Liberals are really trying to tell companies what they can and cannot do.
Liberals are really trying to tell companies what they can and cannot do
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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
The government should tell companies what they can and can't do, and the politicians in government shouldn't be liberal or conservashit.
All useful companies. God i love white people
Wew they're still goin on about that shooting, trump will solve it they need to relax and trust Donald , it will be like the 50s many will be thrown in mental institutions , I happen to agree with this
How long until companies stop giving a fuck? I doubt any of these people are even their customers.
And they are going to be succeed in doing so. Anyone have a solution?
>The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization
>"""""""non profit"""""""
>lines the pockets of politicians to ensure mas shooters have access to assault weapons
Really makes you think.
Awesome, I am an NRA member and he gave me a list of companies to boycott. Thanks, low IQ leftists!
isnt that kinda fascistic?
I'm black and have no clue what the NRA actually is, apparantly. Is it a service or product? I thought only AAA does discounts like this.
NRA gets less than 20 million a year from membership fees and donations. To put this into perspective, in 2016, the Brady Campaign alone got over 100 million in donations. Now tell me how they’re “lining the pockets of politicians” with 20 million?
Just kys you degenerate leftist.
No NRA member was ever responsible for a shooting. It's you fucking lunatics.
Assault rifles have been banned since Reagan.
they're also not even in the top 50 lobbying groups but leftists have painted them as the boogeyman
Both sides do this. If they want to boycott shit, let them do it. I remember when people here threatened to boycott Target.
Their revenue is 430 million dollars user. They get money from other sources.
This is the smoking gun. Letting criminals go for better ratings.
>norton online
Yeah, I don't need liberals to tell me not use their piece of crap service.
but hitler and pol pot did ban guns for the population
Revenue=/ profit. That 20 million is the surplus over cost. You realize that the NRA spends money, right? Same with that 100 million for the Brady Campaign, that was their “profit”.
Yeah. They spend that money on stuff like political donations, gun training, and crap. So I'm not sure why you're saying they can't contribute millions to politicians.
There's a reason gun companies give them money. Beretta alone gave them 2 million dollars in one year. You can be pro-gun and still acknowledge that the NRA lobbies politicians.
I’m not denying that they lobby. However, you’d be retarded to say that 20 million to lobby in 50 States is “lining the pockets of politicians”. The NRA pales in comparison to the dozens of multi-million dollar profiting anti-gun lobbies. Like I said, Brady Campaign makes 5x the NRAs profit, and they’re just a single lobby. So explain how he NRA can do with 20 million that the Brady Campaign can’t do with 100 million?
>600 million Jews.
sneaky little bugger aren't ya
Wipe your chin, there still some yiddish jizz left.
removed it to fix the copypasta, turns out it's filled with typos
1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.
1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.
1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.
1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 600 billion Jews.
1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.
1964 – Guatamala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.
1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.
The fact that nobody knows this should show so much about the bias there is in media, people are too blind even fucking see it. Imagine if even one of them was a fucking teabagger how much we would hear about it every day every single day.
I agree they're not as big as people think, but they spent something like 30 job dollars during the 2016 election in the form of politico contributions and political events. It's not hard to believe considering they bring in more than 450 million in revenue. The profit doesn't matter, it's in the expenses. They can post a loss and still give political donations.
You're also flat out lying. The entire budget of the Brady Campaign is about 3.3 million dollars per year.
30 million dollars*
Do you actually shop at Target user? What do they have that Walmart doesn't have? A red store?
Yep, funny how this pic is always relevant.
Target is where you go to pay more to avoid Walmart people.
I don't shop at Target or Walmart.
shilling it 100 times wont make it any truer
So you're admitting that you're just a creature weak fucking soy boy that can't function on his own and couldn't handle life without being in a collective and that you literally hate masculinity? Sounds about right. Good Luck winning the Civil War without any upper body strength.
Well that makes sense at least.
Can’t wait until all the cities get nuked.
In the past 10 years, the NRA spent ~$40M dollars on lobbying, whereas the drug/medical/hospital industry spent ~$900M.
Estimates are that 300–400,000 people die each year in the U.S. due to medical errors/malpractice vs. 8–11,000 due to the criminal use of firearms.
The Pharma industry is the greatest cause of unnatural death, and the greatest contributor to government corruption by far.
The NRA is backed up by the 2nd amendment and a grassroot movement with over 4 million members.
Pharma is a business, an unstoppable machine that buys off academics, skews research, falsifies results and destroys the profession.
Free speech is powerful, isn't it?
I donate to the NRA after every mass shooting. How does this make you feel? Do you have problem with me exercising my first amendment right to petition? Is that why you want my guns? So you can silence me?
Lifelock hopped off already. Fucking ridiculous.
Why are they turning this into a witch hunt by association? Wouldn't not brain damaged people at the very least respect the position of the NRA?
Look at the fucking kike on the right he looks like he's probably done some assassinations in the past
Hear it from the horse's mouth, my shill friend. You probably won't even need the subtitles.
You can also read Solzhenitzyn book , 200 years together.
>horse's mouth
and here I was, hoping you'd present a Solzhenitsyn audio recording instead of an absolute who.
>1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 600 billion Jews.
>600 billion
Thanks, leaf. That's the first time I've smiled all day. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
I doubt it's going to hurt their bottom line. All they're doing is pissing off NRA members who may use these discounts/services.
It's okay Chaim, nobody believes you anyway. Why would people believe the most censored man in modern history over the crying 6 gorrilion crowd? Even rabbis call your bullshit.
You are why people hate us.
I am still boycotting Target. I ain't peeing next to some degenerate faggot dressed in a tutu with hairy chimp legs, 5 inch underarm hair & a beard.
Wow a bunch of companies nobody has heard of or uses anymore
Please tell multi million dollar companies like Kroger to stop donating to Democrats then soyboy
tell me again how city people are smarter when they're surrounded by niggers and sitting on top of nuclear targets?
I'm sure at least one of them will tell the students to go fuck themselves.
Me to, that is a great list
the whites live in the suburbs
Not only that, but he's implying SJW brainwashing is education. Get a course in memology, dance therapy and gender studies... think you're part of the liberal elite.
It's fucking hilarious desu.
Is there a list/infographic of all the companies that are leftist shills?
for those anons that already exercise their god given rights, nows a great time to get a lifelong NRA membership.
only 1500.
for those noguns among us. consider hitting up a range somewhere that rents rifles, have a little fun for an afternoon and think about signing up for a couple classes.
Most retarded map comparison I've ever seen.
Tons of diversity in North Dakota, Montana, bumfuck Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas. lmao
That's where the nukes are stupid, no one lives there.
The one company that tells these faggots to pound sand will have so much more business, perhaps lifetime customers.
They spend it where they need to in order to keep your feral leftist paws off the 2nd amendment. If you cocksuckers all instantaneously stopped trying to remove it, the NRA wouldn't have a reason to exist. You dipshits can destroy the NRA very easily, just stop trying to grab our guns.
urban cores means ghettos
that means dems have GHETTOES, Trump has everything else
isnt a skolnik a jew
yeah seems so
it never ends
Meanwhile at your local Planned Parenthood clinic...
his triangle head appears to have the angles of the masons compass - they are genetically breeding them now to hide symbols better
I'm white and in the NRA, and I've never heard of this discount thing until now.
pls delete
> (OP)
>The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
>City people all voted for Hillary.
I've seen this same shit posted before this is a gay bot post.
There were around 135 mass shootings (4+ deaths) in the US in the last 50 years. 1.6% of the US population are NRA members. None of the shooters was an NRA member. The probability of this being a coincidence, that membership in NRA does not affect the probability of becoming a mass shooter, is only 11.3%. Libtards BTFO.
Oh man it's great - if you show your gun at any of those businesses, you get 100% off
me, too
Eh we are used to it
Boycotting is a legal form of freedom of expression
So is suicide do it
>us left-wingers represent the people, the common man!
>right-wingers are bad because they're working class common men!
fucking leaf, every time
I live in Brooklyn and voted trump. So did most of my neighborhood. Nigs, chinks and jews which is the majority of nyc voted shillary.
>We cucks are the winners of the multicultural enrichment lottery