Our worst nightmare

I can't stop obsessing over what her breath might smell like.. I keep imagining like that sour ranch kind of smell that people who drink a lot of milk get when they don't brush their teeth before bed.. Or maybe it's more like that stale, dry kind of smell with a fishy tinge to it that you don't register until she starts raising her voice and your nostrils are saturated with it -- but by then it's too late

was she molested as a kid or what

how do you wake up and decide to become a professional cunt for a living

As a conservative I am truly frightened by this person. I hope I never have to be within 100,000 miles of her.

I blame tumblr

>You fool! This isn't even my final form!

breath smells like pussy

Homosexuality is so warped and evil.. Just look at the hateful and twisted expression in those eyes. Pray for those living in sin..



How legal is she and her family?

They don't make poles long enough to not touch this thing with.

Those who are members of organizations that promote degeneracy to young people should be stripped of citizenship regardless.

>implying you wouldn't empty your maple syrup on the back of her scalp for lulz

You lyin' Leaf.


Has anyone EVER seen a *female* without their ears pierced or is it just me.

You're a fucking twat.

I honestly thought someone photoshopped The Rock's face onto a girl for a moment.

A sound argument, kiddo

none of my daughters have pierced ears.


Good man

Her piercings are elsewhere.

She seems really nice though

>"The guns, Dahnald..."

can't take credit, they were just never interested in getting it done.

My wife rarely wears earrings so maybe it was that?

You have problems man

>What her breath smells like
Fish tacos and psychotic rage

Def molested or sociopath or psychopath. Not a lot of people have that type of drive for something that big, she's just legit retarded though and everything will be forgotten.

She'll probs be remembered in history as the Brave bald dyke that took on the NRA, sadly.

Just let things happen and it'll come full circle again.

>NRA attention slows down
>everything back to semi-normal
>oops surprise! A autistic retard shot up a place again
>back to full circle, but both arguments would never win

Only way it would end is if the government takes a big step against the very people with weapons. Messy all around with no ways out, unless this stuff is post-pones for 100 years

Or some1 can punch la creatura in the face to re-program her to normal, idk

We have to pray for people like this. Imagine living in such degeneracy and knowing your soul is crying out at you about the eternal punishment you're steering towards but you keep drowining it with more degeneracy because you're too proud to admit you're living in sin..

Jokes aside, it's sad. It's very sad.

Same goes to all homosexuals and perverts really. It's easy to see them as just inhuman manifestations of evil but in them is the same capacity for good. They just chosen to feed an illness and society is promoting that they continue doing so and take "pride" in it.


Who here a millennial relieved at gen z's decision to become cannon fodder? (at least it ain't us, old sport)


>I can't stop obsessing over what her breath might smell like

Diseased vagina.

"Mass Shooting Survivor" Was she even in the same building as the shooter? To be a survivor, shouldn't it be something a little more dire than being in the same zip code as a gun?

i bet she pegs hogg

She was actually cute with long hair.

buy Sup Forums Pass today!

Nothing cute about a twisted heart

yeah me right here
happy to let them fight this cultural bullshit out

Idk what her breath smells like but she will look good hanging from a tree

cry cry conservative pussy, we're coming to take your guns away and there's nothing you can do about it

It’s almost like being a homosexual makes you a brokebrained idiot.

Okay, do it. And then we'll call the police on you for trespassing.

I think it's the other way around, being a brokebrained idiot causes you to be a homosexual

might smell like well-used cunt

A fair theory. Same outcome, but you might be right.

Did not know you came here Emma. But at least we are legal.

Emma my DeaR , we meet again ?
y u ignore my 2nd email ...

So much as hiding in the shadows.

See this creature (la creatura) in OP's pic, burgers?

This is their end game. A mindless, impressionable, low IQ, easily controlled mulatto race of socialists with no allegiance to any land, people and nation. La creatura only serves the need of the (socialist) state, which it shall never question. This is Dr. Shlomo Shekelberg's final creation - or shall I say - weapon.

>I can't stop obsessing over what her breath might smell like
It smells like the rank pussy she ate earlier today, OP, no need to guess. Think fish left in the sun all day, you'll be pretty close.

(((Time magazine))) or some other jewish media establishment will prop her up as "goy of the year" or something like that. Putting my house on this.



Would laff hard if ICE investigated this bitch and she turned out to be illegal

L- La monstruosité...

Back when I was in highschool these kids used to get bullied nonstop, now they're idolized. It's a shame that our country is going down the shitter.

>mass shooting survivor
That's misleading, it makes it sound like she was shot or next to someone who was shot. I technically survived a mass shooting too.


Also, check those digits.

Oh no a hairy smelly armpit bald feminist beaner girl I’m peeing my pants in fear.