The Handsome Richard Spencer

Would Richard Spencer be as successful as he is if he was ugly? Does his handsomeness somehow give him a plus ten charisma boost?

And if so, why aren't liberals trying to disfigure him with acid? Wouldn't an acid disfigured face do more to get rid of him from the public sphere than punching him or raping the first amendment in the name of silencing him?

The chad cia nigger

i dont think he is particularly handsome

maybe if he lost a fair amount of weight. I think I look better than he does 2bh

post side profile pic.

I agree, Spencer is "ok" looking. Not super handsome though.

>Would Richard Spencer be as successful as he is if he was ugly? Does his handsomeness somehow give him a plus ten charisma boost?
Yes to both.

Average looking with a clean cut.

The thing that Spencer has going for him though is that every bitch that interviews him has to look up, and he flirts down to them like a madman.

look son a "hes a fed reed seej" retard

I would if posting my face here wasn't a good way to ruin my life

He’s OK. Not ugly, not too,handsome. His strength is he dresses well.

chad spencer would fuck your wife on command kid

he looks like a highschool bully and villian from a jewish created 90s coming of age movie about bisexuality

> Spencer
> Handsome

Pick one.

Got any more rare spencer pics from when he was young?

I will admit he is an ultra chad in that picture. When I was that age I was a skinny soccer player.

What exactly have you said in this thread that would ruin your life?

10/10 liberal thots know they'd love to have that Chad seed fill their wombs. Those are just good genetics that'd produce some pretty white babies with the right the blonde haired, blue eyed Stacey.

lol @ that description

Here's mine. side profile pic taken by my wife.

you gotta admit its true. he looks literally the prototype for everything jews and minoritys hate. they cant stand the thought of a proud white man in his prime. you can just imagine a jew film that attempts to put fourth the case that bi sexuality is cool for white people and richards character would either be pure villian to the point of extreme moustache twirling sadism and sociopathy or he would be secretly gay and attempting to come to terms with his sexuality through expressions of homophobic bullying

>he looks literally the prototype for everything jews and minoritys hate
This. He's young, smart, and proud to be white.