Why do non-whites look more aggressive and dangerous than whites?
Why do non-whites look more aggressive and dangerous than whites?
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Because they're more aggressive and dangerous than whites.
Because you're a coward
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
I watched him for years before someone pointed out he was a Negro.
They're animals
because your racist
Halo effect I think it's called. Whites are more attractive on average than non whites. Attractive people have a "do no wrong" effect on people because they look good. People who are ugly are considered to be creepy, malicious, etc.
t. low IQ Jew puppet
t. potatonigger
darkness is correlated with evil.
People of other races probably view you the same way, unless they've been acclimated towards living in a racially diverse area since youth. It's natural for humans to be distrustful of people who look different/outsiders. If you don't have, at the very least, a bit of fear when you see a pack of black men in a dark alleyway, there's probably something abnormal with your brain going on. This is kind of relevant:
Heavy Brows
They do look angry all the time and some of them dont look far removed from apes.
Look can be deceiving, but in this case they are not.
they don't
look at andy warskis murderer avatar
dam son
Higher testosterone mainly
Wrong. It’s because they are not fully human but animals. It’s part of animal evolution to appear aggressive to ward off predators. In their case, each other.
Because whites don't have to look terrifying as individuals - they do their best work in well-organized groups.
lol then why can I produce fertile offspring with nonwhites
None of those guys look dangerous or aggressive though, stick to the point of the thread.
i swear to god that is literally the only photo of adam lanza that exists.
They're closer to animals. All humans have a more primitive, primal part of the brain (brain stem/"reptilian brain", the oldest part of the brain) that always gives off impulses.
So, your lower/more primitive layer of the brain goes
>Pull your gun out, pull it.
>Pull your gun, pussy.
>Shoot that nigger, he's dangerous.
>Shoot him, shoot.
>Come on, fight.
>Fight, kill the threat.
While the higher one counteracts this and filters it for you
>Hmm, that nigger looks suspicious.
>Is he a threat? Probably not, but I shouldn't relax.
>His smell is rather offensive, but there's no need to risk it all just for that simple fact.
>I'll pretend like I'm okay with him for now, I guess.
Then there's a higher one, abstract thinking
>Ah, a negroid primate, a lesser individual. Fascinating.
>What if this primal being was uplifted, brought to see society's ways.
>How much he would enjoy life if only he understood it like I do.
>What calm must occupy this creature's mind, nay, tranquility - absent anything but the base needs, I too would feel nothing but the loving embrace of nature itself.
Well, the browner you are, the less you lack the middle one. The last one is pretty much gone in anyone with skin browner than a tanned Italian.
I was thinking ugly and stupid. Look at that flat nose and round little bitch face. Aryans have more intimidating features than shitskins, shitskins are just dangerous because they cant grasp consequence of action.
Because niggers and spics are animals
Because they're basically orcs. They look dangerous and aggressive because they are.
You swore wrong.
Hmm now I wonder if J.R.R. Tolkien's works were really just racist parables... I remember reading the books in high school and he described the evil men from Mordor as being "swarthy", too.
Because you're a faggot who is submissive and afraid of subhuman creatures.
No man who is worthy of calling himself a man is afraid of any creature. I am wary of wolves but I am not afraid of them because I know how to deal with them. Same applies with subhumans. You can't be the master if you show fear.
Showing fear is different from fear.
Nah I am not scared but that guy triggers my internal alarm way more than a norwegian, for example. And I look like neither of them.
That guy in my picture looks like something dangerous, something that could attack me without any logical reason.
I think one big red pill that put me over the edge for good is the obvious visual conclusion one must draw from all known evolutionary information. Just by the eye test you can see the progress of evolution as charted out in any simple science book or museum.
You can easily see the changes from monkey to prehistoric man to human just by lining them up in order. Blacks and aborigines literally appear to fit in between lesser primates and white humans. Northern Asians appear to be slightly ahead of whites in evolutionary progress. The behavioral norms of all these beings is the icing on the cake - it's really undeniable that we are all slightly different genetically for the better or worse. Black violence and physical coordination are directly linked to their closer lineage to lesser primates. This isn't "white supremacist rhetoric" - it's a very uncomfortable and obvious fact.
All known information also concludes that different hominids existed at the same time, fought each other at times and sometimes mated each other out of existence. The different hominids affected the course of evolution for little slices of time but in the end the train never stops. In a million years all "humans" will be small, white, brainy and hairless.
The leftism movement worldwide has caused humans to cease exploring this topic as a real science. Leftists took over anthropology decades ago (if not more) and made it a politically loaded propaganda movement.
Aesthetics =/= evolutionary progress
It seems rather likely. After all, the protagonists are all indisputably white and the forces of evil are all dark skinned and barbaric.
>ctrl-f neoteny
>0 results
Whites and Asians exhibit varying degrees of neoteny that niggers don't. We're basically bred to look better, while niggers are just beasts.