
Is democracy the best form of government?

Why or why not?

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Yes because the people have more control
No because people are dumb.

it's the least bad

in a perfect scenario an oligarchy full of competent people who had the countries best interest's in mind sounds good to me but that seems hard to do since people are self motivated and nepotism would eventually cause a retard to get a position of power.

Fascism is the best form of government.

The happiest countries on the planet employ Democratic Socialism.


monarchism yo


it isnt perfect, but its the best we got,

if it aint broke dont fix it.



It is broke. Democracy is fully subject to those who control the media. You win the media, you win the elections, most of the time. When all news outlets are Jewish owned, there is reason to be concerned. All these faggots embracing the cult of democracy; there is no better way to fragment a people and bring a nation to decline.
Clerical fascism is my choice, desu

Democracy is broke

Is democracy good?

Are you Jewish? If yes, then good. If no go next.
Are you anyone else? Kill it with fire.

Yes because it gives people power and freedom.

No because it divides the people.

It's shit. It assumes people are rational and they are not. Also, the rulers are divorced from the people and nation. Whats worse is that with the illusion of meritocracy that accompanies democracy, said rulers believe they have earned the right to rule and hold those beneath them in contempt. "If I can pull myself up why can't they?"

Democracy is the belief that people are inherently equally worthy in some sense of ruling themselves. It arises from various social and economic situations like pre-existent power balance between the citizens and its ruling class.

People in democracies believe it is the best form of governance, and that everything else is totalitarian hell. Democracy does offer some benefits such as peaceful transfer of power, and prevents civil wars and violent revolutions between the various tribes of a people. But such benefits are bought

* by having wasteful 24-hour propagandistic manipulation of citizens especially during elections, and
* by having excessive bureaucratic inertia
* by having wasteful spending from the public treasury that benefits people who would have been the ruling elite had there been no democracy.

Historically democracies have been very rare. Democracy is the exception rather than the norm in history. The athenian democracy for example, happened due to power balance between citizen soldiers and the ruling class in peloponnesian wars. The roman democracy is an example of how most democracies end during times of difficulty when one person (i.e. the ruler or the president) is allowed to suspend democracy and rule by whim instead of by law. This is necessary because laws can only govern foreseeable scenarios and during unforeseeable scenarios like wars, dictators are necessary to rule by whim so that normality can be restored and laws reinstated. However, usually dictators never give up control even after reinstating laws.

how is democracy only good for Jews?

This; it is why I believe unity will always outlive diversity, political diversity included
Own the means to sway people, own the means to sway the government

government is ultimately a necessary evil. One day humans will be intelligent enough to need very little government.

"Democracy destroys the unity of the Rumanian nation, dividing it among political parties, making Rumanians hate one another, and thus exposing a divided people to the united congregation of Jewish power at a difficult time in the nation's history. This argument alone is so persuasive as to warrant the discarding of democracy in favor of anything that would ensure our unity--or life itself. For disunity means death." - Corneliu Z. Codreanu.

This user gets it. Codreanu is right.

It's stable but inefficient.

Been reading his book "For my Legionarres"
Excellent read, very fashy. Describes how the political movement developed.
If you haven't read it anons, download the pdf

I've bought and read it myself, only a month ago. He is an electrifying writer as well as a public figure.

"To permit irresponsible authority is to sow disaster; to hold a man responsible for anything he does not control is to behave with blind idiocy. The unlimited democracies were unstable because their citizens were not responsible for the fashion in which they exerted their sovereign authority . . . other than through the tragic logic of history. The unique 'poll tax' that we must pay was unheard of. No attempt was made to determine whether a voter was socially responsible to the extent of his literally unlimited authority. If he voted the impossible, the disastrous possible happened instead—and responsibility was then forced on him willy-nilly and destroyed both him and his foundationless temple."

Only those who understand how to wield power deserve to exercise it. Those with greater power must be kept in check with more severe punishment.

Pros of Democracy:
>can to a certain extent, and more so than some ways of government, represent the people's morals and beliefs
>can elect powerful and efficient leaders when the eternal schlomo isn't scheming

Cons of Democracy:
>divides the people
>never is a "democracy" truly democratic, most often using a system in which corrupt representatives "represent" their views
>usually shitty voting systems
>often prone to infighting
>lets the retards and uneducated twats with nothing but (((media))) "insight" vote, further helping schlomo
>as a result of corruption, often will the heads state be heartless, unlikable and shitty leaders who do nothing but participate in buerocracy

The best government is to have an AI dictator.

Democracy is just a fancy word for mob rule. Socrates understood this as the common man is astoundingly ignorant, even more so in an era with unprecedented access to information. Only those willing to die for the nation-state deserve a say in how it's run. Those who only seek a full belly, a wench and a hut are animals that must be cared for by those who understand higher ideals (and likewise punished for breaking them)

You probably are someone with no idea how to code. The programmer is paramount to the AI's disposition and goals. I would rather die than live under an AI dictator programmed by the current world elite.

Statistically speaking, your vote does not count.