Why is there literally not a single relevant white inventor,scientistor ruler in history...

Why is there literally not a single relevant white inventor,scientistor ruler in history? All relevant Europeans in history were mediterranoids or outright jews. There is no way around it.
All this Germanic with a 90% blonde and white population literally only had mediterranoid scientists,engineers,inventors and leaders. It is fucking shocking that when you start digging about the suppose white achievements all the people involved in it were swarthoid people,with black hair and dark eyes which clearly descend from mediterranean settlers to those countries and obviously the jews.
Real whites have accomplished little more than niggers

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Who is Isaac Newton you stupid fucking nigger.

>Brown eyes
>brown hair
>Jewish nose
Do you realize that Britain was first colonized by Iberians (mediterranoids),then by Normans (mediterranoids) and later on recieved a wave of sephardic jew inmigration (mediterranoids)? The Germanic population of Britain has contributed nothing to the country other than food for the mediterranoid elite

Brown hair and eyes is pretty damn common in the isles, though. You really think the normans brought over by William actually made a big impact? They were the nobles, but they didn't replace the anglo saxon and celtic stock of the brits. Stop it with these shitty d&c threads you kike

>celtic stock
Celtics came from Iberia and were mediterranoid (black hair,brown eyes,eagle nose) just like jews. The elite of Britain or Germany is closer to an Italian than to the average Germanic nigger that is just a caste of peasants to put it bluntly

So HItler was not Blond haired....
you think there were no
blonde and blue eyed inventors?
like Erwin Scrodinger had
blue eyes brown hair

he probably had blonde as a child

i had nearly white blond hair as a child
as a result of sitting inside
and not going out
but do experiments
and age
i would imagine hair would darken to some degree
not to mention diet and genetics playing a part of
hair color changing
i had nordic and german parents
some italian back in the line as well

Austria was colonized by meds and celtics. And from there the elite of Germany would be born. Literally the best you can come up with are mutts between Germanics and mediterranoids. A small elite of mediterranoids (less than 15% of the population) contributed almost everything in terms of advancements and achievements. Germanics were just pawns and peasants

There are tons of blyue eyed
in history
one of the most famous of all time
was werner von braun

>What troopiess call the white race

The people who achieved literally 99% of western civilization accomplishments

Michael Faraday was literally a peasant you fucking retard.

nice digits, but pic

Of mediterranoid stock. That is why he rose to prominence unlike Germanics

very related

Literally unreadable

he was a mason
he was a kike
gravity is a lie

Bait thread.

are you a mutt

>Dude Germanics are the best. We invented everything!
*starts posting pics of jews and mediterranoids*

>let me tell you what parts of the world are white
>t. mutt
You're an embarrassment please stop

If you honestly think you have a novel theory then write a book. I have dark hair and eyes and a reasonable IQ but you are reaching here, mate. Lots of the elites throughout history were fair.

Sgut up fag u know you're baiting with the image you post


>monkey passing judgement on humans

t.blondie addicted to porn with 3 coalburning sisters

>spreading mutt shit
fuck off

How'd they get the Mongol-Tatar mix though?


Ernst Mayr and the Nazi scientists from operation paperclip blow you the fuck out.

>Not a single blonde

there seem to be some truth in the case of Germany at least, in that apparently most great German figures were either brachycephalic or hyperbrachycephalic, while Nordids are either doli or meso cephalic at best


> no blondes
>black and white photo.

Maxwell was maybe the most brilliant man that ever lived, but he was a Scottish peer. Not a fucking kike or a med.

They were all Germans, you're still btfo.