the price of freddos edition
Other urls found in this thread:
peter hitchens
first for nadiya husseins wifes tits
Actually no...
My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.
Why can't you losers understand that Britain was created for everyone, not just white people?
The amount of bigotry towards Islam in this thread is worse here than anywhere else on the internet.
Pic related
are you that brit who was travelling around yankland?
the bitch on the right has cost almost a trillion pounds in debts and deficits. constant crime. and banned fapping. muh freedumbs. muh sippy cup dup party. muh fuggen yakob bees jogg. muh pig fuckery. strong and stable. who wants an antisemite on the left? certainly not you shills who ruin the board
>brother listens to Stray From the Path
first for NI
No I took the lad in and took him shooting
are you giving your gunz back when drumpf bans them for under 21's?
No. They are god given rights. Perhaps you should be more worried about your halal kfc
> hand slaughtered birds
It's somebody's job to stand there slaughtering chickens by hand all day every day?
stop acknowledging trips you fucking idiot
>muh god
>muh gunz
Shame that didn't stop you from becoming 40% white and the jew capital of the world muttcunt.
>muh reddit spacing
>paying more than 20 cents for a Freddo
How cucked can you get?
what do you care
>reddit spacing
hello r*dditor
user people were using line breaks in online posts years before reddit existed, even on Sup Forums.
>using the euro
you just answered your own question
the fuck is a "cent", is this some kind of third world currency?
thatcher 2.0 fucking sucks
you'd rather appear gay than anerican like me, suffering the flag
stun it slice it
blood drains out and it goes off to be chopped up
probably more human than a machine because if the stun doesn't work he can stun it again
i heard of one halal chicken guy who had his machine blades blessed and played quran through speakers
i think that's true of most first worlders
No I haven't had it happen to me for a couple weeks actually, I just use the flag to get extra (You)s and annoy people who think Sup Forums is only inhabited by heteros and non-degenerates.
>Left Wing
This is what's called a logical fallacy.
I thought the point of halal was that they don't stun it properly, and that's why animal rights autists hated it?
it's french
it's short for centime
it depresses me that we will NEVER have the right to bear arms, and that most "people" in this country are happy about it
>implying hitler wasn't left wing
>animal rights autists hated it
that for big animals
where the normal slaughter method to deliver instant death
Yeah the ecosystem desperately needs reform asap. That's one thing that stops me voting for the Tories, they just don't give a fuck.
This video blew my mind when I first saw it, shows how crucial predators are and how foolhardy we were to kill them all off.
Hitler was right wing
I've seen pakis in headscarves eating in non-halal American fast food chains for years. Halal is just like Kosher, a tax on the goyim. It's just another racket they run.
>gayboi changes his memeflag back to normal
>is Brit
No,surprises there. Most social revolutions tend to happen in Europe while technological ones happen in the US
>gay rights
>Islam acceptance
>industrial revolution
>assembly line
>computers/internet/advanced communication
>military improvements
Classic case
If you buy Halal you support the slow and creeping death that is affecting our butchers.
Halal slaughterhouses take jobs directly out of the hands of non-muslims and place them firmly in the hands of pakis and other assorted goatfuckers.
from what i can remember the animal rights crowd are not keen on machine killed chicken
The worst thing is that even though we have licenses and the ability to get a moderately wide range of guns, they're still all on a license that the government can literally revoke at any time it likes.
I don't understand, what makes a large animal slaughter halal?
>industrial revolution
Those digits are wasted on you.
I thought you could at least own an air rifle, and shotguns/deer rifles if you're a land owner? Don't know much about it though
In general I'm just a bit pissed off at how the average BritRoach seems to think rights are handed down from the Government, as opposed to being something inherent to us.
We're just creating a population of weasels.
The lack of a First Amendment is what really irritates me the most. I guess the Second is vital for the First.
I’ve actually seen them live mate
The animal rights crowd are okay with it if it's done by a non-White.
grim ,poor euroes
please help some mutt bit me i dont feel well
I have a water pistol ...
halal slaughter say the only way you're allowed to kill an animal for food is to cut the artery in the throat so it quickly passes out from blood loss
actually quite a good instruction
you will never be half way through skinning your cow and have it recover from the 'killing' blow to gave it with your mallet
Got fuck all planned this weekend lads, mates have bailed on going for a night out and my gf is at a hen party
Might just drop a tab of acid and use up the rest of my k tomorrow desu
>air rifle
Basically just a toy unless you're in Scotland.
Certificate is easy to get, all you need to do is go clay shooting really, but it'll only be a regular single or double barrel, or a pump action with a magazine of 2 (so your max is 2+1).
FAC isn't even that difficult either, you just need to dedicate time and become a member of a target shooting gun club or hunt or something and ask for reasonable rifles. FAC also means that you can add shotguns that are over magazine of 2 (including semi autos). If you can convince the police of why you should own one, you can legally get a .50 calibre rifle.
Obviously countryside anons will have a much easier time of all this than anyone else, though, and it helps if you live in rural small towns where you know or can be connected with the police.
>He let his gf go out on a hen party
user... I...
>taking acid at one in the morning
All I can say is wew.
True and they are considering bringing back wolves into Scotland, England is sinply too crowded, would need something like a global pandemic or an Ice age for there to ever be wolves or wild boar to be reintroduced into the UK. The Tories are just being logical, they are the most NIMBY party by far and would keep the UK a green and pleasant land better than the Green Party would through sheer greed. Labour just wants to concrete the entire Soyth and get rid of the parks in Lindonistan especially to house their nigger voting block.
yeah i have an air rifle but i'm not really sure that counts
yeah, i fundamentally agree.
people in this country just don't care about rights or liberty whatsoever.
personally i think it stems from our diabolical education system. kids aren't taught properly about our own history, and how hard our ancestors fought for liberty.
people make fun of american education for only focusing on american history, but at least they grow up understanding how important their constitutional rights are.
all we seem to be taught about our own history is how awful we were and how it is shameful.
people just have no national pride whatsoever and are seemingly proud of it too. it used to infuriate me, but i've come to terms with it recently and i agree with peter hitchens calling the UK a dead country.
Start buying guns.
Yeah but you can fuck that up in a number of ways, it's not going to be as reliable as a bolt through the brain stem.
Stop making this post in every fucking thread.
Did you start buying them or not?
Na I’ll drop it tomorrow about 4:00 I’ll be here to keep you lads updated
Tfw you have been taught all your life to question authority but it’s going against the status quo
mini pie kebabs
i don't know if suse is a genius or just mad
Is this how you pronounce Leceister City?
>kids aren't taught properly about our own history, and how hard our ancestors fought for liberty.
This is actually a good point, I don't remember studying the English Civil War or any British revolution or struggle until at least secondary school, and even then it was more based around the evolution of the English state. I was never taught about the Peasants' Revolt at school.
I was, however, extensively taught about the US civil rights movement. Weird huh?
Honestly couldn't imagine dropping acid to sit on brit/pol/, that sounds miserable.
So they stun it and do that and it feels no pain? What do the animal rights people screech about then?
i'm sure if mohamed had a bolt gun he would have said to use it
Does this thumbnail make anyone else chuckle? Ignoring the seriousness of it of course...
No. Leicester is two syllables, remove the middle one you said.
no you pronounce it like this:
No. It’s “lie-Chester”
>implying i'm going to let the police search my home just to buy a gun
say worcestershire
i'd love to say yes
but seeing people taking hitchens seriously fills me with dread
dumb frogposter
They'll only look at the gun safe and the room it's in, you don't have to worry about them finding your anime nonce porn collection and bodypillows.
>seeing people taking hitchens seriously fills me with dread
user you must have misread it, the thumbnail is about Peter Hitchens, not Christopher.
Like this?
The ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka
Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom
Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun
Poom, poom, you dun know
>not willing to spend half an hour chatting to a police officer and show him your safe.
Your loss I guess
>meme flag
>dares call anyone else "dumb frogposter"
it's not "anime nonce porn" i'm concerned about, its the shit ton of hate speech kept on my bookshelf
>This is actually a good point
americans don't have more freedom than us by magic. they are all made aware of their rights from a young age and therefore defend them in adulthood.
95% of people in this country do not understand WHY the Second Amendment exists - their entire thought process is "wtf why do you need guns, americans are crazy haha".
in a similar vein, a surprising number of "people" in this country support 'hate speech' laws without even giving a single thought to the importance of freedom of speech.
stuff like this makes me believe we're getting everything we deserve
Na I just chill on Sup Forums for the come up, I have hundreds of images of art I’ve saved over the years so I usually just flick through those whilst listening to music. That and I always walk to the cathedral and castle.
this is how civilisations fall, nobody objects, nobody comments, nobody is interested. Until it's too late
Like this.
you sound like you're saying leicestershire badly
What if you live your mum? Asking for a friend
Wew lad, how bad are we talking exactly?
>stuff like this makes me believe we're getting everything we deserve
We are, yeah, enjoy the blackpill and find the humour in the absurdity where you can.
Aslong as you have the permission of whoever owns the property, be it your mother or landlord, its fine.
show us your bum
i have like 15 copies of mein kampf.
That’s what I wanted to hear
Are the Remainers weaponising Syrian refugees to try and disassociate 'immigration' from the European Union, in an attempt to keep us in the EU? Or is Amber Rudd just another Globalist cunt?
>However, after a trip to Lebanon, Amber Rudd claims she will consider upping that figure to welcome many more. Ms. Rudd said: “20,000 is definitely achievable by 2020, and I hope that we may get there earlier than that in fact. At the moment I am consulting with stakeholders and really engaging with other departments to decide what we should have to replace that when we go forward after 2020.”