save up can buy guns
>suddenly no african americans have any legal guns
I'd be ok with this.
>Doesn't realize people can just withdraw money from their bank account and pay cash for the gun.
Checkm8, grabber kikes.
You can. It's called Silk Road.
no worries just pay with monero
> what is an ATM
> what are cryptocurrencies
Wow gun buyers btfo
Something being complicated means somebody or something is intentionally excluding those who don't get it?
The Establishment just admits what it is. Lesbians with shaved heads are basically shills for international bankers at this point. Peak 2018.
Wouldn't you like to know.
this is an outright declaration of war, an absolute statement that the Financial powers of the USA and the world see the American gun owner as the ENEMY.
You stupid magapedes and boomer fucks are stuck arguing semantics, "ohh dey jus don't undastand that peoplez kill peoplez and not gunz XDDD". you have NO FUCKING CLUE the of the hierarchical power structure and you are arguing with canon fodder nigger underlyings, and you are no different because you do not know the (((enemy))). This is going to only get worse, and if there is not a violent revolution in the next 5-10 years you can say goodbye to the white race and hello to legalized pedophilia, unironic slavery reparations and complete white genocide.
crypto coins just gained more value
Yeah, I'm sure the jewish banking system will deprive themselves of their merchant fees willingly. The only thing that comes before jewish agenda is shekels
I so badly hope this happens. Will redpill many on who controls their money. Pic related.
>That will be 1050$
>Do you accept Paypal?
>Yes, of course.
Oh no, what ever will we do...
Did archive guy die? Haven’t seen that for a while.
The thing is, the bankers are scared of the white working class. Terrified of them because they are the only ones that could overthrough the system.
>implying I don't pay in cash instead of being a good credit goy
Guys seriously look into Cardano. If you looklong enough you will see that it is a great solution to these problems we all see daily
The (((Bankers))) want control.
Cash and carry.
Pay with appreciated crypto, so you effectively cash out tax free and untraceable so long as you use XMR
It would be like banks not doing business with a newspaper because they don't like the editorials. Do you not believe in the constitution? If no, tough shit you gotta live with it.
Then we start paying cash or form our own bondsh company.
shoo pajeet. That vapourware has nothing to do with fungible transactions.
>What is XMR
Pull out cash from Atm
Problem solved
I do it for online sales then just pay it off immediately. Large gun stores are far between in Canada and a lot of things are hard to come by locally, even with 3 gun stores in my area.
What area user.