Le 56% France
The whole political landscape is supporting a half niggress to cosplay Joan of Arc.
Even the FN supports her, arguing that she "fits" as a catholic and scout girl.
Wake me up already
Le 56% France
The whole political landscape is supporting a half niggress to cosplay Joan of Arc.
Even the FN supports her, arguing that she "fits" as a catholic and scout girl.
Wake me up already
Oh god, she actually looks like Le 56% face.
cant wake up
She's half Polish half African. She's not even /our Mutt/.
what is france?
Actual troglodyte.
Ok but why does it have to be such an ugly mutt? Are they just twisting the dagger or what?
she is cute.. leave her alone
I want to marry her
>are they twisting the dagger
The goy already has a dagger through his heart and still refuses to fight back
The Jew can do whatever it pleases as it knows the white man will never so much as complain
>the future face of france, and its beautiful
Neanderthal looking whore. Having said that i don't like this Joan D'arc figure. Proto-feminism.
Just transparent bait to rile you up and then make you into the bad guy
The re-writing of history has begun. It will never end
"If Joan of Arc really had this face the English would have left by themselves."
You're an idiot. Read a book.
You lucky to be in Helvetia. In the French Republic this topic is investigated by authorities.
Joan Dark has already been bullied online.
The guilty ones will be found and the guillotine on public place is expected for the discording voices.
The minister of the dark cult said Monday or Tuesday. Depending how much rust there is on the blade.
Absolutely disgusting
>lelelel triggered white nationalists
Let's have a white guy play Shaka Zulu next then we can talk about triggering
They're anti-white and pro-jewish civic nationalists. France will be destroyed just as Hitler said and nothing can stop it. French revolution was the last.
>The guilty ones will be found and the guillotine on public place is expected for the discording voices.
Two people were prosecuted for "hate crime"
>everyone makes fun of Sweden
>few notice France fell first
Post all the Amerimutt memes you want but travelling through France is fucking heartbreaking.
Damn near the only other white guy I saw was my own reflection in windows.
And this was in 2007.
>Joan Dark
If France rejected the Greatest Nationalist in Human History it means France rejected France.
thank G-d for Japanese Joan d Arcs
>le Le Pen hero meme
Redpill yourself Pedo Dos Santos and clean the floor of my condo pls.
The new face of France
Based Nicolas.
Eh, they gave us Céline before they died at least.
May they rest in peace.
God bl- Uh-uh no sorry.
What should i say? Ah yes.
May the dark forces of the occult transport their souls onto the bridge of the sacred phoenix of the phrygian river.
Mon dieu
>Joan of Arc's face when this is the new Joan of Arc
THIS man is /ourguy/
Not le base Le Pen meme.
I only clean Mosques and Synagogues. I am ahead of the curve and already kissing the new Masters ass.
Ethnic French need not apply my cleaning and construction services.
why are polish women such whores?
damn right, only one who consistently btfos candaules
Don't know who he is but the man looks absolutely patrician.
This man is a bit like Trump, but too old unfortunately.
But i'm afraid that France has too much candaules to elect this man.
Wasn't Joan of Arc described as a swarthy peasant girl according to first hand accounts?
See thisThis man graduates in Polytechnique (the best engineer college in France, it's like Harvard for you)
He's not scared of anything, he talks about everything, race, great replacement, IQ, western culture, the true identity of France, and he likes to btfo some kikes about the lolocoast
Henry de Lesquen
aristocrat from Versailles
Very popular among the young white internet activists
Coined the concept of reemigration (sending back at least 2 million immigrants)
Got sued many times for hate speech
Attacks the cuckservatives and the jews quite strongly
He is a very good start, but the young generation will have to go even further.
yep, it's fucked, the FN will never take him as leader after such an effort of "débiabolisation" and outside of a major party he won't even get the 500 signatures. And even if he did he probably wouldn't score 5% because the French are this cucked.
Very based no doubt. And he knows the memes and can even invent a few of his own...
...but why badmouthing the Great Jean Marie - The First Nationalist Troll?!
"swarthy" doesn't mean obvious ooga booga looking NIGGER, friend.
If you have a problem with this then maybe white men should have got off their FAT ARSES and built mass media companies instead of flooding into powerless, shitty, blue collar trade jobs.
You've all failed to win the hearts and minds of your people so I really don't give a shit that your history is getting BLACKED.
This is literally a future you chose
the actress doesn't even look that black to me. she could just be an italian or greek. not everyone with dark skin is a negro lol
But...does he have children?
If "non" he is guilty of what got Europe into this mess in the first place.
how do you know so much about French politics polack
Well, she could play her at the end of the film
It's not that bad i think. It's just the beginning lad. Something even worse will come. Kikes lost the control of the moslems and niggers. Now we need to go deeper into this shit to realize the last possession we have is our own blood, to realize that we will need to fight for it, for the right to be as we are and to stay as we are.
But until that moment dont expect too much from us.
But the day -if this happens- when all of my brothers will take a fight, oh boy. When we dont surrender, we conquer all damn Europe on a 1v5.
Please link me to a story about this, in English or French, doesn't matter
merci bcp
The whole Le Pen family is a bane for this country.
Jean-Marie was the first to introduce Arabs in parliament in 1957.
He never actually wanted to be in power and gave this feeling to a lot of people in 2002. His daughter doesn't want the power either, she wants to party and be a useful tool of the Rotschilds.
Jean-Marie is a scam - unfortunately we noticed it only in 2017.
I was a bit rude, but his past look too dark to be sure about his convictions.
He has sons i believe.
One daughter who sucks a circumcised cock. So he disinherited her.
Modern catholics are weak faggots. News flash.
French equivalent of the daily stormer
You can browse it there are other articles on this topic
I'm a Breton in exile and I talk frequently with H2L on Twitter.
Oh i see, what are you doing there, come home man, we will need you, it's not over yet.
that's too late to emigrate m8, enjoy your 500 € salary
too early*
5 children
His family is quite famous, they have been attending the hardest engineering school of the country at every generation since the creation of the school in 1794.
My French is terrible and I cringed reading that.
May I ask why the Le Pens get so much love from des étrangers such as myself in other countries?
I remember seeing memes showing Marine Le Pen as Jeanne D'Arc for instance.
Is this like some Europeans thinking Trump was BASED during our election because he made some token support of nationalism?
lel, no, abandon hope. Tbh most of you who aren't total cucks think Hitler did nothing wrong.
I make money online :^) I'm rich here without even being actually rich
Good. It kills me inside when promising people are childless.
Not so good. But, they can't all be winners.
>May I ask why the Le Pens get so much love from des étrangers such as myself in other countries?
you mean from amerimutts*
Because we French are ultimate KEKS (candaules in French) and we are always looking for a providential character to save us from our own stupidity.
So it's either a de Gaulle or a Joan of Arc. That's why Marine was memed as a saviour like her father before.
Jean-Marie isn't stupid and quite educated, but his daughter and grand-daughter are both extremely stupid.
I was told today that Marion can't write an email in proper French without mistakes.
>lel, no, abandon hope. Tbh most of you who aren't total cucks think Hitler did nothing wrong.
>abandon hope
Your choice, not mine.
As long as our blood stream in our veins, it's not over.
But whatever you say, you wont change my mind.
Marine was taken as a savior only by literal retards, the same kind as the Amerimutts in America.
I'm literally a fascist and I voted Fillon.
Marine me suce la pine.
Marion je lui mets dans le fion.
Rabelais ftw.
I don't get why we change her name when it is pronouceable with English sounds. Other names I get.
A bit context for our fellow anglo saxons anons
>It's a traditional festival to celebrate the liberation of Orleans by Joan of Arc and her army
>exist since 15th century
>It's divided in two ceremony: a religious one and (laic) civil one
>Religious one have a symbolic parade to celebrate Joan of Arc victory parade through the city
>It's the most famous celebration in the region through the year, and a national right wing occasion to meet up and discuss
>since 1945, the girl playing Joan of Arc during the parade is elected by a quorum of military, politics, and religious personalities and also ancient Joan representatives.
>"The girl must live for ten years in Orleans, to be baptized, practicing Catholicism daily, give of her time voluntarily for the others and to be of good character/morality"
>pic related last year 2017 representative of Joan
>first time a metis is elected in 70years
I think they just tried to send a universalist and peace message to all metis people, that could have sympathy to righ-wing politic ideas, to gain and acknoledge their support, in the name of France, catholicism, and its both history. But instead
I would identify myself as a patriot more than a identitarian for that reason. Those idiots don't understand a single fuck about politics and electorals, and symbolic message to get support.
This could have been a great message to all black/metis/foreign people who want to vote for Le Pen (or right-wing in general), but can't, because of noisy racists who can't distinguish a symbolic and politic message from a MSM propaganda rewrite of history.
Tbh i would fuck Marion yeah
>Those idiots don't understand a single fuck about politics and electorals, and symbolic message to get support.
Look at all the Black Republicans after Three Decades of apologizing for the Souther Strategy while Dems lose zero clout for Slavery and Segregation. Blacks don't care about ideas. They are tribalistic. If you give them gibs they think you are sincere. Nothing else works.
I was seeing them on (((Facebook))) when I still used it and your election was going on, I don't think they were all Americans, but some definitely were.
The rest were probably Russians working for BASED (((PUTIN))).
It's not just France. This is a sickness infecting most of the white world.
>le based black FN voters
candaule détecté
I voted Fillon too as a fascist.
I have to admit in my teenage years I was a Zemmour cuck and expected a providential hero to save us.
But now I have a vivid hatred against the Le Pen clan.
go home frog were full
10/10 belle femme
It's either we are racists or we DISAPPEAR, there is no middle ground or tolerance to have.
It's full open war on whites. We have no compromises to make.
Talking seriously, a lot's of black people voted for Trump he understood that he had to mobilize as well the black community, giving them some respects to the based one trying to escape their tribal attitude, even if the results is minimal. Carson was a good move in that optics.
>anyone not screeching and screaming about niggers without arguments is a candaule
You are NEETs and LARPers on Sup Forums, you're irellevant out of your mom basement.
I won't try to argue with you.
Talking seriously, no conservative will ever get a large portion (even 15%) of the black vote any time soon no matter how much he bends over and kisses ass. Increasing white turnout is much more effective.
>get called out for being a civnat cuck
>y-your mom's basement!
people in France don't even live in basements, it's an American thing you cosmopolitan scum
Go away with your boomer logic
We don't have the luxury with complicated political moves.
I don't give a fuck if mutts feel well in Europe.
There are absolutely no arguments to make. These people are not European and have nothing to do here.
Keep booming until your own children sign your euthanasia, old dinosaur.
Relatively few blacks voted for Trump (8%)
Mitt Romney got 6% in 2012.
He got 29% of the "Hispanic" vote
Mitt Romney got 27% in 2012.
In both cases it was overwhelmingly black male and hispanic male voters for Trump.
what the fuck is that thing
it looks like a north african, tongan and native amazonian hybrid
>Increasing white turnout is much more effective.
It's good, yes, but incarcerating blacks and deporting browns is much much more effective user. :)
They wouldn't have needed us to burn her.
I totally agree with you. Useless effort. Still, I don't talk about bending the knee or kiss asses, but just sending a message that you are not a redneck racist, by acknowledging some based people. Trump took Carson, praised Jesse Jackson, cheered Sheriff David Clarke Jr, etc..
Even if its 10% of the votes, it's still 10% less votes for the left, and a great example for those who are hesitating but don't dare.
Wanna hear a joke? She is only 25% black : Only her grand father was a black.
This is the power of the superiority of black genetic on white.
there it is, the root of all evil in politics, electoral calculations
>but guise we must be antiracist civnat cucks to attract the 10% of le based shitskins needed to defeat our opponents
>all we have to do is submit ourselves to the moral standards of our enemies :^)
I would remind you that the girl is half polish.
>There are absolutely no arguments to make.
That's my point. Black people voting for the right side is heavily triggering for the left. And it's showing the realness of their views about them, that they are no more than electoral slaves, useful only on election times.
so half more than me then
Our situation is different than yours. France does not have a history of centuries long habitation by any non-white populace.
I may not like to admit it, but black Americans more or less belong here at this point. A shame our ancestors didn't sterilize their black slaves as the Arabs did, so now we're stuck with them.
Your nation is openly being colonized and it must be ended by any means necessary.
>Black people voting for the right side is heavily triggering for the left
>le based black guise are le triggering leftards xD so based!!
It's like spilling wine on a carpet, that shit never comes out.