Canada is:
17% Asian (includes Arabs & Middle Easterners)
5% Injun
3.5% Black
1.2% Latino
= 26.7% nonwhite
This means that Canada is about 73% white European Canadian
still whiter than amerimuttland
Canada is:
17% Asian (includes Arabs & Middle Easterners)
5% Injun
3.5% Black
1.2% Latino
= 26.7% nonwhite
This means that Canada is about 73% white European Canadian
still whiter than amerimuttland
Other urls found in this thread:
The Canamutt counter meme is a raid from T_D
no way non amerimutt Sup Forumsacks can buy it
Fake and gay, nigger.
73% and declining. We have like 40 million people. Liberal communists can easily shove a few million nigs, pakis and hold sway for the next 20 years easy.
Gobelins du Canada.
It's so funny watching these americans being triggered. I thought everyone got shit on Sup Forums. It's ok to meme on niggers, spics, ackbars, chinks, gays, libtards, but memeing on the usa is too far man. Guess what, It's the time you get what you deserve, embrace the meme, stop trying to shift subjects
nice baseless claim faggot. if i go to canada all i see is brown people. i dont think your even 50% white
Oh, okay. Then stop acting like we did when Amerimutt came around.
I'm fine with the meme, but you guys are reacting the same way many did when it started.
the mutts have arrived
You can check multiple ethnicities on the census including "canadian"
About 5% of non-whites do this.
That means Canada is 68% white. Not as bad as america but it's definitely a mutt nation.
I try to have a conversation with you fags and this is what happens now.
>durrr statistics are wrong bc dats not wut i saw
american education, ladies and gentlemen school shooter
slavs aren't white
Les gobelins retardés du Canada.
Ok there Mahmoud
>using nigger retorts
Cana-mutt detected
lmfao of all the things you could choose to shill your shit country, you pick the food? do you actually imagine that garbage looks appetizing?
here's a real comparison:
Poland GDP 469 billion
Canada GDP (despite having a smaller population) 1.53 trillion
Your food is garbage, your culture is garbage, your military has been btfo so many times it isn't even funny, and on top of that you're basically a fucking third world country in terms of your economy.
You know why Poland is more white than Canada? Because nobody would ever move there willingly.
>thinking being poor but completely white is an insult
If the us is filled with shit tier races I guess American Whites are doing a much better job than the euro whites
>100% Cree
Still the most hated race int he world next to abo's. Keeping the genocide going with fats and welfare.
t. 100% Cree
Keep posting the Mutt memes plox. From all countries
Japan is the best model of a successful ethno-State we should all follow.
>completely white
Deus Vult always wins.