>you need to work because you need money to buy food and water in order to live
Humans were not created to work. No other living thing except humans works. Work is pointless.
>you need to work because you need money to buy food and water in order to live
Humans were not created to work. No other living thing except humans works. Work is pointless.
Other urls found in this thread:
What are you talking about every living creature works every day to survive you fucking retard.
Oh yeah? Next thing you'll tell me they all take vacations and days off too?
then go into the Woods, see how that works out. i sure tried that, but modern live is simply to convinient, just get on welfare and wait for your death
What are we sliding today?
he's just making the job harder for himself
I am with you
The modern world is borderline stupid
We should be seeing less work since machines are taking over
Instead politicians ignore the problem and instead stupid jobs like restaurants and even youtuber are created
Buying things we have been convinced we need and that we don't even enjoy
Living in a flat of 100m un new jork with a cost 10 times it's actual price (law of demand, what a retardation)
Tens of millions of vacant homes and still a homeless problem
Literally all animals work. Hunting foraging and taking care of young is a fuck-ton of work. And also...Oh wait clearly I am wasting time arguing with child.
Can't in America. Illegal
If you think animals don’t work for their meals/survival you’re a moron
The thread about Cameron Kasky's (Parkland crisis actor kid) father Cameron Kasky running a disgraced adoption agency turned trafficking ring
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/161639891
t. basement dweller.
Wasn't automation supposed to free men from work?
What's the point of muh progress if it's not to free humans?
Just kill yourself
Is it working if you have fun.
Like robbing whiteys and selling dope
Um no work is how you pay that debt you were born into since your country went bankrupt a while back.
You think your taxes all go to help your fellow citizens? Think again.
>The Mexican doesn't want to work because machines can do its job now.
Fuck me. Please tell me this was a joke.
Getting your parents' money's worth out of liberal arts class, I see.
who has the real budget figures.
You are so fucking retarded. Just kill yourself
Not to mention, destroying ones health by resorting to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of living in a society where community bonds are non-existent and which pits us against each other in an ultimately futile competition for material wealth as the be all end all, above all else, and where the genuinely soul nourishing aspects of life are represented as contemptible. On the other hand, I like not starving to death, freezing to death, and having pain relief when I need my teeth fixing. Without the pain we will have no incentive; without the incentive we will have no civilization. But surely we can do better to motivate the lazy than the dystopia we seem to already be living in.
You’re welcome to quit
thats why working is gay
No, I work to pay for my housing and internet.....then food. Water is just a part what you have to pay for, I dont mind paying for something i use. Work can be cathartic if you let it, certainly not useless. I was a heroin addict for ten years, homeless for the last 2 years of it and let me tell ya, being homeless and jobless sucks. There is nothing wrong with just working and living a somewhat simple life.
Hi, every animal works. It's called hunting for prey. Beavers build dams, ants dig tunnels, birds build nests. If you don't like working why not throw spears at squirrels to fill your stomach?
>Be lion
>Spend most the day lazing around and fucking
>Get hungry
>Have your females go kill a zebra
>Drag yourself up to eat
>Eat until you pass out
>Laze around some more
The only time they do anything is to fight off other males.
>money is created ex nihilo
is unknown itt
We do see less work, you fucking retard. Do you wake your ass up at 5 a.m. to feed your cattle with the one hand you still have that wasn't ripped off in a combine, have your third wife (the other two died in child birth) sow up the holes in your home made clothes, and have your five children help with all of the necessary chores as they risk their life and limb doing so? Fuck, you're stupid.
It's a life and death situation. How many life or death situations do you encounter in your mom's basement?
Yep, and fighting other males is an extremely risky business for them. Their immune systems are shit, a single deep scratch from a fight might slowly kill them. Great outlook indeed...
Well done, leaf, thank you.
Ok so how do you tell a wolf trained to kill that his job is to play now?
Is the game naming and shaming? when the concept of privacy itself seems bastardized beyond all recognition? Who pays for hell if the devil left? If all we have on this earth is the trash our forefathers put on it shouldn’t we start planning for a better one?
Work is just a different form of gathering food and other supplies. Instead of killing an animal every day, chopping firewood, etc, you work for money and use it to buy all the shit you need.
Listen commie fucktards. Anything that can be automated will eventually flood the market with supply the price will plummet as demand dries up. When companies start automating anything the only way to capture more market share is to scale production up and cut prices. Machines will never free you from work unless you own the fucking machines. L2Economics.
One of the only namefags i will pay heed to on this shitty post-menopausal cat sweater knitting forum.
rotate the thing so the remaining boxes get closer to the conveyor belt
It's like OP is 10
Work is a kike slave trick.
Building is why god made us, we are his image and he is the greatest builder of all. We our his builders.
I prefer working to having to forage every day for food, worrying about predators and protecting myself from the elements.
you could always not work and instead hunt for your own food and gather your own water. Why aren't you op? Is it because you want others to do all the work for you? Fuck you you lazy faggot.
What kind of stupid are you? Every living creature works to survive.
>he thinks "Youtuber" is a job to be compared to working in a restaurant
get back to shaping my hedges, alejandro.
this but [spoiler]unironically[/spoiler]
yeah I'm not doin that
>having pain relief when I need my teeth fixing. Without the pain we will have no incentive
>pain is good to have, except it hurts and i don't want it
Expect most male lions bugger off and become loners until mating comes around again.
Oh, that kind of stupid pops in now and then. It's the kind of deluded stupidity that advocates UBI
I don't work. all I do is shitpost on Sup Forums all day long
Or he can just slide a few stacks over and get the job done is a quarter of the time. Trust me I work with thousands of parcels a day.
What's your alternative? Like nigga.. WORK is the EASIEST thing on earth to sustain life. Every other animal that exists is in a perpetual state of suffering, discomfort, and uncertainty in comparison to the system we've created to sustain living. If you lived their lives for even 30 minutes you'd never complain about a single fucking thing again in your life.
>What's the point of muh progress if it's not to free humans
I agree with the frog.
eve laid satan. adam killed himself for her after the fact. they both died. all their organs were cursed. man was to toil the ground for this. something the serpent used to do. and woman was to be owned by men. this is why we work. he who doesnt work doesnt eat
idle hands are devil's play things
>year 5778
shiggy diggy doo lads
Was it a lot of homework, user?
>implying Apex predators are the majority
If you weren't Apex you'd be absolutely fucked.
>Want to return to striving and fighting tooth&nail for enough food to live to the average age of 30
Yeah we should all go back to subsistence farming. That's for sure the way forward.
I made ten thousands with crypto currency... work is for dumb idiots...
>Humans were not created to work
have you ever seen a jew do manual labor ?
they don't work, they let the money work for them
subtract fiat currencies such as crypto
you lazy fucking kike jew
He's fucking right, though. Hunter gatherers societies work for three hours per day, eat a and healthy varied diet, and have close social connections. We work eight hours a day, eat shit food and post on Pol cos we have no actual human friends. Agriculture was a mistake
but money is a worldly possession, user-kun
>Humans were not created to work.
Yes, that's correct, technically. But we are condemned to work.
>To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’
>“Cursed is the ground because of you;
> through painful toil you will eat food from it
> all the days of your life.
All of you dumb faggots responding in earnest to this thread should never post on Sup Forums again.
So? You worked for the money that you sunk into the (((investment))) that made you money. You technically still worked and still are working by redistributing that money back into a society. Wealthy people are valuable because they allow others to work and sustain their lives.. just because you have money doesn't mean you're not working within the context of our society.
There is no contradiction unless you are so thick or deliberately obtuse as to not be able to differentiate between physical and psychological pain.
so what could be done to motivate the lazy, other than the dystopia? what would you do?
>Humans were not created to work. No other living thing except humans works. Work is pointless.
says the lazy niggers and wetbacks.
>Being this naive about the reality of what it meant to truly live in a hunter gather society
Their was competition, constant threat, constant shortage of all resources, constant lack of security, constant change. I understand that we're shaped by those millions of years buried in our DNA but going back isn't even possible anymore.. we've had it too good too long and our gene pool far too contaminated to rival the abilities of our ancestors to live the ways they did. None of us would make it.
Is this the "things that set humans apart from other animals" thread?
Get back to the factory cuck, my body was made for pleasure.
I do not have the answers, but that does not undermine my criticism. Personally I would like to make a life away from the mainstream. Hope to get there in the next few years. It's possible to believe in progress and reject the SJW nonsense.
You are retarded
And of course the first thing you blame is politicians
I swear this country will never amount to shit as long as people like you breath
>Genesis 3:17 "...cursed is the earth in thy work; with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life."
>Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth, out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return."
>Believes in God
>Believes God cursed us
So why should I praise this God of yours?
the million david hogg threads?
He really is a loving god.
This is incorrect. I do it frequently. Don't trespass dip shit.
fucking kjv bullshit for god's sake don't be a fucking 'dost thou' faggot
There are forests with no roads connecting to them, where you cannot find people for tens of miles.
Look it up
Its Douay-Rheims,but anyway
Uh user... how do you think animals get food?
I get OP's point. There's a difference between working for yourself, seeing to your own needs, and working to pad someone else's pockets. Maybe it's different for muh education workers, but down here in the labor trades, you're a nothing working out your useful life for enough pennies to scratch by on. I'd much rather have my family together, raising our own food and bartering with other people for things we need.
They don't which proves we shouldn't have vacations or time off
Except if you look in nature, they aren't working their lives away. There is plenty of time for rest. Higher stakes, sure, but truly living.
>mass murderer on the loose in city
>all cops are at the one place they know he isn't
what is that?
Are you sure you're not drowning in clown paint?
>Oh yeah? Next thing you'll tell me they all take vacations and days off too?
If they're fed and hydrated they can learn to chill
>He's fucking right, though. Hunter gatherers societies work for three hours per day, eat a and healthy varied diet, and have close social connections.
How good was their "varied diet" if they died at 30 and half the women died in childbirth?
I would ANT say that, user
>Humans were not created to work.
Until the last half century, we all had to work.
How does the liberal retard reconcile in his head that the luxury of dole money and neetbux has existed only for around 2-3 generations now and that for all of our existence, we've had to work to survive?