Why are STEMfags, specially engineers, so extremely and brutally triggered by Humanities, and specially by Philosophy?

Why are STEMfags, specially engineers, so extremely and brutally triggered by Humanities, and specially by Philosophy?

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Because if we weren't forced to take a certain amount of those credits to satisfy our school's (((requirements))), we could graduate a semester or a year early. Waste of time and money.

Because you make this fucking post every other day, Pablo


There is no legitimate reason to study humanities (save history). People that do are simultaneously a drain on society and the reason for its decay

Yeah what the fuck is up with this you fucking retards? I'm an English major who got Bs, and I'm doing a second degree in CS and getting 100. I'm surrounded by human meatbags. You were supposed to be way smarter than me, you self-congratulatory trophy cucks.

>There is no legitimate reason to study humanities (save history)
You stupid 56er, the humanities is added to control history, he who controls the past, controls the future.

Pleb. I have both.

Lol. English major takes stem class for poets and thinks hes Turing.

because retards like you can't come up with a coherent argument. Philosophy is logic and induction/deduction.

Stem isn’t triggered by humanities at all. They’re a laughing stock. There’s nothing to be upset about.

Humanities, when done right, deepens your understanding and love of your culture. It opens you up to the beauty of your heritage. The issue is that since the 60s it has been infested with far left Marxist professors and lecturers, and so has been doing the opposite of what it should be doing. This is why it is tackled onto the requirements for other fields - so they can brainwash as many as possible. The Humanities needs to be culled and rebuilt, not done away with entirely.

i like humanities, i think they have a place. but it's easy to hate on when they're predominantly controlled by Jewish academics, and in America where most people have to pay a lot of money to get these degrees it makes no sense as an investment when you live in a neoliberal system because it has comparatively very little utility to STEM degrees

plus everyone we know/knew in those programs were generally an idiot.
usually retaking basic algebra classes because they couldn't meet the math requirements. I remember teaching someone my freshman year in the dorms how to multiply fractions. honestly it was fucking pathetic.

Who is this ?

because humanities is zogged to all hell. Majors like philosophy aren’t entirely unimportant, a political movement does need humanities majors. But it doesn’t have the pragmatism and tangible impact that STEM does.

I started college going into Chemistry. I was so self impressed, I thought it was one of the only valuable degrees. Then I realized the work fucking sucked and the career prospects weren’t even that great, so I went into PoliSci. I thought THIS is what matters, and I’m going to become a politician or a lawyer and make drastic changes. Then I realized that’s fucking retarded, the work is piss easy but there is some indoctrination going on here and I don’t want to go to law school anyways. Now I’m in Geology which is pretty good. You just have to be very observant of rocks and know the processes of how they’re formed, also a lot of my Chem credits apply to this major.

the moral of the story is that I’m lucky as all fuck that my family are wealthy and patient enough for me to piss around in school until I get my shit together

i had that engineering mindset; no respect for "artsy" topics because i considered them pointless. but without them, we're basically just robots. art/humanities etc is what makes us human. you're basically a computer without them.

Says the one who majored in potato cultivation.


Because this shit is forced on us you flapping cunt.

damn bro
fuck that shit, right?

Based aussie.
While I don't support humanities being a requirement, I still think that it's within every STEM major's interests to take at least one.

engineer here and I think most philosophy is pretty good and the math-logic end of things is over my head, or at least I don't have time to learn what the fuck they're trying to communicate but I think it's pretty close to god

Personally, I believe that philosophical growth is a civic duty and not an "educational choice". But to answer your question, see pic

Studying English Lit and Philosophy turned me into a right wing Christian.

University humanities department mostly serve as left-wing seminaries nowadays.


humanities are sjw crap
defund them

Let's watch some dipwad mentally masturbate over a sentence for an hour and a half. Yay.
Let's look at all the mistakes of the past and release so watch them repeat in an endless cycle because as a species, we never learn.
Yet another person fails to wrap the world in a cellophane bag. Keep trying.

I did enjoy the shit out of my technical writing courses.

I took anthropology and they really try hard to convince you black people are human while giving you all the historical information that proves otherwise. Just because you can breed doesn't mean you should.

Because you don't have to prove what you feel

>liberal arts
fry my burger faggot

Oh yeah and as far as my engineering education went, I should add I was required to take a few humanities courses. My western civ class was really good and the professor was not an SJW too bad but he was also kinda effeminate for a religious man. It was funny to see his face pop on my tv on some history channel documentary once. Then I had some 56% goblino philosophy professor teach "modern philosophy" bullshit the post modern man and sexual fluidity. I don't even remember much except that I wrote essays on those books and skipped a lot and he still passed me and I think I blanked most of it out. Then there was the anthropology course with a hippy boomer dweeb like the teacher in beavis and butthead. He went to Guatemala and gushed over how great their culture is and how the village raises the children and basically taught cultural marxism to us. I could tell he didn't appreciate my speech I had to give about vikings. Then I had a Spanish class taught by some cheery beaner and by the end of the course he told me I didn't need to take the final because I did so well even though there were beaners in the class who had to stay. Then the worst was a sociology course with a bald russian manlet kike with an angry red face and he would shame us and tell us there's no such thing as race and use Lewontin's fallacy and teach white privilege. He'd make us watch documentaries about the native american's and he was actively advocating for our university to lose it's Indian mascot. He would often pace back and forth red in the face ranting about how mistreated the Indians were. He was a real prick and you knew you had to give him what he wanted to hear if you wanted to pass. Glad he had a heart attack :)

t. never made a moon landing

Says the guy who wasted 4 years on a worthless degree...

You got that backwards. You're triggered, we're all at work.

> There would be a moon landing and science without Philosophy


I think they're more triggered by trades, you know, people who actually do work.

I remember those classes too. Wish I had some good stories of humanities retardation, but I simply can't remember anything. I wonder why?

once again fpbp

True that, nothing gets an unemployed humanities major hotter than a lineman bringing in six figures.

Modern-day """"philosophy"""" is filled to the brim with pseuds and know-nothings, and as a result there's no emphasis on or screening for intelligence anymore. In the past, one had to be intelligent to understand the material and draw their own conclusions, so there was a certain minimum level of discourse that one could reasonably expect. Now though, there's none of that, just a complete disconnection from reality and everything that comes with it.

People in STEM are in a perfect position to see this, because they're actually forced to think for once while doing engineering. So when they're exposed to the modern pseudo-humanities , they're immediately aware of the disconnect from reality and lack of intellect that exists throughout them.

(Note that this only applies to actual Engineers, particularly those with a solid footing in mathematics. Computer "science" trash don't count.)

>the eternal insecure normie follower tradesman/tech never loses the chip on his shoulder

I'm in Engineering and I happen to think that history and philosophers like Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas are far more interesting than Engineering.

>correlation = causation
Stay black user. Leave the thinking to us

Because any major outside of STEM is worthless. A humanities major is less than worthless.

then the whole bus stood up and clapped

go larp on reddit you fucking 9v

Because the god of STEM autism, Bertrand Russell, got BTFO by the god of philosophy, Wittgenstein, so hard that he literally wanted to kill himself.


> Correlation
wtf? Where did i point a correlation you stupid baboon?
The scientific method itself is based on philosophy.


i did Humanities in the French system and it was actually good. Humanities in the anglosphere are a brainwashing exercise. I legit met an english student that thought Animal Farm was about the virtues of socialism.

Just like all studies there is light and dark side to both

light: Aryan scientist
dark: silicon valley bugman

light: Aryan philosopher
dark: sjw psued

>The atmosphere in his research facility was like an office, no better, no worse. Far from the popular image of molecular biologists as Rimbauds with microscopes, research scientists were not great thinkers but simple technicians...It required no creativity, no imagination and only the most basic second-rate intellect. Reasearchers wrote theses and studied for Ph.D.'s when a baccalaureat and a couple of years in college would have been more than enough for them to handle the equipment.

>Then I had some 56% goblino philosophy professor teach "modern philosophy" bullshit the post modern man and sexual fluidity.

Actually, a course on "modern philosophy" would range from the 1600s through the 1800s. What you took was not a "modern philosophy" course.

Because people like to shit on other fields of employment even though academics, theorists, researchers, and manual/practical labourers all contribute to society and they all can benefit each other.

The problem on the Humanities side is that there are too many people in those fields. There is room for PHDs in literature, but not fifty from one school.

>logic is maths
>philosophy is based on logic

you just have a romanticised view of what philosophy is. you the kinda nigga says toasters are only possible because of Kant or some such crap.

Literal mongrel

>double major in physic and math
>minor in philosophy
because most humanities, especially philosophy, are 'muh liberal feels' circle jerks. From first hand experience, you ass hats here actually have more a socratic feel to threads than the retardation that happens in a college philosophy class.

Those are not argument.

He's right though, the scientific method makes certain metaphysical assumptions about the world that are by no means obvious unless someone worked them out before.

Of course now schools only teach science and not metaphysics, so there is somewhat of a gap in understanding

because we're smarter than you and we don't want to listen to your faggy bullshit that doesn't make us any more productive or any wealthier.


engineer here. i love the humanities. i don't love the mindless SocJus drivel they're teaching in the universities in the place of the humanities.

Why go to the moon? What in STEM demands that. An example of a STEM society without western guiding philosophy is asia before the arrival of europeans. They were content to engineer their little autistic world perfectly in stasis.

>Why are STEMfags, specially engineers, so extremely and brutally triggered by Humanities, and specially by Philosophy?
Because they have been taken over by lunatics dedicated to destroying society, thus they are a waste of time.

Good reposting here pal, sage



I'm a computer engineer who majored in philosophy at university. Your argument is invalid.

>Why go to the moon?

This gives you away as nonwhite, just saying.

I was asking a hypothetical, mutt

there is a reason philosophy is not humanities
you're not science
you never where

I still can't believe you murkins are forced to take subjects that have nothing to do with what you're actually there to study. What a fucking rort. Why aren't all those people bitching about university prices complaining about that shit?

>Because stem courses spend funding on lab equipment that is required to teach
>because humanities spend the same amount of funding on comfort like new air conditioned lecture theaters while stem courses have the same shit for 30 years

>because humanities students often have contact hour free Fridays and get shitfaced every Thursday night. Stem students spend 8 hours on Fridays in labs


this , fuck that retarded school jew system

I have a B.A. in Political Science. Was supposed to go to law school but said fuck it. So after I graduated I ended up saying fuck it and teaching myself to program because I was always a logic/reasoning nerd.

Looking back...I should have always been an engineer. I only chose PoliSci because it was the quickest to get my B.A....my peers were all faggots who lack technical skills.

They are "constructionists" and come up with elaborate scenarios to explain away the most simple subjects instead. And then companies bring them in to do bullshit busy work and they somehow think I give a fuck about their team updates. They literally have to invent work to legitimize their own jobs. Inefficient.

are STEMs the real autists doe ?

Because theirs no free thinking going on in there...only indoctrination

Philosophy is literally "Love for knowledge" and basically any scientist was a philosopher too until the end of the XIX century.
Nowadays those who get a philosophical degrees are total hacks who study HISTORY of philosophy and they always end up having no real world skills because they don't even have the tools to understand such a complex reality.
In short: modern philosophers are the incels of knowledge.

I really should start proof reading my posts.

happy birthday user in pic
hope you had an awesome year

Good think you didn't major in English amirite?

nor is calling anyone that disagrees with you a brainlet, brainlet

not true, if it is true name the assumptions. the scientific method is a way of acquiring knowledge.

what you mean is that mathematical axioms make assumptions, which is true, but they are assumptions that only a philosopher could have trouble with.

They are jealous because their fields are constrained by reality.

but you are a brainlet desu

To be fair fair philopshy triggers everyone though.

Most sjw hate philosophy coz it has more dudes in than even math majors and you have to logically prove your work. Let me ask you, can you even name more than one female figure in it?

Out of all humanity subject, philosophy is probably /ourguy/

Daily reminder that USSR beat the US into orbit

daily reminder daily reminders are for faggots

maths and philosophy are very similar.
Both require more intelligence than engineering and other bugman majors

The scientific method assumes:

1. You can trust your senses
2. There is a world that exists outside of our mind
3. This world follows predictable laws (or, cause and effect)
4. These laws can be understood in a way that is intelligible to the human mind
5. These laws do not change
6. Truths about the physical world can be understood by testing hypotheses

Probably a few more but that's just what comes to mind right now. The scientific method takes these for granted

you do realize they branched of to gender studies, women studies, ethnic studies and and whiteness studies?

>picking a non stem major

enjoy flipping burgers

Engineer. As a discipline who is supposed to care about morals and ethics, philosophy is actually really important. I don't know where you get this rubbish.

>The scientific method takes these for granted
because they they get results


I don't have a problem with humanities.

Just don't whine and expect my taxes to pay back your loan if you can't find a job after spending $50k on a degree.

It also amuses me when ladies complain about lack of women in STEM, meanwhile they're going for a degree in women's studies or something like that. Hey dummies, you're part of the problem. Why didn't YOU go in to STEM if you're so passionate about it.

I didn't say they don't get results, just that if you are born knowing absolutely nothing about the world, the things I said aren't necessarily obvious and there have been people who disputed every one of those points I made. It was because of philosophers like Aristotle and the Scholastics who proved that those assumptions are true that we were able to have a scientific method in the first place

Helena Blavastky...m-maybe? n-no? Okay...

Well they WOULD but women are BULLIED out of doing STEM by uh...uh...patriarchy?