>Black friend invites me over to have dinner with their family
>The dad and the mum talk about a conspiracy by some shadowy elite to encourage racial mixing so that the black race get bred out
What the fuck guys, you know you sound as stupid as the people you hate right?~
Black friend invites me over to have dinner with their family
but white nationalists and black nationalists get along great
its (((them))) we both hate
they are right lol
mixed race girls tend to not want to date black boys because... well yuno, they are scum bags, so they go for white guys and their kids end up being lighter.
Maybe in your country but in America the black supremacists are targeting white people
This man is dumb, the Jews are the ones empowering blacks now and have given them their rights.
>supports separation of the races and racial purity
>blames (((them)))
sound like we could get along
Yes, they're being used for anti-white agendas.
Blacks aren't going extinct Africa has a flourishing growing population, meanwhile Europe has low birth rates and both the US and Western Europe are being colonized
>implying they're not 100% correct
Memes aside, some blacks can be based.
nice LARP Pajeet
its just as uncomfortable for traditional black families as it is white families. the jew want diversity, and, a mottled race easiky controlled-easily culled.
the problem is, traditional families are almost non-existent in 2018
See OP ? Even nigs are aware about the kikes. Are you dumber than a nigger ?
Race mixing works both ways, moran.
What if both sides were right?
It's true, they want to dilute everything into an amorphous beige. The half blacks are more insufferable than the purebred blacks because they insist that we become like them.
I'm fine with them thinking that. In fact I encourage it. They simply need to realize that to stop it from happening they need to reclaim Africa and build Wakanda
They're not wrong
Lol but the dad and mum are right. The plan is to destroy both of our races, you fucking KIKE
Dontell will rule Wakanda
They aren't wrong though. The elites want a mongrelized population of serfs.
You fucked her after right op
Depends on the type of nationalist
They aren't wrong though.
>Black friend
Disgusting. Do something about this user. I got rid of mine. Don't make friends with animals.
The only black guy I know who isn't into race mixing doesn't hate ypipo. He just thinks people should be proud of their race and try to preserve it. As a white person I agree and we both get along very well. TBF where I work they don't hire many ghetto nogs.