
>god tier

Anglo Master Race



All for one and one for Allah

israel and singapore should be considered part of the anglo sphere as well


why ? israel is very anglo everyone here speaks english owr road signs are all in english we were under the control of the british crown i don't see why

You are ethnically and religiously Jewish. Not Anglo

then why the canadian gook is consider anglo ?

Canada isn't all Chinese, they're Anglo

"Greetings fellow Anglos"

Typical Jew. Claim to be one of us and wanrs to join so he can then parasite and destroy from the inside. Two faced, Dr. Shekel and Mr. Hyde.

oh vey the goyim know

i have been to canda bearly seen any white anglo sexons they were all niggers indians and gooks

America isn't part of the Anglosphere. They left.
Plus Japan is superior anyway.

Show some compassion to victims of genital mutilation #ForeskinsChangeMinds


Alternate Mexico coming in.

I'm 1/64th German

That make me laugh out loud


You're pretty funny Shlomo.



>fighting for the jew


That's cyrillic, you stupid yank.

Dad are you still mad that I beat you in that yard wrestling (way way way back when) when you were trying to show off?

He was against the wars in Europe, thats why he did not win the elections. Nobody was doing back (Munich agreement)
and they failed to prevent the atrocities. With Mosley Franco Degrelle against Hitler, things would have been much different for humankind.